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Underoos and Friends - March

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    Underoos and Friends - March

    Lilly, I throb your links.

    Just realised new month, money in the bank and I can buy my to decide on the colour...


      Underoos and Friends - March

      Oh Lilly thank you so much sweetie. I think I have the flu. I'll give that remedy a try :l

      Well it appears that no one has heard a peep from Tawny. Fearing she is in some type of distress I sent her a message via the Arecibo Radio Telescope Array. The message consisted of 1679 binary digits, approximately 210 bytes, transmitted at a frequency of 2380*MHz and modulated by shifting the frequency by 10*Hz, with a power of 1000*kW. The "ones" and "zeros" were transmitted by frequency shifting at the rate of 10 bits per second. The total broadcast was less than three minutes aimed directly at the Frog Compound in Victoria, Australia. Engineers assured me that her barbed wire will act as a conduit and the message will upload to her PC in part binary.

      01101100 01101111 01110110 01100101 u techie

      Nite everyone. I sure hope tomorrow is better...UGH!
      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


        Underoos and Friends - March

        Feel better Techie. I hate that flu that makes your skin hypersensitive.

        Nicey I think the next time the old boy climbs up into the ceiling you better nail the manhole shut from the underside. Leave it a coupla weeks and then send Oscar in to find him.

        Yet another cache of assignments received today. What's binary for 'what made me think I could do this?' Is it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ?
        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
        Rejoined life 20/5/19


          Underoos and Friends - March

          Reading back has been very perfunctory as I continue to pack up the house, try to complete some work that needs to be done by Friday and try to work out whether the contents of my wardrobe will fit into the two bags that I'm allowed on the plane :-)

          And it is census night tonight. As a geek I'm very excited about it - the last one was cancelled because of the Christchurch earthquake.


          Welcome Meron! stick around

          Bridge, I'm sure you have a stunning career ahead of you as a dominatrix :H

          Blondie, that's a pretty cheeky mouse Haven't you got a hammer??!

          Nicey, looking forward to that coffee. Also one with Angel! And not to forget Rags when she gets her computer back.

          I'm going from major panic mode to excitement and back again at the moment. I'm just trying to get one thing done at a time - and some stuff will continue to be un-done. But having not banked on having to have organised a funeral over the last couple of weeks I'm trying to keep my stress under control and not sweat the small stuff
          Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

          Harriet Beecher Stowe


            Underoos and Friends - March

            Thanks Lily; the rings feel/look like something from the reticulation tool box! I haven't decided which colour to use yet; a cheek on each?

            Don't forget to add the cayenne pepper to the drink too, Techie. And cinnamon.
            Think frog built an extra large mud oven over her compound, so your messages mightn't be getting through!

            Don't give Nicey ideas, Bridge. :H re Oscar.

            I've spent hours just trying to download the reading material and now there's a suggestion we start some kind of google group. Don't know about binary, but this is my sentiment in Morse code ..-. ..- -.-. -.-


              Underoos and Friends - March

              My google translator says there's a K missing ...


                Underoos and Friends - March

                blondie;1472855 wrote: Don't forget to add the cayenne pepper to the drink too, Techie. And cinnamon.
                Perfect. If you added Lilly's tumeric and some lemon and Manuka honey it would be perfect. Anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial.

                Actually I want some myself. Now!
                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                Rejoined life 20/5/19


                  Underoos and Friends - March

                  Just a quick check in Undies.
                  Again I apologise for my absence.
                  My US friends will keep me busy for the next 2/52.
                  To-day we went to Minnamurra Falls and round my old stomping ground at Kiama.
                  Tomorrow I take them to Buddhist scripture with me where they will ask some "Dorothy Dixers" then to HMAS ALbatross,

                  Fleet Air Arm Museum - Nowra Attraction - Visit NSW

                  Greenwell Point for fission chips

                  then home via Cambewarra Mountain.

                  cambewarra lookout - Google Search

                  Thursday it is Fitzroy and Carrington Falls, Barren Grounds and Sunnartarum Monastery, an outback BBQ at Wingello .
                  Friday I've arranged at ride with my mates to take them on a short tour, then off to Canberra for the weekend... PHEW!!!
                  Highland Trike Tours NSW Australia | Southern Highland Experience

                  That's my mate John in the drivers seat.


                    Underoos and Friends - March

                    Oh dear.
                    I need details for buying a yantra mat and lots of other stuff I need to read back on.
                    Will I ever catch up?


                      Underoos and Friends - March

                      Rags;1472863 wrote:
                      Will I ever catch up?
                      Doubt it. :H:H:H

                      Have fun with your ovaries.


                        Underoos and Friends - March

                        tawnyfrog;1472444 wrote: Hi again Meron ... we're going to have to work on that name LOL

                        Are you a physical person? Like ... would you consider going for a walk/run/swim during this witching time?
                        still here.. the name Meron is part of a ships name pronounced as in Oberon, not as me-ron.

                        Anyway, no not really physical at mo, might work on it..


                          Underoos and Friends - March

                          byebyebridgetjones;1472683 wrote: Morning folkeroo.

                          Nora, thinking of you.

                          Meron, how are you getting on with it?

                          Blondie, joining you in year 20, semester 5032:H I just still don't know what I want to DO when I grow up

                          Right I better hustle the bustle.
                          Hanging in there, I have my moments but seem to be ok.

                          Although today I seemed to have a total scatter brain, kept making mistakes in things, dunno if part of the clean out process?


                            Underoos and Friends - March

                            techie;1472733 wrote: Hi everyone. I'm still very very very ill so I be brief (size 36 Froggy !). I haven't had a flu shot in a few years. Who knows what the hell they put in those vaccinations. The last time I had one the nurse asked me if I was allergic to chicken feathers. WTF ? To me, that's as creepy and suspect as if she asked if I was allergic to Yak testicle !

                            I hope all you Undies and friends have a wonderful day. I'm going to lay my little head back down and dream good things :l
                            Hope you feel better, vacs can be bad.

                            I had one for Q fever when I worked on a feed lot, felt shocking for a week!


                              Underoos and Friends - March

                              blondie;1472762 wrote: My mouse is now in the room next to me, gnawing its way through a load-bearing wall, by the sounds of it. Jack Russell terrier lying on bed, slightly twitching ears. I was concerned with poison in case the dogs got the bodies, but I think I'll need something more than peanut butter.
                              get one of those red n white traps from bunnings, and really smear the peanut butter into the red nodules,,, that'll fark em!


                                Underoos and Friends - March

                                blondie;1472830 wrote: Am saving the mat for later. Hope it's not as complicated as the other bits
                                Enjoy your sock sorting; leave the tackling of your undies for another day.
                                this is all terribly cryptic to

