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Underoos and Friends - March

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    Underoos and Friends - March

    I'm great, G, and doing outside spring cleanup this weekend, weather is supposed to be favorable for it finally.
    Easter dinner with some friends of the family, and our daughter, SIL and granddaughters.

    ?Alcohol removes inhibitions - like that scared little mouse who got drunk and shook his whiskers and shouted: "Now bring on that damn cat!"-Eleanor Early


      Underoos and Friends - March

      Thanks everyone:hug:

      It's 6.30 here and I've already had chocolate:H

      We are doing Easter early and meeting another family today for a picnic in the park, an Easter egg hunt, egg painting and a homemade pi?ata in the shape of an Easter egg.
      It's in the middle of the school holidays and most people are away, but that just means more for our little group.
      We've also been invited to join a cherry blossom picnic later. They tend to be pretty boozy affairs, but I'll have plenty of chocolate and sparkling apple juice to get me through ... And celebrate my 30th day


        Underoos and Friends - March

        BHOG;1484943 wrote: I'm great, G, and doing outside spring cleanup this weekend, weather is supposed to be favorable for it finally.
        Easter dinner with some friends of the family, and our daughter, SIL and granddaughters.
        Sounds good. I love springtime, but being sober, every day/season is a beeewdy and a bonus.

        Seeing family here too. Have a great weekend.

        x-post. Good morning Blossoms! Congratulations again. Have a great day with your family. I bet you are very proud of yourself as they would be. G.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Underoos and Friends - March

          Morning gangstas,

          Great job on the 30, Blossom, especially with that potentially dangerous apre ski situation thrown in.

          Easter used to be one of those total write-off long weekends back in the days when I still invited people. We'd all get legless on the Friday, have a recovery brunch with fizz and continue until they all buggered off again on Monday. Shudder.

          Have a safe, relaxing time and don't eat too many hard boiled eggs. They make you constipated.

          Wonder if Nicey's gone bonkers yet?

          Throbbage to Missy & Mr.B, Mr.B's boy and the cats.


            Underoos and Friends - March

            Nice to hear you again, Frog. You staying out of trouble, i hope?

            ?Alcohol removes inhibitions - like that scared little mouse who got drunk and shook his whiskers and shouted: "Now bring on that damn cat!"-Eleanor Early


              Underoos and Friends - March

              BHOG;1484979 wrote: You staying out of trouble, i hope?
              Of course, Baldy. Now if only you reprobates would do the same ...


                Underoos and Friends - March

                Morning Little Tackeroos.

                I won't say this too loud but it's starting to cool down (squeal)

                Blossom....YOU GO GIRL! After 30 days the benefits start coming thick and fast.

                Well I have so many little adventures planned today that I don't know where to start.

                Might colour my naturally blonde hair with mousy roots first........
                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                Rejoined life 20/5/19


                  Underoos and Friends - March

                  byebyebridgetjones;1485014 wrote: Morning Little Tackeroos.

                  I won't say this too loud but it's starting to cool down (squeal)

                  Blossom....YOU GO GIRL! After 30 days the benefits start coming thick and fast.

                  Well I have so many little adventures planned today that I don't know where to start.

                  Might colour my naturally blonde hair with mousy roots first........
                  Morning Jonesy.

                  Would you consider a splash of 'strawberry red' to yer fringe?

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    Underoos and Friends - March

                    Guitarista;1485028 wrote: Morning Jonesy.

                    Would you consider a splash of 'strawberry red' to yer fringe?
                    :H:H latest trend?

                    Thinking about what the Frog said about Easters past....**shudder**


                      Underoos and Friends - March

                      Have got all my thank you cards done and dusted and sent off. And slept for 12 hours last night ...... Mr B on afternoon shift tonight and not finishing until 11pm, so I will have another early night tonight but have come into the office to do some stuff that I didn't get finished before I left.

                      I had a very sad experience en route. Our office in Wellington is in a part of town that is a bit rough. I was walking up the street on my way to it, when I passed the local bottle store, and outside it a bloke clearly totally off his face. The owner (who I used to know every well :upset was hovering over him and was clearly worried. I asked him what was going on, and he said he knew this guy, and he had come into the store and fallen asleep standing up at the counter. The owner was probably more concerned for his business than for the guy ..... he has street frontage and lots of customers had turned around and headed off when they saw what was happening. But the drunk guy was asleep/comatose, seriously swaying on his feet and completely unresponsive to our attempts to talk to him. We were both quite worried about what might happen if he fell over and hit the pavement in a drunken stupor. So we called the paramedics. They were great - talked us through the need to ensure that if he fell there was something protective in place (which we had already done) and notified the community police. Eventually the drunk guy came to, resisted my attempts to find him a place to sit down or have something to eat, and headed off down the street. The paramedics asked me to stay on the line until the community constable found him ..... I did and just followed him. He knew that I was doing so, and asked me what I was doing. I told him I was just trying to make sure that he didn't hurt himself. During this time he had walked out across two really busy streets without looking, narrowly missing out on being hit by a Hummer at one point, and had knocked over a display unit outside a shop without even noticing. He met up with some people that he knew and they were not quite as pissed as him, but were still a bit out of it. He had some points at which he could walk, but mostly was hunched over, not able to put one foot in front of the other and very unstable.

