I think we are going for the BTEC in ICT and possibly either the BTEC in sport or a GCSE in catering. THere is an evening tomorrow night where we can go and chat to the teachers about choices but he doesn't have any, opinions or questions, so I'll have to do the talking and find out which courses would be most suitable and enjoyable for him
No announcement yet.
Army Thread Tuesday 26th February
Army Thread Tuesday 26th February
pingu1997;1469622 wrote: not a clue, he's young for his year (group) and immature and not very bright either
I think we are going for the BTEC in ICT and possibly either the BTEC in sport or a GCSE in catering. THere is an evening tomorrow night where we can go and chat to the teachers about choices but he doesn't have any, opinions or questions, so I'll have to do the talking and find out which courses would be most suitable and enjoyable for him
Army Thread Tuesday 26th February
satz123;1469615 wrote: Quick jump in to share this :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6keUdzwFCHU&playnext=1&list=PL8019B298227F FA51&feature=results_main[/video]]Manflu - The Truth - YouTubeGod love him, thanks for sharing!
Hope all ye ladies wit husbands appreciate how they suffer, i will just count me blessings that its not something i need worry about:H
Army Thread Tuesday 26th February
Funny old afternoon. One of the clients was off his face and too scared to go home in case he got a thumping from his next door neighbour. Got to the stage we were taking it shifts just talking to him. He wasn't violent or anything just going over and over the same thing again and again and again. Mmmmmmm I wonder what that reminds me of.
Have to say my boss has the fecking patience of a saint. I just kept nipping out onto the fire escape for a ciggie.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009