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Underoos and Friends - March

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    Underoos and Friends - March

    nicelife;1477764 wrote: Oh Haps....pls don't dare me........
    :H[/video]]Mind Body Medicine | Natural Health Documentary Part 1 - YouTube

    This is interesting.

    Right off to be B&I...and I might just get lunch out of it


      Underoos and Friends - March

      myhappyplace;1477771 wrote: :H[/video]]Mind Body Medicine | Natural Health Documentary Part 1 - YouTube

      This is interesting.

      Right off to be B&I...and I might just get lunch out of it
      Hola Happs! Thankyou, thankyou thankyou for this link. It is quite timely for me and my day job. I love that it's an Aussie link i.e. local, and Craig is a great communicator and i love that he's a doctor involved in training our new doc's. He makes good sense to me, and i'm rapt he speaks of anxiety and depression, and MINDFULNESS as a proven effective strategy to tackle this. For us alkies, he starts talking about booze around 10 minutes into the vid, but it's all interesting.

      We had a weekly mindfulness/taichi program cut orf because funds ran out, and i see the huge benefit in mindfulness for the folk i work with. I am starting mindfulness with a guy i work with next week. He's constantly very depressed and very anxious, and in our conversations, i see there is much ruminating on his past. I think it's up to me really to train meself up more and start a group for free so we take the funding bulldust/vagaries out of the equation.

      Thanks again Saucy. A special wish for an embuggerance free day to you and yours.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Underoos and Friends - March

        myhappyplace;1477771 wrote: :H[/video]]Mind Body Medicine | Natural Health Documentary Part 1 - YouTube

        This is interesting.

        Right off to be B&I...and I might just get lunch out of it
        I need your help Undies. I have lady troubles. This is extremely odd...these things do NOT happen to me. I must say it is all rooted in the yantra mat, oil pulling, body brushing stuff that Saucy started. Now she is suggesting more. Yep, that's where ALL my troubles began. I just want to go back to the old me. The one who would wait for hours just to see an avatar with a BIG cranium in it appear in a thread. Made my day. This new situation(s) has me very concerned. I'm NOT a kid anymore. I'm NOT attractive (these women must be blind) :H Why I don't even have white hair for dog sake.

        I'll show you the latest message from a hiker that came with us last night. Janis. She has the total Scottsdale HOT woman thing going on assisted by ample servings of Botox. I'll admit that I did trip a few times on the trail following her... Quite a few times actually. This could be the work of the DEVIL. Should I consult a priest? Nah! Ok so Janis, she's not in the picture I sent since she was a bit late. Lovely creature but this IS TOO MUCH

        Will update you all post scampi
        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


          Underoos and Friends - March

          You fellas have noooo idea do yas!!!!!

          HOW the hell do you 'KNOW' that you aren't attractive???? AND, what is deemed attractive by one pursuer may not be deemed so by another.....

          FURTHERMORE, being 'attractive' isn't about what you look like......for some........ I do know people who say it is the MOST important thing - I disagree!

          Get that scampi into you and get back here and tell all!!!!
          It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
          Mother Theresa


            Underoos and Friends - March

            Hi all
            Techie, you are attractive, don't say that about your boots kid gone to the beach for the weekend, sitting around watching I Dream of Jeannie with the other......Some chooks we have had are Spotty, Fuzz, Cuddly, Brownie, Cookie, all dead in the chook graveyard. Spotty used to come in and lay eggs on the couch...


              Underoos and Friends - March

              When they tell ya you're handsome it feels awkward. I never liked it. So here was the message I received this afternoon....

              I thought it super that you brought Emma, Dad. Good work. my daughter's name is Emily and a hiker as well. We brought them up well...
              With your encouragement, I signed up for Jean's hike on Sat to Lookout Mtn. Maybe we can hike together to chat some, OK?
              Also, I took a glance at your interests and want to suggest a Gong Meditation next Wed at 7:00 on 40th St near Thunderbird. It is quite an experience to lie down in meditation with gongs sounding. The presenters are friends of mine. Jere is a classmate in my master's program out in CA. His wife introduced me to the program in Spiritual Psychology when I attended one of their Gong meditations last summer. I can send you the email about it if you are interested. It would interfere with Lonnie's hike, so you may need to pass because of your preparations for your Rim hike. That sounds interesting and ambitious, John. Thought if I told you about this ahead we could talk more about the gongs and what goes on while we hike, if you like.
              See you Saturday - Janis

              Techie's take:

              We both belongs to a Scottsdale Mountain Conservancy Group. I ONLY met her last night.

              I ONLY mentioned I was going on Jean's (a friend) hike Saturday. I didn't suggest we go together with a frickin' picnic basket. Encouraged?

              My interests say Triathlon, Hiking, Golf. Did she read GOLF as GONG? :H

              So, I have NO idea what Happs has stirred up here with all this holistic stuff. The halflistic would've been fine for me. What the hell is next drinking our own urine?
              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                Underoos and Friends - March

                Welcome Blossoms and BHOG (I recall your name from old!)

                Hi Meron - how're you doing? - no more mechanical embuggerances, I hope? Need to head to Bunnings again - need to get mouse poison. Will grab a trolley, just in case there's something interesting in the plant mark downs

                Happy - congrats on graduating from IQS! When I bought the book I couldn't believe people had such problems with sugar and now look at me! I hear ya Nicey on going overboard!

                Beautiful day yesaterday - very heavy rain and some thunderstorms.

                Looking for creative ideas for one of those old swing seats. It looks worse for wear and there's a verge collection soon where it'll be heading, if I can't think of something to do with it (that doesn't look like a recycled pile of junk!)


