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Ticks me off!
Ticks me off!
There so many people in this world with altering, nasty habits. I am by no means down-playing alcoholism or problem drinking, but it really ticks me off when someone that smokes 2-3 packs a day has something negative to say about my habit. Their will-power is no stronger than mine and they are effecting my health, the health of those around well as their own. I have never smoked a cigarette. Never once....but, I can out-drink many grown men. Just because smoking is ACCEPTABLE doesn't give someone the right to think their habit is less destructive. I have known several people that NEVER smoked in their life, but their partner did and they are the one with lung problems due to second hand smoke. Now if someone ran over their partner because they were drunk it would be murder..... So, my point matter what your habit is, it is still a sign of weakness so don't judge others. Unless, of course, you are perfect!Tags: None
Ticks me off!
TOC, I know the sort of ticks me off that my six siblings have far worse drinking habits then me, three of them smoke like chimneys, but since I've always tried to control my addictions, I'm the designated alcoholic and I've been completely 'sober' for at least 15 of the last 20 years...what's up with that? :0D Anyway, that is one reason I like MWO, I don't have to make a huge declaration to the world about what I'm doing or not really doesn't matter anyway does it?
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People can be so Ignorant
I have been treated like that with my family so many times that is why sometimes I feel like giving up. They only see my problem never their own.
Usually these people don't want to see their own problems so they fixaite on other peoples' problems. I for one am just tired of people judging others.
Keep your chin up your still doing well.
Ticks me off!
TOC....well, since I'm perfect I guess this does not apply to me.....oh,wait a min, no I'm not!
It is Very irritating when others set about judging you for what you do or what you don't do ...for what time you get up or what you put in your coffee or how you tie your shoes. It seems no matter what you do there will be someone there telling you why you did it the wrong way- or you just are not quite good enough.
I think it is one thing we all seem to have in common ( at least from what I have seen and read here too). We all want to please others. And I think we may take criticism to heart more than others too. I know I do. I will stew over a comment, internalize it and re hash it over and over again. Guess we just have to trust we are doing the right things for us and try not to think about some of the comments we hear.
It's all about US! We have to take care of US first.
:l :l
Ticks me off!
Yeah, I agree. I guess what that smoker person does not understand, really, is that smoking is not so acceptable anymore. If they really looked, no smoking signs are going up everywhere. Society doesn't really like their habit anymore than they like ours. And you are right - from an asthmatic - second smoke is a real killer!
Ticks me off!
I agree Betty. i make a joke with my husband about the "patch" for alcoholics. I can see the commercial. 1st you start off sh**faced drunk , then taper down to tolerable drunk next mildly buzzed to happy glow. But as someone deathly allergic to smoke I really agree with TOC.
Ticks me off!
It is ridiculous, isn't it? As a recovering smoker (with occasional slips) I hate that habit even more than drinking. But it is amazing how people can look down their noses at drinkers when they are puffing and hacking their way through a couple of packs a day.
I come from a family of "addicts", but I'm the only one with a drinking problem. We have the nicotine, caffeine, and one big "shopaholic" -- but no one considers these big problems though...
Fortunately, though, my family has shown me nothing but concern about my drinking--no one has ever been condescending or controlling--at least not to my face!:HAF as of August 5th, 2012
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I just wanted to pick up on lisa's point that on MWO we all want to please others. I think this is so true because due to our own on-going struggles, all we want is to be happy and at peace within ourselves; and so we want this for others too. People who make their own judgements about what others are doing wrong can just go away( to put it politely!) It is my view that when someone knocks you for whatever bad-habit you might have, they are saying this just to make themselves feel better. Stuff 'em!!!!!!
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I agree Bella, I get so tired of feeling like I need to please others, people who act like their life is so together because they don't drink or have issues to overcome. But wouldn't it be interesting to know what they are hiding! And at least I don't smell like a chimney when I drink!AF since 12/11/2008:ranger
Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:
Ticks me off!
I totally agree with everything you said. Both my parents smoked when i was growing up and lord knows what could happen to me because of that. And Pansy is right, smoking just isn't cool anymore.
Simey, I've made the patch joke myself, maybe they could put all the supps in it or something so we don't actually get smashed. LOL :HSunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL
Ticks me off!
I remember someone once saying on here that they had gotten red wine capsules (a long time ago) and a few of us....after a few posts tentatively asked...."what are these red wine capsules? And the person said "they are de-alcoholized so dont get any ideas, guys".
LOL - its true though - too bad there wasent some sort of patch or something to help us.
God, I am always looking for somethingOver 4 months AF :h
Ticks me off!
Well excuse me while I light up before adding my bit here! I totally agree that smoking is a nasty habit. Hate it myself (puff, puff, puff) but unfortunately my smoking habit has definately increased since giving up the juice. I do remember going to an AA meeting once where I could hardly see the participants they were puffing so much and I remember thinking how ironic the whole situation was. A silent death in exchange!!!
When I last visted Dad and other members of the family in Scotland they were horrified at me still smoking. Everyone had given up. Not easy smoking there. Like me, friends visiting the UK from Africa found it easier to just give up whilst there and we all managed to abtain from ciggies for a couple of weeks when we got back. After that it became impossible. Its a prolific habit here. Having said that I don't smoke around non smokers unless they choose to join our group of smokers somewhere. I'd love to give up smoking again but it looks like sobriety is going to have to take presidence for now, after all smoking does'nt make me lose my memory, get me into debt, render me useless, lead to me letting others and myself down and so on and so on and so on! So give us smokers a break u guys. We can only conquer one summit at a time!A BushBaby with Attitude