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Underoos and Friends - March

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    Underoos and Friends - March

    byebyebridgetjones;1476541 wrote: NOTE TO FROGLETTE:

    If you find tissues by the bedside of said teenager DO NOT repeat: DO NOT touch them...
    Oh dear Lord!!
    I can see a taxi to Melbourne tomorrow :H:H


      Underoos and Friends - March

      blondie;1476539 wrote:
      When's the rave Tawny? (are they still called that?!)
      Or try "Gathering"...whatever....

      I'm not passing comment on the tissues Bridge :H:H

      Time for some sleeeeep....nighters lovely people. You make me smile...


        Underoos and Friends - March

        blondie;1476543 wrote: Oh dear Lord!!
        I can see a taxi to Melbourne tomorrow :H:H

        I'll be back...:H
        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
        Rejoined life 20/5/19


          Underoos and Friends - March

          Kinda Cool

          blondie;1476455 wrote: should I be asking?:H Oh (speaking of chooks) I found another great blog - gardening, recipes, chooks and bees - in Sydney. With superhuman effort, I navigated away without subscribing Laura Rittenhouse's Gardening Journal | Keeping Track of What's Growing When, Where and How

          Bridge - I heard procrastinators were perfectionists, but I'm thankful I dodged that one - the other side of my procrastination coin is laziness
          Hey, that's my blog you're talking about ( Glad you found it "great". Don't blame you for not subscribing, you can spend all your time reading posts from blogs if you aren't careful. But thanks for mentioning it here. It's nice (and very strange) to think people out there enjoy taking a look.


            Underoos and Friends - March

            Morning all,

            G'day Laura! Great to see you in the drawer. Are you on the piss or has that circus left or leaving town? Should wild mint be allowed to grow freely in one's backyard?

            RFLMFAO at Frog!

            Cool breeze blowing through here this morning. Not quite a convincing cool change, but Very noice!

            Had a lovely swim thanks Blondie. p.s. My organisation, as much as i have the occassional dispute with my managers, suggested that if i find further study to undertake, they will support me, i.e. footing some/all of the cost if not too exy. Noice touch.

            Run out of tissues here. But it's ok, there's always the paper towels or toilet paper.....

            Have an absolute pearler out there y'all.

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Underoos and Friends - March

              Howdy Guitarista,

              Not on the piss at the moment, but I do imbibe and plan to continue that pleasure for the rest of my days.

              Of course wild mint should be allowed to grow freely - everywhere. Mint is fantastic and bees love its flowers. Who would try to get rid of mint?


                Underoos and Friends - March

                GardeningLaura;1476738 wrote:

                Of course wild mint should be allowed to grow freely - everywhere. Mint is fantastic and bees love its flowers. Who would try to get rid of mint?
                G'day Laura,

                Well, funny you should ask that. There are some evil people out there who think that wild mint should be potted and not allowed to grow free.

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Underoos and Friends - March

                  myhappyplace;1476473 wrote: :H:H Lets do it!! dare ya...
                  I've got a Masters - don't go advertising such things though. I remember a thread a while back where someone was asking for 'academics' to put their hands up. Then, the rave started about quantifying the term 'academic'.... I guess someone thought that if you were academically inclined your convo would be soooo much more interesting. It got ugly and it was either stack your degrees to see who's 'pile' was highest or run...... I ran!!!
                  It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                  Mother Theresa


                    Underoos and Friends - March

                    Morning Punters & g'day Laura - I'll have a look at your blog in a mo ...

                    I figure I'm safe for another three hours. But you're all so wrong!! He's ratted through the library and so far has removed books on Iridology, the Tao Te Ching, Field Guide to Birds of Australia, Tai Chi, Aboriginal Myths and Legends ... He's ratted through my old LP's, taken notes and then found Youtube links to Menuhin & Shankar, Flutes of the Andes, Tom Waits ... Then we must discuss.

                    He's rearranged the furniture in his room and removed the vacuum cleaner because it didn't suit the vibe. It's tidy as. He drinks water or green tea. Makes porridge from scratch. He doesn't own a mobile. WTF is.wrong.with.him Undies???


