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Army Thread Sunday 24th February

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    Army Thread Sunday 24th February


    Been up since 3am. Got lots to do today...housework, switching house insurer, shopping etc and I'm not much in the mood for any of it. It's cold as well...roll on the spring.

    And on that cheerful(!) note I'll wish you all a peaceful and restful Sunday.

    Army Thread Sunday 24th February

    Good morning Reccie and all to come.

    Shopping is on my agenda too, Reccie. Just need a big mug of coffee before I get going.
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Army Thread Sunday 24th February

      Good morning Reccie and Mr T and all who follow :wavin:

      Reccie sounds like ya didnt get much sleep, hope ye can get a snooze later x

      Good luck with the shoppin both of ye

      Of to workies soon for me,

      Have a lovely Sunday all


        Army Thread Sunday 24th February

        Morning Reccie and Tipps. Very cold and frosty here too i wish we had the spring weather back again we did have but it changed to this. More snow forecast for today. No plans as such depends how the weather is in the afternoon. Oh i'm dog sitting for a neighbor across the road she's off to Birmingham to visit family for 3 days so i just have to go over and feed the dogs and walk them once a day. Have a lovely sunday whatever your plans. You sound a bit down Reccie hope all is well. Oh i got some housework to finish too didn't get my bedroom and the hall and living room floors need to be washed and clean the Guinea pig cage and feed her. :snowflake::cupajoe:


          Army Thread Sunday 24th February

          Morning Sweetpea have a good day.


            Army Thread Sunday 24th February

            Hewwo Reccy, Tipps, Sweetpea and Foxy... X

            A middle of the night prowl going on here. And about to re-assume normal sleeping position shortly. "Who's Shortly" yiz may well ask...

            Been a hectic couple of days... it's quite amazing the adventures one can get up to in "recovery"... heh heh... all good though. ) It's great to be out and about amongst the mayhem that constitutes real people and real lives... that crap in the bars is so feckin fake... nowt like the real deal.

            I know I haven't been posting as much... I've had a lot going on. Some good, some not so good, but I'm starting to weed out the good from the bad and discard what I don't want. Sounds bloody selfish and, ya know what, it IS! *snigger* In a good way of course...

            Anyway, I hope all is good in the hood. I'm going to have a wee squinty at the boards till I fall back to sleep and try and catch up. Big huggy things to yis all... :l


              Army Thread Sunday 24th February

              Morning Barmy army

              Just having a brew - rugby with the kids AGAIN this morning - I hope gods keeping score of all the brownie points I'm earning !!!

              Zenners - loving the pma - can yer post some to me ???

              Laters gaters x
              Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                Army Thread Sunday 24th February

                Hey there Mollers... )

                It's Sunday... why bother shifting yerself... I know I have zero intentions of being over zealous of a Sunday. I cottoned onto this "being good to yerself" gig at IOP and I'm milking it for what it's worth! (Ignoring the rest of the scuttle that means hard work... but this bit sounds good...)


                  Army Thread Sunday 24th February

                  Quest for the key;1468178 wrote:
                  Zenners - loving the pma - can yer post some to me ???

                  Laters gaters x
                  Marnin' Questy!

                  Scratching me noggin... PMA... Feck, if I have enough of it sure I'll post it to yer (once I find out what the feck it is...) Pumas? Nope... got none.


                    Army Thread Sunday 24th February

                    Zenstyle;1468181 wrote: Marnin' Questy!

                    Scratching me noggin... PMA... Feck, if I have enough of it sure I'll post it to yer (once I find out what the feck it is...) Pumas? Nope... got none.

                    Positive mental attitude :H

                    Pumas ? :H
                    Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                      Army Thread Sunday 24th February

                      Quest for the key;1468182 wrote: :H:H

                      Positive mental attitude :H

                      Pumas ? :H
                      Ooooohhhhh!!!! LMAO! I saw some Puma shoes and liked the look of them but no way was I springing the dosh for them. Guess they've been gnawing at my psyche!! :H


                        Army Thread Sunday 24th February

                        Morning all, weather looks horrid in not so sunny Derbyshire. Managed to get back to bed with tea and Tablet (awkward to type on but never mind) I won'tbe allowed long tough, just heard the dog get off his sofa, strretch and take his position at the bottom of the stairs ready to demand a,walk, if only labradors would feel the cold.

                        Have a good 'un!
                        AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                          Army Thread Sunday 24th February

                          Hi Zen Molly questy and Spiderwoman. Got back in to bed also its very cold. Think i'll stay here for another while as i don't have to go out. Fed the guinea pig and cleaned out the cage and also fed cats. One's in the other is out. Just have tv on and might have another coffee. Your doing well Zen wit the therpies etc i know it can be intensive. Have a good sunday.


                            Army Thread Sunday 24th February

                            Yoo Hoo Spiderwoman and Foxy Loxy!

                            Tablet... isn't that hard fudge Spiderwoman? ;o)

                            Foxy... Is the guinea pig difficult to look after? And are the cats getting along fine with it? Jingos... mine would be giving it waaaay to much attention methinks!!! Apart from that, is all well? x


                              Army Thread Sunday 24th February

                              Its the editing gets me Zenners - need more practice :H
                              AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:

