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You're not going to believe this...

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    You're not going to believe this...

    Those of you who helped me on the Perspective Thread the other night and who have followed a bit if my struggle with my kids Music/ song/dance Studio teacher / owner will understand this a bit better- So last night I was watching the girl's performances fro their school talent show on my IPad Matt was recording for me as a Camera backup...and I notice there is an additional video at the end of the camera Roll which is all black but you can clearly hear us getting ready to leave the school, me talking to some of the parents etc...

    Well, guess what else you hear?? That's right! You hear the ENTIRE altracation with that horrible woman..her screaming at me, at my children crying...

    Fuck oh dear :wow:

    I have so many thoughts/ visions going around in my head...edit the audio (I used to be a video editor BTW...) send it to all the students...keep it as insurance against any more of her insane behavior...delete it and just be done...Post it on YouTube- that's what I would love to do but don't know the legal implications of doing that....

    My real point in telling you all this is oddly enough I am really proud of myself for not drinking over this :goodjob: But I am concerned that if I fool with the audio, spend time listening to that toxic episode, I might not be so strong in my resolve. And that would truly suck:upset:

    Would once again appreciate perspective, advice. I feel empowered by having this audio but I don't want it to derail me...

    Hugs and heart, :l. :h
    On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
    *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest

    You're not going to believe this...

    Kradle, think very carefully about the consequences of any revenge or justice your anger wants to dole out. I say that because it can come back and hurt you or those you love. If you do choose that route, take heed of this quote.

    "Revenge is best served cold."

    Only you can decide what will give you peace of mind or what you feel is warranted and justified, but I'm going to attach some pictures to ponder in your decision. I hope you can see them all. Don't let the external punish the internal.:l:h

    It took awhile to understand the beauty
    of just letting go

    "Forgiveness is not forgetting an injustice done; it is the understanding that allows us to set aside the emotional impact of that injustice pertaining to ourselves. When we no longer hold those emotions, and have understanding for the person, we have forgiven them."

    - Moon Singer



    Edit: With the above, I am going to court Thursday on my DV situation. It's a very personal decision, but be sure you find peace with the decision you make. It will give you strength so you don't turn the turmoil against yourself. Attached files [img]/converted_files/2061787=7402-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/2061787=7434-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/2061787=7435-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/2061787=7401-attachment.jpg[/img]
    Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


      You're not going to believe this...

      Kradle, I read all that happened - not nice at all! But, I would do nothing if I were you. Lest said, soonest mended. You know who and what you are and so does your family - that is all that matters. Pity her - she has a lot to learn....
      Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


        You're not going to believe this...

        Darn lost my post. Kradle, while I know some of the situation, I of course do not know all nor do I have your personal perspective.

        First if you have any desire to keep the incriminating portion of the recording, you best check out your privacy laws regarding rights and permission of the recorded party.

        IF you believe there is a strong possibility of a repeat performance by the crazy lady, you might want to send it to her with some verbage about this is why you are putting her on notice to stay completely away from you and your family.

        You could let her know you have filed a copy with a legal professional or police for future evidence if she ignores your notice.

        You could also leave your copy with a trusted source to avoid temptation to regurgitate and cause indigestion whereby you seek "medicine". lol

        Other than that forgive for your own peace.
        Psalms 119:45

        ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

        St. Francis of Assisi

        I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



          You're not going to believe this...


          WOw that is funny.

          I KNOW that to forgive is divine, but I would be tempted to send it to her and say that naybe she should listen to it and re-evaluate her priorites.

          And maybe mention that it was totally an inadvertent recording.


            You're not going to believe this...

            inadvertent or not....Kradle you do not want to be slammed with a liable suit for invasion of privacy or some such.

            Just wanted to correct my presumptive statement above. I "think" you do not want to be ....blah blah.
            Psalms 119:45

            ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

            St. Francis of Assisi

            I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



              You're not going to believe this...

              Hiya Kradle,

              For me, and since you asked, i would delete it and totally let it go and move on (unless there are injuries of some sort where you need legal intervention).

              Let the universe take care of the karma. Today is another beautiful day full of possibilities for you and yours. Delete ALL negative thinking. What a waste of your precious time and a drain of your precious energy. It will open that door to booze. Stay positive, be emotionally as level as possible, and be happy at all costs.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                You're not going to believe this...

                Hey Kradle. You poor thing! I feel for you!

                Advice: Keep the audio tape as is, in case. Other than that, do nothing. Be the bigger person. Always be the bigger person.
                Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                  You're not going to believe this...

                  Dear Kradle,

                  First off very glad you didn't pick up!.

