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Underoos and Friends - March

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    Underoos and Friends - March

    After some starts and stops, I thought I'd share this. I had one of those experiences in life that gives one pause. You know, is this real? Is this normal? Am I fucking nuts? Last night I got home from dinner with friends around 9:15. I check e-mail threw some things in the washer and turned on the stereo. I decided to use the "mat" for a half hour or so. Fast forward...on the mat ninety minutes listening to one those 528hz drones through the headphones and suddenly felt a very profound sense of well being. I mean spooky good. It can't be legal good. Like you want to bottle it and sell it good. It has got to be the mat or a combination of mat and drone. Anyone else experience this or something like it?
    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


      Underoos and Friends - March

      techie;1477266 wrote: After some starts and stops, I thought I'd share this. I had one of those experiences in life that gives one pause. You know, is this real? Is this normal? Am I fucking nuts? Last night I got home from dinner with friends around 9:15. I check e-mail threw some things in the washer and turned on the stereo. I decided to use the "mat" for a half hour or so. Fast forward...on the mat ninety minutes listening to one those 528hz drones through the headphones and suddenly felt a very profound sense of well being. I mean spooky good. It can't be legal good. Like you want to bottle it and sell it good. It has got to be the mat or a combination of mat and drone. Anyone else experience this or something like it?
      Yes. At times. And legally too.

      But not at the moment.


        Underoos and Friends - March

        myhappyplace;1477282 wrote: Yes. At times. And legally too.

        But not at the moment.
        Oh I'm so glad to know. It was wonderful Happs. I want more.

        I'll see if I can catch an image of the PANSTARRS comet tonight. Should be in western sky at dusk so hopefully the camera eye will catch it. I saw some great images of it that were taken in Perth. I'm sure blondie will be looking up.
        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


          Underoos and Friends - March

          I ought to show you some of my night sky photos, Techie - very abstract :H Must get me some headphones to get some of what you're getting (not the bees, tho')

          Missy - great to see you. Had a swim yet? Will we be seeing you on Bondi Rescue?!

          Tawn - has he discovered the yantra mat yet, but?

          Looked a promising day with rain, but it's fizzled out, so might have to switch sprinklers on after all.


            Underoos and Friends - March

            blondie;1477297 wrote: I ought to show you some of my night sky photos, Techie - very abstract :H Must get me some headphones to get some of what you're getting (not the bees, tho')

            Missy - great to see you. Had a swim yet? Will we be seeing you on Bondi Rescue?!

            Tawn - has he discovered the yantra mat yet, but?

            Looked a promising day with rain, but it's fizzled out, so might have to switch sprinklers on after all.
            I don't think it was the headphones blondie. I think It was pure yantra!
            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


              Underoos and Friends - March

              techie;1477307 wrote: I don't think it was the headphones blondie. I think It was pure yantra!
              I'm missing out on all these intense yantric moments :upset:


                Underoos and Friends - March

                Oh wow, I see this discussion moves quickly. I was busy yesterday and see about a million posts since then. I may need to carry my computer into my garden to keep up!

                Guitarista, I have heard people think mint should live in pots. Every time a gardening show is brave enough to mention the plant they always warn against it spreading like it's polio or something. My solution is to ignore them all. I have a herb bed where a little demonstration in survival of the fittest is going on. The thyme gave up the ghost ages ago and the sage has just followed it. The oregano is holding its own in the middle with the parsley and mint doing battle swapping ends. Everything grows into the grass and gets mowed (not as often as it should). It all smells so nice and, not to belabour the point, my bees love it!


                  Underoos and Friends - March

                  Guitarista;1477210 wrote: x-post. G'day Techie!

                  Hope your mums doing ok.

                  Gardening Laura tells us bee's love wild mint, so i'm lucky i haven't been attacked!

                  Bike/hike sounds grouse. Warmest regards to Viola!
                  Attacked - bees don't attack - well, not often anyway. Remember they actually die if they sting you so they try to avoid it more enthusiastically than you do.


                    Underoos and Friends - March

                    myhappyplace;1476976 wrote: phew!! :H no're good Blondie...up to and over my neck in audit shit...coming up for air round about now...

                    Glad your daughters back home Bird. :l Like your pics Techie, although Hans looks like he's been taking steroids in order to impress someone

                    Wonder if Gardening Laura's written on her blog about meeting Mr G? this could be interesting...
                    Nope, sorry, not that interesting...


                      Underoos and Friends - March

                      bee's again hmm... ! I wish this Laura had some Frog advice.

                      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                        Underoos and Friends - March

                        byebyebridgetjones;1476761 wrote: Laura you've got way too much time on your hands mate, and you stay up too late.......gardening.........
                        Me! You guys are amazing. How do you have time to follow this post? I'm trying to catch up. I clearly have no idea how to use this thing so I'm posting like a dozen little snippets. I bet I'm driving you all mental .... oh dear.


                          Underoos and Friends - March

                          Hey Techie - is that the silver haired fox????
                          It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                          Mother Theresa


                            Underoos and Friends - March

                            Techie, love the photo. Yep, be aware. Or as they say "be alert but not alarmed". Funny how people will run slapping their head if a bee comes near. Well, maybe not funny exactly ... :-)


                              Underoos and Friends - March

                              techie;1477206 wrote: POPPY...I damn neared died in spasms of laughter this morning while almost taking out a bicuspid on my cabinet door :H

                              A scary this morning after all the feel good chemicals. Took my bike into Ironwood Wash a five miles stretch of bliss. Well, I stop to take some water and reset my gps. I notice a few bees making tracks toward me. I tore out of there but was chased a bit by a swarm. PHEW. Just so you know all the bees here are Africanized (killer bees) I think the rule of thumb is 7 stings per lb of body weight...YOU'RE DEAD! Oh yeah, you can recognize them right away. They wear plates in the stingers :H It was NOT so funny hours ago, believe me.

                              Emma and I will be off on our hike at 6PM this evening. I'll do my best to take a few photos. My good friend (she's gorgeous too) Viola will be with us. She is an excellent hiker/climber and former world class skier. I'm so lucky.

                              I hope you all have a wonderful day. Oh Missy I hope you can give us lots more on your job and Oz experience !?

                              I'm waiting for the stories Rags???
                              Eeek! Okay, I take back what I said about bees not stinging. Those Africanised bees which are becoming a problem in the southern part of the US are the exception. Glad you made a quick escape!


                                Underoos and Friends - March

                                nicelife;1477335 wrote: Hey Techie - is that the silver haired fox????
                                Yeah Nicey. The one "she who should not be named prefers to me!"
                                Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