                      Eventually the community constable turns up ... 45 minutes after the guy from the bottle store had called the paramedics. (And the paramedics had not arrived yet.) I know this constable because they do regular visits around the local offices because of our location. He is possibly in his mid 20s with a fellow officer that looks like she is still in secondary school. He spent all of about 30 seconds with the drunk guy before moving on. I asked why he wasn't going to hang around and check that he was okay. "He's a regular" he said. "He's with his drinking mates. He'll be okay."

                      I have to say that I was totally gobsmacked.
                      Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                      Harriet Beecher Stowe


                        Underoos and Friends - March

                        Guitarista;1485028 wrote: Morning Jonesy.

                        Would you consider a splash of 'strawberry red' to yer fringe?
                        No I wouldn't.
                        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                        Rejoined life 20/5/19


                          Underoos and Friends - March

                          Miss Behaving;1485105 wrote: Have got all my thank you cards done and dusted and sent off. And slept for 12 hours last night ...... Mr B on afternoon shift tonight and not finishing until 11pm, so I will have another early night tonight but have come into the office to do some stuff that I didn't get finished before I left.

                          I had a very sad experience en route. Our office in Wellington is in a part of town that is a bit rough. I was walking up the street on my way to it, when I passed the local bottle store, and outside it a bloke clearly totally off his face. The owner (who I used to know every well :upset was hovering over him and was clearly worried. I asked him what was going on, and he said he knew this guy, and he had come into the store and fallen asleep standing up at the counter. The owner was probably more concerned for his business than for the guy ..... he has street frontage and lots of customers had turned around and headed off when they saw what was happening. But the drunk guy was asleep/comatose, seriously swaying on his feet and completely unresponsive to our attempts to talk to him. We were both quite worried about what might happen if he fell over and hit the pavement in a drunken stupor. So we called the paramedics. They were great - talked us through the need to ensure that if he fell there was something protective in place (which we had already done) and notified the community police. Eventually the drunk guy came to, resisted my attempts to find him a place to sit down or have something to eat, and headed off down the street. The paramedics asked me to stay on the line until the community constable found him ..... I did and just followed him. He knew that I was doing so, and asked me what I was doing. I told him I was just trying to make sure that he didn't hurt himself. During this time he had walked out across two really busy streets without looking, narrowly missing out on being hit by a Hummer at one point, and had knocked over a display unit outside a shop without even noticing. He met up with some people that he knew and they were not quite as pissed as him, but were still a bit out of it. He had some points at which he could walk, but mostly was hunched over, not able to put one foot in front of the other and very unstable.

                          Eventually the community constable turns up ... 45 minutes after the guy from the bottle store had called the paramedics. (And the paramedics had not arrived yet.) I know this constable because they do regular visits around the local offices because of our location. He is possibly in his mid 20s with a fellow officer that looks like she is still in secondary school. He spent all of about 30 seconds with the drunk guy before moving on. I asked why he wasn't going to hang around and check that he was okay. "He's a regular" he said. "He's with his drinking mates. He'll be okay."

                          I have to say that I was totally gobsmacked.

                          Well there's
                          a little Easter cautionary tale....

                          But for the grace of Dog and all that.....
                          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                          Rejoined life 20/5/19


                            Underoos and Friends - March

                            Missy - if the same pisshead would have displayed all those behaviours in, say, a hardware shop ... we would have assumed maybe he's epileptic or having a stroke .....

                            Don't think the "he's with his hardware mates, he'll be ok" rule would apply.

                            Bloody sad.


                              Underoos and Friends - March

                              tawnyfrog;1485109 wrote: Missy - if the same pisshead would have displayed all those behaviours in, say, a hardware shop ... we would have assumed maybe he's epileptic or having a stroke .....

                              Don't think the "he's with his hardware mates, he'll be ok" rule would apply.

                              Bloody sad.

                              I had the most delightful nap in front of the Crime and Investigation channel this arvi.

                              Has everyone planted their broccoli now? Are our winter seedlings going into their little seed trays soon?

                              I have let the garden go slighty during the weird arse weather, but today I was out there with renewed fantasies happening about the pizza oven. Managed to source some fire bricks, so I think we better make it happen during the school holidays next month.
                              Then I can have my gardening club over and show off.

                              Cauliflower and leek soup for dinner. Bread on second rise to go with. Loooove the holidays....

                              Prattle prattle prattle to nobody.....
                              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                                Underoos and Friends - March

                                Prattle on lovely Siren of the 7 sea's.....

                                Speaking of sea. Have just emerged from the bay after a noice long run, and I tell's ya's, if there wasn't some activity going on with me pescatorial mates. Well, it was nearing dusk, so I know the fish are biting. There were critters a moving under me feet as I was putting me goggles on, there was Jonty the jelly fish (don't ask me why his name is Jonty. He didn't look Sth. African to me), drifting by, just centimetres from me scone, and as I approached the buoy to turn round then swim back, I knew there were crustaceans under the buoy, hence some snapper and maybe flathead munching away, hence maybe Wilhemena the white pointer or Gary the grey nurse shark, on their merry way in for an easy feed. These are not cool thoughts to have 200 metres or so out from shore, then as i'm swimming to shore, me back to the darkening depths, the only thought that saves me is the fact I've given up eating flake! Reggie reckons there ain't any sharks in the bay, but he doesn't see the dark shadows underneath that I sometimes witness, and i'm not talking about Serafino the seal either, of rear, Middle Brighton pier, just off the rocks 350 mtrs. s/sth west of the sea baths. 16.7c in the water. Fresh!

                                But that's beside the point. Where's Rags and how are you Missy?

                                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

