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Just one of those days

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    Just one of those days

    I didn't drink last night. Yay! I am tired, cranky and miserable. I felt this way since I woke up this morning. Sometimes it gets better. Today is not one of those days. All I can say is that I am happy that I have 3 days AF.

    Just one of those days

    Awwwww's a bit like that isn't it?? Some days you're on top of the globe...others, for some reason, you sink lower than a hippo in quicksand.....

    That's life though.....unbloodyfortunately......Good on you for recognising that there WILL be ups and downs though, and still having the good sense to recognise and celebrate your AF days!!! When I first went AF...I felt tlike a bag of crap, and thought....'is it worth it????'....I just presumed I'd automatically have a party life 24/7 because I was sober!!!

    You are more realistic than I obviously......congrats on the days building up..and the good attitude......keep hold of this my friend, it's the thing that'll keep you going.

    well done Jace :h


      Just one of those days

      Weemelon, Thanks for the encouragement...... I feel like a bag of crap at the moment.

      Damn Supervisor is ruling the roost again on one of her power trips and I can truly do with out that right now.

      I am so happy being Af as I have been struggling for years with that. I am finally putting an effort into this. I just hate these awful mood swings.


        Just one of those days

        3 days is awesome Jacy. Don't let that supervisor get you down, you are doing great.
        Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


          Just one of those days

          I am having a bad day too....wanna meet for happy hour...J/K of course. Some days are a true struggle, but when I make it through I am so happy the next day......


            Just one of those days

            Jacy, I had a supervisor like that who would send me right over the edge. Just think of your accomplishments. I used to go to my "happy place" when I would get stressed which is sitting on the beach in the you know where my avatar comes from. Just take a deep breath. It will get better. I know some days it may not seem that way but it will. Take Care
            By the way I was once told that I had two choice to either stay or leave with that job and I stayed for 7 years then ended up leaving and finding a new job. That supervisor I had was a nightmare but I learned so much from him about everything I would NOT be.
            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


              Just one of those days


              Your right 3 days is awsome. When I think back to where I couldn't go a day without it let alone think about it.



                Just one of those days


                hee hee... just for a brief moment I had to smile.

                When the day is over hopefully I will feel better especially if I can say I am AF today.

                thanks :thanks:


                  Just one of those days

                  Jacy you will feel better. your body is cranking a shedload of garbage out of its system. be proud of yourself. are you taking the supps? they REALLY help. don't fight this battle without the weapons - totally unecessary suffering... i did it that way to start with = PAIN!! am now a full MWO convert. I rattle with the pills but it is way way easier.

                  Good luck. K


                    Just one of those days



                      Just one of those days


                      Good Job! The first few days can be really hard, but you did it. Congrats on 3 days abs.

                      cool: Brandy

