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How much did you Drink?

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    How much did you Drink?

    Hello Everyone, Recently I met an Alkie who was drinking a bottle of Vodka 750ml and 2 or 3 beers a day and had done for years. At the height of my drinking career I was polishing off 2 bottles of wine a day. I would like to hear from others and how much they have drunk on a daily basis. Thanks

    How much did you Drink?

    At the very minimum it was 10 beers. But, for the most part, that would also entail a handful of whiskey shots if it was around. Towards the very end of my drinking, I was even starting the day off with 3 or 4.......not such a good thing
    Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



      How much did you Drink?

      24 to 30 beers a night and some bourbon doubles
      If drinking is interfering with your work, you're probably a heavy drinker. If work is interfering with your drinking, you're probably an alcoholic.


        How much did you Drink?

        At my worst, I was drinking a bit less than a bottle of wine a day. Never wanted to think I drank a whole bottle!
        "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


          How much did you Drink?

          At the height of my binges I was drinking from morning to bedtime, maybe 3 bottles of wine. But would drink anything to be honest, vodka at work as you can't smell it!!!!!!! Idiot! Beer if being sick as it was easier to get down, I was also eating nothing so was not good at all.
          In my twenties before alcohol became too much of a problem I was a one bottle of wine a night girl!
          With lots more at the weekend, not forgetting the weed, cocaine, ecstasy etc!
          Much happier with my redbush now :0)
          Good thread
          AF since 2nd Oct 2012
          Day by day


            How much did you Drink?

            At my worst 2 bottles of wine a day and sometimes one or two cans of cider or lager. I would more or less anything and if at someone's house or family i would drink a few vodkas and always had to have something before and after i went out. Wasn't always daily but bad binges that could go on for wks or days.


              How much did you Drink?

              i think sometimes these kind of threads are counter productive. I mean to say what is to much for some is such an individual thing. I have seen many of these threads over the years and thought ' ah jaysus, im not that bad, I only have a few cans a night' and felt ok then to go buy a few more. I mean im not as bad as that!!!!!!!!!OO!!

              However im my humble opinion , if drinking, no matter how much or litttle is an all consuming thought that starts shortly after waking up'will i tonight, wont i' and then once you have decided u will, which lets face it is every freakin night , then stage two of the battle starts , that been 'how many!! Will I buy one two bottles, I mean i will only have the top of the second!, wont I '!!

              Its all bullshit, entertaining the mental wrangling/ torture we put ourselves through every drinking day , regardless of how much we drink! That to me is when it becomes a problem......long, long before we reach the park bench, long long before we loose our jobs, houses, partners. It is when its an all consuming thought........


                How much did you Drink?

                I somewhat agree with Limers. I used to read threads like this when I was feeling weak and it would make my amounts seem perfectly fine! But, we all know that that is a lie :-)

                But, to answer the question, I was drinking until I got drunk 2-3 times a week. It was usually blackout drunk. It normally took a bottle and a half of wine. Regular size bottles of course, because buying the larger bottles would indicate I have a problem drinking :-)



                  How much did you Drink?

                  too much that's for sure

                  enough to totally fcuk my head up

                  and every day

                  that's why I stopped.....

                  quantity isn't actually relevant, it's how it makes you feel and why you do it, IMO
                  I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                  They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                    How much did you Drink?

                    12-14 beers a day.

                    When I was on a diet I'd switch to rum or vodka...more bang for the calories, ya know.

                    All I know is I felt and looked like crap. I hated what I was doing, who I was.

                    Life is better sober (notice I didn't say EASIER...I said better!)
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      How much did you Drink?

                      ditto what K9 said.....exactly....
                      a twelve pack a night
                      and I am thrilled to be sober........but I have not lost an ounce of weight....go figure!!
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        How much did you Drink?

                        Same here Mama...probably because I replaced the alcohol with eating whatever the hell I wanted!

                        Drinking that much made my body so sluggish. I swear I could taste nothing but beer all day long. Ugh.
                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                          How much did you Drink?

                          I put on weight...
                          now 2 years later I am trying to lose it!!
                          I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                          They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                            How much did you Drink?

                            mama bear;1470228 wrote: ditto what K9 said.....exactly....
                            a twelve pack a night
                            and I am thrilled to be sober........but I have not lost an ounce of weight....go figure!!
                            With you on that Mama - not an ounce :upset:


                              How much did you Drink?

                              K9Lover;1470232 wrote: Same here Mama...probably because I replaced the alcohol with eating whatever the hell I wanted!

                              Drinking that much made my body so sluggish. I swear I could taste nothing but beer all day long. Ugh.
                              K9 - that's probably it. Our bodies are 'fecked' and can't adjust back to normally assimilate calories ?