                  Underoos and Friends - March

                  techie;1477816 wrote: When they tell ya you're handsome it feels awkward. I never liked it. So here was the message I received this afternoon....

                  [I]I thought it super that you brought Emma, Dad. Good work. my daughter's name is Emily and a hiker as well. We brought them up well...
                  With your encouragement, I signed up for Jean's hike on Sat to Lookout Mtn. Maybe we can hike together to chat some, OK?
                  Also, I took a glance at your interests and want to suggest a Gong Meditation next Wed at 7:00 on 40th St near Thunderbird. It is quite an experience to lie down in meditation with gongs sounding. The presenters are friends of mine. Jere is a classmate in my master's program out in CA. His wife introduced me to the program in Spiritual Psychology when I attended one of their Gong meditations last summer. I can send you the email about it if you are interested. It would interfere with Lonnie's hike, so you may need to pass because of your preparations for your Rim hike. That sounds interesting and ambitious, John. Thought if I told you about this ahead we could talk more about the gongs and what goes on while we hike, if you like.
                  See you Saturday - Janis
                  Definately some evil sourcery going on here mate.

                  G'day Blondie and Noicey and Bird!

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    Underoos and Friends - March

                    xpost, Techie

                    techie;1477816 wrote:
                    I thought it super that you brought Emma, Dad.
                    Is she calling you Dad?!
                    Did you get the yantra mat infused with pheromones?
                    I have nothing to suggest for your current predicament, but I'm guessing a quirky little frog is looking pretty normal right now :H


                      Underoos and Friends - March

                      Morning Mr G - you have so much going on - women, research grants, music, swimming, etc, etc - how do you manage it all?! Saw a couple of the Jacksons the other day (but didn't have a clue till someone told me later!) Sheesh. I went to see them many many moons ago.


                        Underoos and Friends - March

                        [quote]Guitarista;1477755 wrote:
                        Originally posted by GardeningLaura View Post

                        Thanks for taking the time to reply to my love query Laura. One small barrier is the woman lives some distance from me. She also has a bit of ADHD going on, by her own admission, so maybe i could suggest we go for chamomile tea rather than coffee. hehe.
                        As a woman with ADHD I am torn between cracking up at this and poking my tongue out and making a rude noise.
                        If she is talking about ADHD then she has been battling a number of her own issues. I'd say she understands a lot about not being perfect.


                          Underoos and Friends - March

                          [quote]Guitarista;1477755 wrote:
                          Originally posted by GardeningLaura View Post

                          Thanks for taking the time to reply to my love query Laura. One small barrier is the woman lives some distance from me. She also has a bit of ADHD going on, by her own admission, so maybe i could suggest we go for chamomile tea rather than coffee. hehe.
                          As a woman with ADHD I am torn between cracking up at this and poking my tongue out and making a rude noise.
                          If she is talking about ADHD then she has been battling a number of her own issues. I'd say she understands a lot about not being perfect and not living up to societies standards....and battling with the way her brain works.


                            Underoos and Friends - March

                            [quote]Blossoms;1477828 wrote:
                            Originally posted by Guitarista View Post

                            As a woman with ADHD I am torn between cracking up at this and poking my tongue out and making a rude noise.
                            If she is talking about ADHD then she has been battling a number of her own issues. I'd say she understands a lot about not being perfect and not living up to societies standards....and battling with the way her brain works.
                            G'day Blossoms. Good pick up. I wasn't poking fun at people living with ADHD, so my apologies if it read that way.

                            Blondie, there is so much to do. I've even subscribed to some aussie pink shoe lady time organiser newsletter! Not sure how i got there. It was a link to a link i followed here somewhere.

                            Roight. Really orf to Jim/swim now.

                            L8tr, Yo!

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              Underoos and Friends - March

                              Cheeses twice, Techie - you do make life hard for yourself ...

                              I say go to the bloody Gongfest and take the other one (Ellie?) AND the neighbour as well. Pay the Gongmeister extra to bang really loud and you won't need to listen to any of them. Problem solved.


                                Underoos and Friends - March

                                [quote]Guitarista;1477755 wrote:
                                Originally posted by GardeningLaura View Post

                                Thanks for taking the time to reply to my love query Laura. One small barrier is the woman lives some distance from me. She also has a bit of ADHD going on, by her own admission, so maybe i could suggest we go for chamomile tea rather than coffee. hehe.

                                Thanks Missy, Bridge, Noicey and Techie for your kind words! :l:l:l

                                Laura, you may or may not have noticed that this site is for folks who have a serious problem with alcohol, which is probably why we don't see as much judgementalism here as may exist on other forums. People are less quick to judge around here, but of course we are human, so it does happen, just maybe less so, resulting in people being more open to diversity and difference. But we would be no more diverse than gardeners i'm tipping.

                                Stick around friend, and if you find that glass of chardonnay in the evenings after a hard days blog is becoming a bottle and it's impacting on your quality of life, we are here.

                                Great to see youse Blossoms and BHOG!

                                G bloke.
                                I have noticed the reason for you all being here (though I didn't at first) being problem with grog. Not my particular vice but I certainly understand getting a bit lost in things and realising a little to late you've gone a little too far. This group seems like a stellar mob of open minded folks - all good if you ask me. My real problem with you all is there are too many of you and you type too many messages and it's all too much to follow and you have too much time and I have too many messages to get through and .... whew, you guys blow my mind just a little. But it's nice to know you're all here and accepting of all.