                      Underoos and Friends - March

                      Happy Hump Day lovely friends!

                      I've been tricked by the tissues in the bed trick......

                      I reckon wherever you be, let your mint run free! Que Sera Sera!!!

                      Didn't walk today. Have a breakfast meeting with the Boys Club (Professors) so would have had to leave home just after I went to sleep to get here in time to frock up. Hope I haven't forgotten to do any jobs I got at the last meeting.

                      I was thinking this morning that I might try and make ginger nut biscuits. I made Anzacs on the weekend and they seem popular - that's code for the biscuit tin is almost empty again. Speaking of Anzacs how gorgie is Ben Smith? I think I'll travel to Canberra to march in his parade this year - or not.

                      Supposed to get to 32 today. There was a bit of nip in the air at 4.30am - I liked it!!

                      Hugs to Lilly!

                      Nora - so nice to see you here! I follow your monthly thread - it's a nice one too!

                      Techie - how's your mum?? Did Ellie call at 11.32pm?

                      Love yous orl.

                      Go gentlly......

                      It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                      Mother Theresa


                        Underoos and Friends - March

                        Waving madly Tawny....

                        Ah, noice boy. And, he couldn't be in better hands.

                        I'll write you a list of alternative ways of being from my experience owning a teen male. You'll be veeeerrrryyy glad you've got what you've got!!!

                        Have a bewdiful day!

                        Oh, does he say 'like', every second
                        It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                        Mother Theresa


                          Underoos and Friends - March

                          GardeningLaura;1476738 wrote: Howdy Guitarista,

                          Not on the piss at the moment, but I do imbibe and plan to continue that pleasure for the rest of my days.

                          Of course wild mint should be allowed to grow freely - everywhere. Mint is fantastic and bees love its flowers. Who would try to get rid of mint?
                          Laura you've got way too much time on your hands mate, and you stay up too late.......gardening.........
                          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                          Rejoined life 20/5/19


                            Underoos and Friends - March

                            Morning all,
                            Arrived back from Canberra and had yesterday off as washing day and preparing for 2 days on lake Mq.where I'm heading in an hours time.

                            Got up at 5 am to watch the balloons take off over Canberra. Got a couple of pics... which I'll put up after guests leave.
                            Just haven't had a chance to catch up on any Undies goings on at al this month.
                            Will be out of touch again till next week.
                            Miss you all.
                            Will try to ring you tonight Happs.


                              Underoos and Friends - March

                              tawnyfrog;1476756 wrote: Morning Punters & g'day Laura - I'll have a look at your blog in a mo ...

                              I figure I'm safe for another three hours. But you're all so wrong!! He's ratted through the library and so far has removed books on Iridology, the Tao Te Ching, Field Guide to Birds of Australia, Tai Chi, Aboriginal Myths and Legends ... He's ratted through my old LP's, taken notes and then found Youtube links to Menuhin & Shankar, Flutes of the Andes, Tom Waits ... Then we must discuss.

                              He's rearranged the furniture in his room and removed the vacuum cleaner because it didn't suit the vibe. It's tidy as. He drinks water or green tea. Makes porridge from scratch. He doesn't own a mobile. WTF is.wrong.with.him Undies???
                              There's something wrong.

                              Back away very slowly.
                              Call the local coppers and tell them to bring their taser.
                              He's about to go postal.
                              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                                Underoos and Friends - March

                                Hi Undies. OH MY DOG the kid sounds like me. Oh wait, I have a mobile. Mom is doing better. I spoke with her early this morning. So, I'm in a holding pattern till all test results are in. My Aunt is coming to stay with her when she is released which is GREAT. Mom mentioned wanting to come out here for a few weeks. So I may go back and get her soon if possible and have her stay with me again for a bit.

                                Well I'll post some pics from this morning in a bit. I need to go and get Emma from school. Oh, I have photos of snakes, wildflowers, cactus, and Tawny's newest boyfriend. Somehow he survived the blunt head trauma from weeks ago.

                                Rags is BACK :h
                                Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

