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Underoos and Friends - March

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    Underoos and Friends - March

    Thinking of lovely Missy. Hope you had a good trip!
    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


      Underoos and Friends - March

      Morning all! wake up, except you Reg..and Techie...and Birdy...good pick up on the boots btw..wellies = Wellington boots...which I'm guessing is why I'm wearing them...

      Where is everyone?


        Underoos and Friends - March

        Bugger, I've slept in!
        My times are all wrong on MWO too
        Must be some sort of daylight savings happening somewhere.

        OK back to the arse-signments. Check in when I can.

        Hope you're getting settled Missy.
        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
        Rejoined life 20/5/19


          Underoos and Friends - March

          Morning Bridge. Yep, times needed adjusting...

          Thanks to Blondie I was sleeping to the sounds of Dave Dobbyn in my brain...

[/video]]Slice of Heaven - Dave Dobbyn - YouTube

          Tending chooks, vegies and assorted other stuff and might just eat something today...

          Wonder if Missy is couch surfing or sleeping? and Techie we need to address the pheromone issue with you...Karen, the neighbor, Ellie...there is mounting evidence that something must be done...


            Underoos and Friends - March

            Morning HP, Jonesy, Reg and all to follow,

            I think it's daylight savings in parts of the U.S. Bridge.

            Reg, love the boating link. I love the wave height and wind speed graphs of Bass straight/Cape Otway. Beeewdiful. I also love the disclaimer on the site which states these stats are from auto sensors. Don't take any notice of this info whatsoever! Er, ok....

            Orf to the beach meself for a run and a long swim followed by breakfast at the little sparesly peopled and peaceful 'triathlete' cafe by the water, then rehearsal with me band and some new tunes to go through. Will tweet half hourly updates throughout the day as per usual.

            How are you Missy?!

            Hope your daughters well and happy Bird.

            L8tr fruity's, Yo!

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Underoos and Friends - March

              Arvo all,

              You still dangling a line from your hitching post Reggie? Wish I was near some water. Bloody hot and steamy and not a breath of wind in Central Vic.

              Grasshopper due either tomorrow or Tuesday depending on whether the trains run to a weekend schedule on a public holiday. Still trying to think of interesting/productive/stimulating things to do. Wonder how long he'll last ...

              Right. Roger that Sam.



                Underoos and Friends - March

                You lot are just the best! I so loved the avatars! Happy - tthe kiwi is the "goodnight kiwi" and Blondie yours is The Dog from Footrot Flats. Thank you for your welcome and I am very happy to be here!

                Although I have to say that your birds are much louder than ours! Bloody cockatoos woke me this morning and there are a bunch of kookaburras next door :H:H

                I'm catching up on some sleep and working out which bus to catch in the morning but I am grateful as ever Undies
                Forgot to say - my niece who I am staying with likes Frogs and the spare room in which I am staying has quite a few!!
                Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                Harriet Beecher Stowe


                  Underoos and Friends - March

                  tawnyfrog;1475313 wrote: Arvo all,

                  You still dangling a line from your hitching post Reggie? Wish I was near some water. Bloody hot and steamy and not a breath of wind in Central Vic.

                  Grasshopper due either tomorrow or Tuesday depending on whether the trains run to a weekend schedule on a public holiday. Still trying to think of interesting/productive/stimulating things to do. Wonder how long he'll last ...

                  Right. Roger that Sam.

                  Yes let me paint you a scenario ....beautiful sea breezzzzzz off the water tied up at the jetty about to go with a swim with Regina in her new life jacket in the deep water...shade cloth over the boom with main sail ready to hoist....after swim ...then a jaunt sail over to Port Melbourne under a gentle South westerly breezzzzzz ...Life is me a bastard TF :H thinking of you and all land locked peeps fish though ..I try again tonight ...yes on board being a Hollie day just have to indulge :h.


                    Underoos and Friends - March

                    Roger that Sam. Yep - yer a bastard. :H


                      Underoos and Friends - March

                      Make that a double, deleting bastard. :H:H


                        Underoos and Friends - March

                        Must be a full time job keeping up with them all. :H :H :H

                        Your day sounds positively blissful Reggie. Enjoy.


                          Underoos and Friends - March

                          Hey Reggie! I thought you were strictly a nocturnal creature! Watch out for swimming/levitating Mr G on your sails

                          Mussy - so glad to hear you arrived safely. Yes, our burds are louder than your burds And Happy, not only has that song been going round my brain, I've been singing it too - not a pretty sound!

                          Tawny, How long's your young apprentice staying with you for (like, sorry for the prepositional ending, but...)

                          Had a bunnings trip for a $3 retic bit; ended up with a truck load of plants :upset:


                            Underoos and Friends - March

                            blondie;1475346 wrote:
                            Tawny, How long's your young apprentice staying with you for (like, sorry for the prepositional ending, but...)
                            Well, initially I thought like he can stay until one of us cracks the darks like. But then a most horrendous thought occurred ... like ... what if he likes it here and he's going to stay until he's 27 but? :upset: :upset: :upset:


                              Underoos and Friends - March

                              tawnyfrog;1475353 wrote: what if he likes it here and he's going to stay until he's 27 but? :upset: :upset: :upset:
                              So not too long then...


                                Underoos and Friends - March

                                tawnyfrog;1475353 wrote: Well, initially I thought like he can stay until one of us cracks the darks like. But then a most horrendous thought occurred ... like ... what if he likes it here and he's going to stay until he's 27 but? :upset: :upset: :upset:
                                Then there will be someone to look after the chooks if you decide to ping off for an adventure somewhere...that's the way I look at it...