                  I would keep the video, back it up. Never destroy evidence, you never know when you might need it later. You could send it to her as a warning to leave your family alone. Just in case you run into her again, like the other night. Maybe she needs to know your a woman who's not going to put up with her abuse!... Since she was accusing you of going off the other night when it was really her. However, it could backfire & she may get riled up. Starting bigger things, causing more stress. I doubt you want that.

                  Maybe discuss with other parents who've left her. Civil action. Word is getting out about her. She's likely running scared & should be. She's going down, by her own choices. Losing clients. We all know how that go's if we continue to drink to much!... We make bad choices that affect us & our precious families.

                  You could let her know that you are being kind, but not contacting your attorney. Here's the the thing tho, because you didn't take any of your family members that I'm aware of to your family physician, counselor to document emotional pain which may have caused physical ailments. It's likely defamation isn't warranted either.

                  I think analyzing the risks & benefits, then taking time out to let emotions settle before making decisions, getting others inputs, writing it out... All helps in the decision making process.

                  All in all, I'd keep the video. Please don't keep looking at it, as your anger may then grow... Time to Chant? Take some more time before making a decision. Give it a rest. Then move on.... Forgiveness takes time..... You just saw her again, it's all still fresh. You've changed studios so hopefully this will eliminate future encounters with her.

                  She's experiencing some of her own consequences..... Yes, karma's a bitch....

                  Oh Mrs. W. who was our youngest daughters 1st grade teacher back in the day, put her hands around our daughter's throat. Also would humiliate these poor kids by standing in front of class & hold a paper of how bad & stupid their work was. Then hold my kids up saying how wonderful hers was. After the incident. I had to talk to her again. She disagreed with me. Back into the office I went. She was friends with the principal. I reminded them I didn't sue you, the incident has been documented at our daughters Pediatrician. The school psychologist backed me up.

                  I went to the principal, school psychologist. She's lucky I didn't sue..... I had to talk to her f2f, she cried, apologized over & over.... She was moved to the library two yrs later. I found out later she ended up getting fired.... Karma, it takes care of it's self.... Then there's the Serenity Prayer until Karma happens.

                  You will make the correct decision..... This I'm sure of..... I know you will find peace. :l :h


                    You're not going to believe this...

                    I only can say that I'm proud of you and nothing is so bad that a drink won't make it worse! Stay strong and let me see if I can make you smile? :alf:inkele::band2::alf:
                    Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
           Newbies Nest
           Tool Box
           How to get a sobriety plan


                      You're not going to believe this...

                      Oh I forgot to say I understand wanting to put it on u-tube, but plz don't honey. Repercussions ~ karma......... It's not worth it honey. It's OK to be as mad as a hornets nest. Feel all of it, but try not to act out on your feelings.

                      Are there any Art Academic Business Associations that you can report her behavior to? Sorry can't remember if somebody mentioned this.

                      We don't know how emotionally stable or unstable this woman is? Other things going on behind the scenes in her life... Who she knows, how deep her pockets are, etc.

                      I know it's likely to much to ask right now for you to show compassion..... I know your a very smart woman & you will do the next right thing.....

                      Maybe Happy Hippy can make ya smile. There have been days, I've smiled vicariously thru him. Don't forget the Feck It Thread.


                        You're not going to believe this...

                        I wish there ten of me to hug you all. :groupluv: ynalways come to my resue...
                        Haven't posted because I am still struggling - anger, bitterness, trauma, helplessness.. I know intellectually everything you all counsel is true regarding rest won't, compassion, letting go- (Slay thank you for all your pics- they truly helped )

                        I am keeping the video, absolutely but as you say WF, I shoulnt look at much. But this woman went after my kids anasbyou parents all know, all bets are off when people do that- mama bear emerges big time... :bat. I agree WF that putting together a short email to her alerting her to the tapes existence and my intention to get a restraining order if she approaches me or my children.. I wont put it on you tube, I promise. To much of a risk of a civil suit and though she used to go on and on about how broke she was, I think her parents are bank rolling her...lawyers cost even if you are in the right...

                        MR. G. I want badly to expel all the negative. I do. You work in the arts and you know how shitty people can be but she pulled my kids into this and she really raked Matt over the coals. So much of what she does is simply manipulation- still, as I say, my children make it very hard to be Doris Day, Kay C'era C' least not yet my friend.

                        I wanted to drink tonight very much. But I worked out, watched the girls musical theatre class- I love bushel and a peck!! And am now snuggled in bed with all the kids plus hubs safe and sound.
                        So I will give this more thought. I won't do anything stupid or rash and. But most importantly I want to see how I handle this without AL...

                        Hugs and heart to everyone . Sleep well,

                        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
               tool box
               newbie nest


                          You're not going to believe this...

                          Sorry for my typos...Sedona is pushing me out of the bed. Didn't proofread properly
                          On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                          *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
                 tool box
                 newbie nest

