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Army Thread 28th February

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    Army Thread 28th February

    Although I haven't actually check yet it has been almost empty for a few weeks.
    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


      Army Thread 28th February

      A very minor embuggerance tbh.
      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


        Army Thread 28th February

        I'm not much of a one for sharing, and I've been a bit quiet lately, but I'm gonna say one thing. My life was absolutely shot to pieces when I shipped myself off to rehab. I had no joy, no interest, no feckin ANYTHING. I didn't want to die (strangely enough) but I just didn't give a shit one way or the other. The way I was feeling and NOT coping with life was due to the effects of too much alcohol over a long period of time. Simple as.

        Remove the alcohol... number one. Give the brain some time to repair... number two. Engage in rational thinking and finding out what made you do it in the first place... number three. I'm at three. Number Four... get the feck on with yer life as a new better you.

        There's still all the hassles and shit, but they are minimized now... they are manageable.

        Anyway, thought I would share. Hope it helps someone...


          Army Thread 28th February

          KTAB;1470580 wrote: A very minor embuggerance tbh.
          I'm glad it's minor... I spent a lot of time with no heat when I lived in Aberdeen and Inverness it wasn't nice in the cold months.


            Army Thread 28th February

            Good morning Tipperooo, Tweetypie, Runners, KTabbers, Zennifer, Foxyloxy.

            Just about to run out the door to work. Proper first pay day in 10 years (where the feck did the time go). It's not a lot but it was moi who earned it.

            Tipps, good luck today.

            Zenns just throbbed that post. I've been in that awful place just delighted you got out in time.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Army Thread 28th February

              Jackie... I couldn't see the woods for the trees. And I was tits up with the grog. And it's tough to take it all on board and do the right thing. And be honest. But honesty is key, with oneself and everyone else.

              Oh, and good morning!

              I'm smiling... and it feels good to smile... I haven't had a good old no reason to smile for a long time now. And I'm not scared of myself or alcohol. I used to live in fear. Och... there I go now... waxing lyrical.

              "That" place is truly awful Jacks. You've talked to me plenty times when I was in a dark horrible place, so you know how bad it was. I'm so extremely grateful to be free of that shit.


                Army Thread 28th February

                Right... I'm orf to me leaba. Well, actually, technically... I'm already in it. And now I want tea and toast... all Arsey's fault


                  Army Thread 28th February

                  Zenstyle;1470581 wrote: I'm not much of a one for sharing, and I've been a bit quiet lately, but I'm gonna say one thing. My life was absolutely shot to pieces when I shipped myself off to rehab. I had no joy, no interest, no feckin ANYTHING. I didn't want to die (strangely enough) but I just didn't give a shit one way or the other. The way I was feeling and NOT coping with life was due to the effects of too much alcohol over a long period of time. Simple as.

                  Remove the alcohol... number one. Give the brain some time to repair... number two. Engage in rational thinking and finding out what made you do it in the first place... number three. I'm at three. Number Four... get the feck on with yer life as a new better you.

                  There's still all the hassles and shit, but they are minimized now... they are manageable.

                  Anyway, thought I would share. Hope it helps someone...
                  Here here Zens. There are still hassles and shit cos that is life, right? But we dinnae need to deal with it through lens of the bottom of a bottle of whatever.

                  Just VERY quickly popping in cos I got back from docs with me blood test results and he said on the whole fine - not anaemic, no weird blood disorder or anything...BUT one of me liver numbers was up... So came clean about me drinking - just said gave up 3 month ago after 12+years downing 70+units a week and he was like..."Ah!" so reckons it is most likely the liver still cleaning itself. And as for me downness the last few weeks, he reckons that's more to do with me having to find new coping mechanisms to deal with stress and the hassles of life - which previously I would dealt with by drowning it all in a bottle of the local offies ?5 bottle of vin rouge. True... there's other stuff too (self-esteem stuff), but none of it was being dealt with when I was drinking.

                  Hmmm.... getting them blood results was a bit of an eye-opener... like a "who'd you think yer kiddin, eh arsey?! .... perfectly healthy?! ... aye right" I was doing physical damage to meself. Makes me a bit more resolute to continue on this path methinks

                  I'M LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gotta run....


                    Army Thread 28th February

                    Zenstyle;1470588 wrote: Right... I'm orf to me leaba. Well, actually, technically... I'm already in it. And now I want tea and toast... all Arsey's fault


                      Army Thread 28th February

                      Forget the toast and go to sleep Zen, remember an inch on the lips....hehehe
                      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                        Army Thread 28th February

                        Thats good news from the doc RC.
                        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                          Army Thread 28th February

                          Mornin are yiz? grand over here ..bit cold but the sun is shining so kiddology works..its summer! Best o luck at the doctors pings...where them skivin McGinty sisters? not long now till the land of Hola now is it Molls?
                          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                            Army Thread 28th February

                            Good morning


                              Army Thread 28th February

                              morning anon you ok?
                              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                                Army Thread 28th February

                                Mick;1470597 wrote: morning anon you ok?
                                Last day here for my daughter and family as they are off to Oman at 5am tomorrow.

                                Very mixed feelings as my house is chaotic and another Grandson has Norovirus and I am worried everyone is about to get it:upset:

