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Underoos and Friends - March

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    Underoos and Friends - March

    Guitarista;1472472 wrote:
    Bridgey. When do you graduate?

    Probably never:H

    My teachers keep telling me that i am 'doing well', but it has the feeling of a 'special student' about it:H

    'Isn't she doing well
    ' (furtive sideways glances):H:H:H

    Anyway I'll let you know when it happens and you can motor up on your hog, and there will probs be a disco graduation with folk dressed like Christians eating egg salad....Coming?
    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
    Rejoined life 20/5/19


      Underoos and Friends - March

      That Oregano Oil site looks great
      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
      Rejoined life 20/5/19


        Underoos and Friends - March

        byebyebridgetjones;1472487 wrote: Probably never:H

        My teachers keep telling me that i am 'doing well', but it has the feeling of a 'special student' about it:H

        'Isn't she doing well
        ' (furtive sideways glances):H:H:H

        Anyway I'll let you know when it happens and you can motor up on your hog, and there will probs be a disco graduation with folk dressed like Christians eating egg salad....Coming?
        Yep. Sounds like my kind of shindig. What will you be wearing? Should i bring a skivvy?

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Underoos and Friends - March

          Guitarista;1472501 wrote: Yep. Sounds like my kind of shindig. What will you be wearing? Should i bring a skivvy?
          You'll be needing a mullet, bell bottomed trousers and some platform boots. OK?
          Maybe a man-bag, but I'll let you know.
          Think 'Number 96'......
          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
          Rejoined life 20/5/19


            Underoos and Friends - March

            byebyebridgetjones;1472505 wrote: You'll be needing a mullet, bell bottomed trousers and some platform boots. OK?
            Maybe a man-bag, but I'll let you know.
            Think 'Number 96'......
            Sort of ' the gay christian look? No worries. Not too different to how i look now, so should be no probs fitting in up there. Crikey, you reallly are out in the sticks aren't you?
            And your teachers are onto something. You are special indeed Jonesy.

            Morning all,

            A corker here weather wise and just all round today. Why? Cause i'm sober and happy.

            Skyeping some chicks from Columbia. A bloke's gotta spread his wings i suppose. More fans!

            Have a beauwwwwdy out there wherever you are friends, and think positive. :h

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Underoos and Friends - March

              Morning folkeroo.

              Nora, thinking of you.

              Meron, how are you getting on with it?

              Blondie, joining you in year 20, semester 5032:H I just still don't know what I want to DO when I grow up

              Right I better hustle the bustle.
              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                Underoos and Friends - March

                Hi everyone. I'm still very very very ill so I be brief (size 36 Froggy !). I haven't had a flu shot in a few years. Who knows what the hell they put in those vaccinations. The last time I had one the nurse asked me if I was allergic to chicken feathers. WTF ? To me, that's as creepy and suspect as if she asked if I was allergic to Yak testicle !

                I hope all you Undies and friends have a wonderful day. I'm going to lay my little head back down and dream good things :l
                Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                  Underoos and Friends - March

                  Morning all, Techie sorry to hear your not feeling so good. Just lay back and relax...

                  And, yes...they ALWAYS point the finger at the chooks...ambos asked me that re the allergy thing and last year when the Lamp was sick they asked about them too....its a fowl conspiracy...


                    Underoos and Friends - March

                    myhappyplace;1472736 wrote: Morning all, Techie sorry to hear your not feeling so good. Just lay back and relax...

                    And, yes...they ALWAYS point the finger at the chooks...ambos asked me that re the allergy thing and last year when the Lamp was sick they asked about them too....its a fowl conspiracy...
                    Thanks Saucy. I'm going to lay down now. This is bad. I was only able to pull an eyedropper of oil this morning. The body brush was akin to a large wildcat pawing one's crotch. The mat felt like a medieval torture device. However, I'm hoping to hear some loving words from Frog before the light diminishes finally from my eyes. I'll keep my ipad bedside should she honor me with a short note. Perhaps I will have the strength to lift an eyelid to see my angels words :upset:
                    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                      Underoos and Friends - March

                      techie;1472740 wrote: Thanks Saucy. I'm going to lay down now. This is bad. I was only able to pull an eyedropper of oil this morning. The body brush was akin to a large wildcat pawing one's crotch. The mat felt like a medieval torture device. However, I'm hoping to hear some loving words from Frog before the light diminishes finally from my eyes. I'll keep my ipad bedside should she honor me with a short note. Perhaps I will have the strength to lift an eyelid to see my angels words :upset:
                      :H Dontcha hate it when the brush does that! sleep!! :l

                      Just spoke to Sunny on the phone, Leon was babbling in the background...he is just such a saying dada all the time...

                      Work and into it...


                        Underoos and Friends - March

                        morning all

                        Techie, sorry you're not so good. You know you need to keep your strength up for any surprises from afar

                        Thinking positive Mr G. Good luck with those Columbian girls - I hear they're stunning.

                        Set a trap for the mouse last night (which boldly appeared in daylight hours). It managed to get the peanut butter and get out again (it's a catch and release one). It's either very light or very smart. Or both.

                        Still no yantra mat - coming up on 2 weeks. Perhaps Perth isn't ready for this next big thing.

                        Is Rags still reading back?


                          Underoos and Friends - March

                          She's B&I with her American guests Blondie...

                          The Lamp is working on a pipe and poison arrangement for the rats around the chook shed...I'm really not into it and have given the project a wide'd think with two cats around the place there'd be no need for it....


                            Underoos and Friends - March

                            My mouse is now in the room next to me, gnawing its way through a load-bearing wall, by the sounds of it. Jack Russell terrier lying on bed, slightly twitching ears. I was concerned with poison in case the dogs got the bodies, but I think I'll need something more than peanut butter.


                              Underoos and Friends - March

                              Woot! Yantra mat is here. Another distraction...


                                Underoos and Friends - March

                                Hello all my favourite people!

                                Well, it has been a busy little thread since my departure last Friday. Since then I've been contemplating all things bright and beautiful....

                                Sooo sad about the size and layout of the the new look 'compact' SMH. She's just not the same - I even feel like a Telegraph reader when I'm doing my cryptic..... Not that there is anything wrong with Telegraph readers! She just feels not quite right. I can't even pull out the sections I need to read a bit later, AND Column 8 is not on the back. I used to quickly read the headlines and flick her onto her front to read her back - Column 8. I'm distressed to say the least.

                                Sun is out today and yesterday wasn't too bad either. The weekend was another story. I'm dreading weekends these days. FH always has some little project he's working on which he turns into a complete and utter disaster. Since we've moved in (beginning of November last year) every time there is a bloody cloud in the sky he gets into the roof with a torch to 'see what's happening up there'!!! It does my head in. FH is no small framed, athletic type let me tell you that for free!! So Friday night he gets into the roof and I hear him ALL over the house - which isn't your average three bedder one bathroom, kitchen and lounge. I was standing in the kitchen making dinner when I hear this almighty crash, loud groaning and swearing and thumping and more swearing. I continued to do my thing in the kitchen, hoping his death would be slow and painful. Eventually, he calls my name.....I ignore for as long as possible. I figure if he still knows my name he must still have some form of consciousness happening. He may even eyes get a bit wider at this thought..... After about the sixth bellow I roll my eyes and wander in the direction of his 'noise' - which happens to be the walk in robe in the main bedroom. My little Dharmsie dog is peering upwards toward the roof.....which now has an enormous hole in the walk in robe, where the man hole used to be. There is shit everywhere and FH is flat on the floor, holding his right leg. Big blood, no sympathy. He claims the roof 'caved in' because it was saturated! Oh please....if it was saturated there would be evidence of water and the area 'looks' bone dry. He says 'climb up the ladder and see for yourself', which I did. Yep, fusking bone fusking dry....FFFFFFFS!!! As I was ascending I banged my head on the light bulb and thought it was about to smash and I was about to be fried which gave me a real fright. This set me OFF.... I went from zero to 5.8 million wild rage in less than .5 of a second. I reckon ALL the neighbourhood would have heard me. So, we now have 'good ventilation' (as FH describes it) in the walk in robe. I moved my clothes and closed the door. Now, the ensuite has a firmly closed door as well as the robe because ages ago he pulled the ensuite apart to install new things......and now doesn't know how to do it and won't let me get anyone to do it. It's my nightmare come true. I doubt I'll last the distance on this ....... It really is very depressing......

                                Yesterday I spent the whole day in court with my 24 year old son. He was caught drink driving a month or so ago. He's a fitness freak and hardly ever drinks but he was at a bucks party and drove the next morning to pick his girlfriend up from the hen's night cruise... He was low range and needs his licence for work and where he lives is quite remote and no public transport. We were flicked from one court to another trying to get him awarded a Section 10 bond so he could at least drive for work. I did some quick talking in the last two courts and he has his case adjourned until May so that he can attend a traffic offenders course in Lithgow in April and can keep his licence until his next appearance. I am hugely disappointed about this because he was with me on the night I was arrested for DUI and we had to walk hours in the middle of the night to get home. I was picking him up from a midnight finish at his job at a McDonalds in a suburb a long way from home. Of course, I knew I was picking him up so I didn't drink too much - so I thought and I went high mid range....god!!! Mind you, my not much was usually two full buckets of cheap chardie. I would have gladly driven him to pick his girlfriend up and I used often go and collect him in the wee hours when he was out in the days before he got into body building, so he knows I wouldn't have had a problem with it. He thought he was ok to drive. He is just as disappointed in himself but it was a rotten day in the city and sitting listening to so many familiar stories was also a bit of a downer..... I just hope that after he has done the course they do let him have his licence to get to work. I don't care if he's stuck at home on weekends but I do care if he ends up with no job, no money and has to come live with me......god!!!!

                                I hope you're feeling better Techie! Big hug my friend. So lovely to hear you have a romantic connection....

                                Salute to Mr G.

                                Welcome Meron - just fab to have you onboard! This is the best place - ever!!! Filled with gorgeously wonderful folk who have enormous respect for one another, as well as endless support and wisdom.

                                Big kiss to little Leon and his lovely mum.

                                Bridge - you'll be the best dominatrix ever to draw breath, once you graduate!! Until gotta know, you're perfect, just the way you are.....

                                Gotta tell you all, with all this stress my mantra mat's spikes are flat.....

                                Good luck with your mouse Blondie.

                                Lilly - it is fantabulous to have you back. Hope you continue to feel well again!

                                Nice to see you too Rags - you were missed for cert!!

                                Ah the lovely Missy is heading our way. Gotta do a skinny flat white one day darls!

                                That is all for now ..... I'll be back laters!

                                As you were.........

                                It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                                Mother Theresa

