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Army Thread Tuesday 26th February

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    Army Thread Tuesday 26th February

    Yes they are. Very powerful viewing.

    Re rose tinted spectacles: funny how we look to the past to find something we thought was good to bring something (we think might be) nice to today... as opposed to looking to tomorrow to find something we think might be good and to use today to make that manifest...


      Army Thread Tuesday 26th February

      KTAB;1469802 wrote: Hi Mrs A & Limers.
      You should watch the series Limers, takes any glamourous thoughts we have about 'our drinking' and places them squarely where they belong. Its strong stuff.
      Tabbers miss you loads! Will you be at the Dublin meetup?


        Army Thread Tuesday 26th February

        Learned behavours & wanting to trigger the reward centre in the brain subconsciously make us seek out those memories of what gave us pleasure in the past RC, irrelevant of whether those memories are distorted or not. And my oh my just how distorted are the memories of someone who drank to blackout with consummate ease most weeks for years on end.
        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


          Army Thread Tuesday 26th February

          anon;1469805 wrote: Tabbers miss you loads! Will you be at the Dublin meetup?
          If I can stay sober Mrs A.
          I wont be there if I cant get a handle on this, it would be most disrespectful of me.
          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


            Army Thread Tuesday 26th February

            Was out to dinner with work - noice - bill 260 squid :shocked: and that was an early bird - but Mollers Joe seems to have made a better one :goodjob:
            How'd he learn to cook like that Molls and of a Tuesda ???


              Army Thread Tuesday 26th February

              Time for me leaba folks so nighters x

              KTAB - thanks for sharing and hope to see more of ya about here


                Army Thread Tuesday 26th February

                Lovely to have spent the evening in your company Sweetpea.
                Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                  Army Thread Tuesday 26th February

                  KTAB;1469811 wrote: If I can stay sober Mrs A.
                  I wont be there if I cant get a handle on this, it would be most disrespectful of me.
                  I would be so fed up if ou did not make it:upset: But that is about ME! I was so pleased to meet you last time.


                    Army Thread Tuesday 26th February

                    noiters chickpea :hallo: ya workin early th'morrow?


                      Army Thread Tuesday 26th February

                      anon;1469817 wrote: I would be so fed up if ou did not make it:upset: But that is about ME! I was so pleased to meet you last time.
                      I just want tae meet the Tabber in the flesh...

                      achully that goes for the lot of youse!


                        Army Thread Tuesday 26th February

                        Just popped in to have a quick lurk when I saw this.

                        KTAB;1469811 wrote: If I can stay sober Mrs A.
                        I wont be there if I cant get a handle on this, it would be most disrespectful of me.
                        You'll be there if I have to pick you up and carry you. It just wouldn't be a meet up without it working, laying on a gigantic guilt trip or do I have to work harder.

                        I'll be bacinabit after CSI.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Army Thread Tuesday 26th February

                          mollyka;1469821 wrote: I'm strealing in here at the end of really interesting posts - and I know the above was directed to Tabs - but if I could put my tuppence worth in

                          I've had several quits - ranging from 3 months to 6 months - and I never consciously set out to drink, but in hindsight, there was always a 'proviso' - or a 'reason' why I quit in the first place other than the simple plain fact that I'm an alcoholic. the first quit I had was my longest, that was 6 months, and it was for my health. It came after a two year stint of mad drinking, once my health and liver function tests were normal - there WAS no other reason NOT to drink. Subsequent quits were almost all for other people, mainly Joe - we would have rows about my drinking - week/month long silences that were so painful I'd rather he had hit me - when all was rosy in the garden --- I drank.
                          This time it is from the core of my being simple as that. I was going to explain that, but as I write it, I know I don't have to - it is as simple as that.
                          Doesn't mean I'm sober tomorrow, next month, next year --- I dunno what they will bring - but today I'm happily and contentedly sober - for me - and that's all that counts for me
                          Thank you molls. Aye although i asked Tabbers, it was a question for anyone who has experience either of a) longer term sobriety b) longer term sobriety and a relapse/s and c)anyone who just wanted to add their tuppence worth.

                          For me this quit wasn't for my health - inasmuch as the doc saying i need to or summat like that - nor was it for anyone else... cos as I say no one was complaining about it (well not to my face... and actually prolly not away from it either). So i suppose it is simply for me that I am doing this. Achully... I know it's simply for me - for health of body, mind, spirit soul what have you... But as you say Molls we don't know what tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow brings... I'm just new. Still cultivating my field of sobriety, as it were.


                            Army Thread Tuesday 26th February

                            Rightho errrr thats me told so......
                            Okay dogs doing Piddledance so I am going to take them out and then take myself to the pit. Night lovely people.
                            Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                              Army Thread Tuesday 26th February

                              Night Tabbers - thanks again for the convo, all good stuff and much appreciated.

                              You too Molls! And yes - Molls and JC please do make sure Mr Tab comes to the big smog.

                              Off to read me book.


                                Army Thread Tuesday 26th February

                                Oh goody, so we've managed to persuade KTabbers to make appearance.

                                Thought I'd better pop by with some tea and toast for Runners.

                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

