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Underoos and Friends - March

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    Underoos and Friends - March

    techie;1474825 wrote: Hi Saucy :l Well at least the Lamp/Sex in the City 2 line brought my first genuine grin of the day. Thanks. If anyone asks if I'm jealous of Frogs 17 y/o nephew the answer is YES DAMNIT!!!
    :H I'm just trying to work out if thats weird or not?

    Yes, the Lamp does not like "those" sort of movies...I wanted him to come to see Silver Linings Playbook with me and he said, what did I do wrong?


      Underoos and Friends - March

      myhappyplace;1474828 wrote: :H I'm just trying to work out if thats weird or not?

      Yes, the Lamp does not like "those" sort of movies...I wanted him to come to see Silver Linings Playbook with me and he said, what did I do wrong?
      Me too :H AND Me too :H
      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


        Underoos and Friends - March

        Good Lord, the stuff that goes on while I am away!! Love it....received my pokey MAT...heavenly..needed it, had a bad week, my kid decided she wanted to be put into a treatment facility for depression for a few days. So, she is doing well, and hopes to be out in a couple days, hope she finds what she needs.....


          Underoos and Friends - March

          Hi there birdy. The mat is wonderful. It is hard for me to miss a day on it. I hope things work out for your girl. That's not an easy one :l

          Well Undies. I'm an SO excited. I'm going on a hike this Wednesday evening. No big deal right? I know I've mentioned I don't feel comfortable with the night hikes but its staying lighter much later here already. Here is the BEST part. My daughter Emma is going with us. This will be her first Arizona hike. So, I will take some good photos at Stoney Mountain. Tawn, this will be one of those with the city background that you were curious about. It's part of that North Mountain chain where my friend had his 100th hike. I am so happy she has decided to come along :h
          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


            Underoos and Friends - March

            Morning all,

            What a day, take ride on out to cut meadow n some fusk wit has thrown a rock in the long grass, broke the blade tensioner....

            Up on ramps, pull out, grind clean, weld up, ready to go...

            notice chunk out of blade, blades off, dress with grinder n balance, all together n off cutting...phew in for lunch now, the calling of a crisp cold beer is hard to resist..

            I have a few but I took em out of fridge n put in my hot caravan to help stop me in a moment of weakness cos i'd need to chill em for about an hour....

            This afternoon another 2 acres to cut...sigh.....


              Underoos and Friends - March

              byebyebridgetjones;1474702 wrote: Missy you'l have a blast. And there aren't as many opportunities to do life changing things after a certain age so go for it.

              Could you please notice the nicely cut lawns when you get here, otherwise his male ego will be bruised?
              So true Bridge and exactly why I am putting myself out of my comfort zone. And I've been practising my singing this morning with Helen Reddy - I am woman hear me roar Watch out Sydney!! :H

              tawnyfrog;1474707 wrote: Morning Undies,

              I think I may be undertaking one of these shortly. I've agreed to give my sister a break and let my nephew stay with me for a while. A 17-year old, vegetarian insomniac with attitude. What can possibly go wrong????
              Go for it TF. Those somewhat challenged teenagers turn into real stars with a bit of space from their parents and a lot of love and very strict boundaries!

              Guitarista;1474714 wrote:
              Your in Niner! Take your position over there near the trumpets, next to that woman with the harmonica. I think her name's Diablo. She's from the USA too.....

              Please note also that i have pulled all of the wild mint and potted it. Took me bloody hours. The upshot is that there will be the freshest of fresh mint tea awaiting our guest.

              I've a fairly free day here. After a run and swum, i might peruse the local shopping strips. I'm in need of another futon.

              Have a ripper out there y'all. Think positive. There are no negatives in being sober. Anyone struggling, just keep on pushing through to the light.

              Thanks G. Some mint tea is just what I'm looking forward to when I land :-)

              At the airport now. Don't think I have forgotten anything! I know it is silly, but I really do feel as though there is an undie welcoming party for me at the end of this flight!
              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

              Harriet Beecher Stowe


                Underoos and Friends - March

                meron;1474844 wrote:
                What a day, take ride on out to cut meadow n some fusk wit has thrown a rock in the long grass, broke the blade tensioner....

