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Underoos and Friends - March

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    Underoos and Friends - March

    Good morning Undies!

    The Easter bunny almost forgot to come to our house .... and I had to duck in and quickly deposit the Easter goodies while the daughter was in the loo this morning and then sit nonchalantly and tell her that I saw some movement going into her room.

    She's a true believer though.... so she still believes in the Easter Bunny and Santa etc despite all evidence to the contrary:H


      Underoos and Friends - March

      Geez ..... I'm in pain from just reading your experiences G ! I did manage a nice forward cartwheel and subsequent slide down the slope on my arse, toboggan style.
      Yeah it is pretty quiet with all that snow in your ears.


        Underoos and Friends - March

        Miss Behaving;1485427 wrote: Happy Easter undies. I haven't been out of my dressing gown since I got home yesterday. Hope you got your second sleep in Bridge. Mr B cooked an amazing brunch but it involved bits of chook so I won't describe it :-) He is not working today or tomorrow so we can finally enjoy some time together!!
        Sounds very nice!! Enjoy

        I'm still in my pjs too.... But gotta get dressed (and fold and put away a huge )pile of washing)..... So I can look decent when we FaceTime with the Aussie rellies:H

        See.... This is why video phones never really took off!!

        Weather report from Tokyo - rainy, cold and gloomy.... What happened to spring??


          Underoos and Friends - March

          techie;1485311 wrote: Happy Easter to you Undies from Taos, NM. I'm with Viola. She has a cabin here and it is so remote. We are going skiing this afternoon. I just hope I don't fall on my ARSE. I told her she is perfect but then I remembered she cannot make labneh balls. Bye.
          Did someone get the Labneh recipe to you?
          If not I'll fetch it out for you.
          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
          Rejoined life 20/5/19


            Underoos and Friends - March

            myhappyplace;1485420 wrote:
            Happy Easter Undies. It's such a good life isnt it?
            My thoughts exactly....
            There's been something about Easter this year which has really made me reflect on this mission.(in stark comparison to previous years)
            I suppose Easter is a time of renewal as well and I'm really feeling that this year.
            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
            Rejoined life 20/5/19


              Underoos and Friends - March

              Arvo Undies! a trip around town has revealed that nothing is open! and the car parking is excellent so we did just that and walked around a few markets. Came back with some chili olives and an excellent feta with sundried tomatoes so I'm making a Laukes sour dough to eat with it this afternoon. Always think of the Frog when I do. Going to stay on track with baking this year and NOT put a slice in the oven with the bread. This I promise...

              Techie, in the pics posted previously, which one is Viola? I can't keep up...

              Hope all are enjoying their day...might be time for a snooze soon...


                Underoos and Friends - March

                Sounds like everyone is having a good day...took the kids to gardens, picnic and movie...very tired but it is good to be sober..came home to cat pee though, a stray came through the cat door and ate all the food and peed...oh well


                  Underoos and Friends - March

                  Arvo all,

                  Wow Bird - what a beautiful park. Is that a lake in the background?

                  Missy - heard this guy on the radio this morning. He's out here for the Byron Bay Blues Festival. As a fellow uke player, you've probably heard of him but I thought he was fantastic.

        [/video]]Ukulele weeps by Jake Shimabukuro - YouTube

                  The only chocolate thingo that's made it into Frogworld this Easter is a medium sized, chokky bunny, a pressie from my Cambodian milk bar lady. I'm happy about that because I think the bulk of easter egg chocolate is shit.

                  Stay tuned for more startling pronouncements ...


                    Underoos and Friends - March

                    tawnyfrog;1485493 wrote: The only chocolate thingo that's made it into Frogworld this Easter is a medium sized, chokky bunny, a pressie from my Cambodian milk bar lady. I'm happy about that because I think the bulk of easter egg chocolate is shit.

                    Stay tuned for more startling pronouncements ...
                    :H have to agree on that one...the three locusts go at distinctly different angles: eldest = quality so Lindt bunny, middle = quantity so the big bag of crappy chocolate eggs, youngest = Cadburys....say no more

                    Breads taking a while to rise so we're eating some of the best feta ever with some of Rags' Fine Fettle Flats - talk about delish...

                    Bird, that's such a beautiful view. Makes you want to take a stroll and see whats around the corner...


                      Underoos and Friends - March

                      Hi folks. Well I'm completely exhausted. The V girl can ski. Amazing. I caught a tip but luckily landed on my side. Oh Happs Viola is the blonde with the white Goldendoodle Maddie. In fact, Maddie is with us and is lots of fun. Got a bit of sunburn, perhaps more windburn though. We went to this Tapas place to eat and it was good. She had two glasses of wine while I had seltzer with lemon. I just generally accept that this is my life now. Booze free. That somehow makes it easier. Coming home Monday. The cabin is so remote it could serve as one of those doomsday prepper sanctuaries. We are going to build a fire and then build a jigsaw puzzle. She is wearing very sheer tracky dacks. I'm getting less interested in the puzzle but then again she is a bit of a puzzle...

                      Well Froggy its Ghirardelli Intense Dark chocolate or nothing for me. BTW Tawny, I hope this doesn't worm its way in while I'm in a dream state tonight...

                      The frog that breaks its own bones to produce claws that burst through its skin like X-Men?s Wolverine | Mail Online
                      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                        Underoos and Friends - March

                        techie;1485509 wrote: We are going to build a fire and then build a jigsaw puzzle.
                        Ah, you see? There's still a chance that you may sustain an injury. The night is young but I'm sure Voila has suitable medicaments, unctions and salves to attend to whatever may be required.

                        Have fun and remember to start at the corners ...


                          Underoos and Friends - March

                          tawnyfrog;1485511 wrote:
                          Have fun and remember to start at the corners ...
                          Image begone!
                          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                          Rejoined life 20/5/19


                            Underoos and Friends - March

                            byebyebridgetjones;1485530 wrote: Image begone!

                            Pouring rain Undies. Torrential...the Lamp's Deck is getting a christening...:H

                            I could get used to this lifestyle. Nice to have everyone home working on their own stuff and generally getting along...its not the Brady Bunch but its harmonious for the most part...


                              Underoos and Friends - March

                              myhappyplace;1485535 wrote: :H:H

                              Pouring rain Undies. Torrential...the Lamp's Deck is getting a christening...:H

                              I could get used to this lifestyle. Nice to have everyone home working on their own stuff and generally getting along...its not the Brady Bunch but its harmonious for the most part...
                              Lucky thing. It's dry as a chip down here....

                              I like family Easter this year.
                              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                                Underoos and Friends - March

                                Dry as a dead dingo's donger up here.

                                Nighters all Undies and mates and thanks for holding on to those nice thoughts.

