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Binge Drinkers

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    Binge Drinkers

    I don,t drink everyday,but the devastation still goes on as one drink is never ever enough for me. I binge every 3 to 4 days W/E are the worst with everyone hitting the booze like there is no tomorrow!! I have been driven crazy trying to mod. Just doesn,t work for me and I think for most people around here. I just CAN,T drink anymore. Started AB today.


      Binge Drinkers


      Never one to shy away from a good debate, and certainly no disrespect intended----

      A "huge build-up of stress" as a reason for a weekly binge? With this logic I'm afraid that dealing with what is known as life is the real "reason"

      I agree (mostly) about the spectrum of alcohol "disorders" but I guess the disagreement is what to do about it. What you call it is irrelevant. What you label as a reason is irrelevant.

      I have a high tech stressful job every day. My "huge build-up of stress" by Friday afternoon used to lead me to a pub. Now it leads me to a walk in the woods. But that's my choice. There's addiction and there is also personal accountability.

      Stress and alcohol abuse connection? That's an excuse


        Binge Drinkers

        For me, the weekly binge would result because I would feel terrible most of the week and by the time the following Saturday had come I felt fine.

        I would always be the last one out, doing stupid things, being places on my own and spending stupid amounts of money. Excessive drinking makes me less sociable. The only time I would be sociable is when I was blind drunk and wouldn't remember it. It's almost like alcohol increases my anxiety and therefore I have to get past a point when I am number to my own sensations


          Binge Drinkers

          Ann Carolina;1503070 wrote: A book called Controlling your Drinking would do me as much good as a paper weight as it would for education
          I love this analogy Ann, not only did it make me laugh :H but it is very,very true!
          On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


            Binge Drinkers

            nancy;1502782 wrote: The book Controlling your drinking by Munoz and Miller is good. .
            Don't mention ... Miller ... That's BEER!


              Binge Drinkers

              I am also a binge drinker. I can remember the first time I got drunk, I may have been 12 or 13 and it was from Sherry at the Christmas dinner table. My parents offered me a little bit to try and I liked it so much I kept sneaking it until I was drunk. I remember stumbling around upstairs in bliss bumping into everything and then falling asleep. I don't think the habit started then though, I definitely went out and drank too much when I was at college between the ages of 16 and 20 and I used to sneak drinks from my parent's drinks cabinet - I didn't really care what it was. The first time I can remember having a regular habit was when I was about 20, I would get a bit drunk twice a week, and if I wasn't going to the Student Union playing pool with a friend, I would just buy some beer and a bottle of wine and play the guitar or watch TV while getting drunk. This continued pretty steadily until I was about 35 when I quit my safe and boring Software Engineering job and embarked on a career as a Consultant. Although I didn't find this job 'difficult' as such in most ways this did involve a lot of travelling, working from home and also very irregular work patterns and more pressure. So then What was 1 bottle of wine and 2-4 beers twice a week started turning into 2-3 day binges with up to and sometime over a bottle of 75cl vodka a night. Because I was working from home I sometimes although only occasionally continued the following morning or lunch time. I then met my fiance who had/has a lot of emotional problems and this provided more stress to fuel the drinking. So now I live together with my wife and I was back to drinking once or twice a week. I kept it to once a week for quite a while pretty successfully but I was still drinking a lot that night - up to or over a bottle of Vodka. I have to say that I've never actually gotten so drunk I was incapable, although sometimes I find if I drink a lot and then smoke a cigarette it seems to multiply my drunkness by about 10 times and I stagger around like a totally drunk person for a few minutes. I also rarely do anything I am particularly embarrassed about. I certainly do and say things I would never so when I was sober, but when I think about them afterwards I often just find them harmlessly funny and generally agree with the things I said. Being drunk just makes me more honest than usual.