                Up on ramps, pull out, grind clean, weld up, ready to go...

                notice chunk out of blade, blades off, dress with grinder n balance, all together n off cutting...phew in for lunch now,
                At last!!!! Somebody who understands! Meron - I've cracked not one (1) but two (2) vented mandrels on the Huskie. Bastards. Am suffering from a serious case of mower withdrawal - haven't mown for months because my once beautiful 14 acre golf course has turned into a dustbowl. Double bastards. Good job on heating up those beers but.

                Techie - great stuff re Emma. Should be a wonderful experience for you both.

                Birdy - very happy you also like the mat. Guess so far it's only Blondie who hasn't quite bonded with hers yet. Hope your kiddo finds what she needs at the moment.

                Happs - is COTY kicking and screaming at the thought of the retirement village?

                MrG - futons are the way to go.

                Alright Undiess, I'm now going to go and find something nice to wear for Missy's Welcome to Oz Party.


                  Underoos and Friends - March

                  Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                    Underoos and Friends - March

                    Shist. That fusking dress is going to haunt me forever ......


                      Underoos and Friends - March

                      Morning Undies

                      Is she here yet? Is she here yet? So much preparatory work going on! As I'm not musical, I'll hold the flowers/balloons/banner and take photos, a la arriving celeb - get everyone wondering who the heck is the VIP. Is there a darkened limo to whisk her away to ... a couch in Bondi?

                      Techie - I thought you were resting up for a while?!!!

                      Nearly lunch time and all I've done is voted ...


                        Underoos and Friends - March

                        blondie;1474882 wrote: Morning Undies

                        Is she here yet? Is she here yet? So much preparatory work going on! As I'm not musical, I'll hold the flowers/balloons/banner and take photos, a la arriving celeb - get everyone wondering who the heck is the VIP. Is there a darkened limo to whisk her away to ... a couch in Bondi?

                        Techie - I thought you were resting up for a while?!!!

                        Nearly lunch time and all I've done is voted ...
                        Yes I'm rested blondie. blondie you need to get back on that mat. I know it's uncomfortable at first...IT GETS BETTER. LOADS BETTER. I now fall asleep on. I love it. Mine' green BTW, and I often rub a thin layer of oil on it to simulate....OH NEVER MIND. Just PLEASE give it another go :l
                        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                          Underoos and Friends - March

                          So I'm getting the kid's quarters ready for his impending arrival and notice my old journals are stored there. Not good. Must move. But ... a trip down memory lane gobbled up another hour of my life I'll never get back.

                          I like to doodle in my journals and in the summer of '06 I doodled the following. Funny how some things never change. Seven years later still sit with my feet in a bucket of ice water and a dripping flannel on my head.


                            Underoos and Friends - March

                            Love the doodle Tawny :H

                            Will persevere with the mat Techie... (sans oil, of course. ) Oh dear... I just got it... perhaps have a word with Ellie about your substitute-attachment issues (green, spikey ...)


                              Underoos and Friends - March

                              blondie;1474897 wrote: Love the doodle Tawny :H

                              Will persevere with the mat Techie... (sans oil, of course. ) Oh dear... I just got it... perhaps have a word with Ellie about your substitute-attachment issues (green, spikey ...)
                              Thanks blondie my friend
                              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                                Underoos and Friends - March

                                tawnyfrog;1474894 wrote: So I'm getting the kid's quarters ready for his impending arrival and notice my old journals are stored there. Not good. Must move. But ... a trip down memory lane gobbled up another hour of my life I'll never get back.

                                I like to doodle in my journals and in the summer of '06 I doodled the following. Funny how some things never change. Seven years later still sit with my feet in a bucket of ice water and a dripping flannel on my head.

                                Thanks gorgeous :h
                                Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

