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Underoos and Friends - March

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    Underoos and Friends - March

    Howdy folks!!

    Happy Monday - hope your week is a boomer.

    I spent most of the weekend with house guests.... I did manage to 'clean up' the back and side of the house. Some eight bags of dead branches etc! Had spikes imbedded in my little armies and a got a wee bit sun kissed. Swam in the pool both days. Gorgie weather.

    I think I'm going to insist that if people wish to visit, they leave their mobiles phones elsewhere. I hate trying to 'enjoy' someone's company while they have their head in their mobile..... And, I don't really enjoy the company of pissed people these days.

    Hiya Missy - glad you enjoyed your welcome party!

    Happs - hope your bubble belly is settled.

    Mr G - hope you haven't been eaten by that fin you spied.

    Tawny - you are a bloody legend.

    Blondie - Nelson is just beautiful. Maybe if Nelson comes to visit, Oscar and him can have a dip in the pool. Oscar LOVES the pool.

    Techie - fab pics, hope your butt and back are feeling betterer.

    Bridge - you dressed yet darls?

    I'm absolutely filthy angry about the price of fuel. What a fusking joke??? I am NOT paying over $170 a litre.... I just want a tank full, I don't want to own fusking a oil rig!!! I just get soooooo fusinking angry EVERY time I think about it. SOOOOO, I'm gonna walk to and from work. It is 8.4kms from door to door and I reckon I can do approx 1hr - a tiny bit more. When we lived at post code 2151 I did that distance in an hour and it was pretty hilly. The route from here to home is fairly flat.... It takes me about 20mins - 1/2 hr to drive and the traffic is fairly heavy both ways. I'm doing it - starting tomorrow. I should get a plaque and tell the world why I'm doing it! What a bloody JOKE!!!!

    Where's Lilly??

    Hey - how nice to see Reggie!

    Bird - isn't it a hoot to read back after you've had a few days away! I don't get much time on weekends to post or read and I'm often chomping at the bit to see what's happened on Monday morning.

    Hey there niner - wonderful to have you pop in on your harps!

    Howdy Meron - hope things are getting easier. Remember a craving never lasts as long as a hangover! I think K9 says that.... I like to remember that phrase when the beast says I can manage a sip or 9,000!

    Getting my blood results back today at 2pm.

    Anyway, love to everyone - even those who haven't been spied here for a while. Sunny and Leon, Cori, Rags.

    MWAH - your girl Nicey!!
    It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
    Mother Theresa


      Underoos and Friends - March

      myhappyplace;1475790 wrote: I still don't get the lip/popcorn thing...
      Oh for dog sake Saucy I don't know how else to describe it to you. You know it could be some kind of weird white witch mumbo jumbo she's pullin'. She has a lot of new age stuff, and a crystal skull thingo in her office. The whole thing is starting to creep Techie out. Like maybe she's a frickin' shapeshifter. I am NOT going to use Emma's old Littly Miss Kitty nightlight again tonight. I HAVE NEVER USED IT!!!

      Actually reading Nicey's lovely post really took the chill off. Thank you :l
      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


        Underoos and Friends - March

        Hi all
        Nice photos Tawny and Techie....Nicey, the gas price here is through the roof as well...I would love to bike to work but it is 2 lane hwy and no pullover lane..only 3 miles or less..Mr. G, had a run in with a couple of manatees at the beach once..scared me for a sec till I saw what they were...went to visit daughter today. Sort of felt she was kinda wanting the visit to hurry up and be over with though, kinda depressing. I understand though, it is hard to sit and talk to Mom for an hour when you are a teen hahaha...been watching Batman (the old 60's series)...well, can't help but notice Batman and Robin both are kinda flat looking down there..well, maybe they made them tuck it under or something back in those days?? hahaha


          Underoos and Friends - March

          I'm not a believer in the fossil fuel theory. I think oil is a abiotic and is produced naturally by the earth itself. We are being duped people. Like all the friggin' dinosaurs decided to vacation in the Middle East and die there. Dubai was like Miami Beach for the Stegosaurus? I don't think so!
          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


            Underoos and Friends - March

            I haven't had to budget for many, many years and it's not as though I can't afford it......I just CAN'T get my head (or my heart) around the why's of the fuel price theory!

            Even if I walk to and catch the bus home....but, I think I'll commit to both ways to start with. I just can't justify paying that amount for fuel. AND, it isn't even holiday time, so with Easter on the horizon can you just imagine the profits the bastards will make???

            We are in for a week of beautiful weather so why not indulge I say!!

            It just isn't right!!!

            Brid - I always have romantic notions about 'family time'. It rarely turns out that way, and I'm disappointed and a bit sad about the whole thing. These days I set my 'love metre' on 'not likely' and if it turns out ok I'm thrilled. Last year my birthday was a shite fight from the minute the sun came up and I will NOT be repeating that scene any time soon. This year is a 'significant' birthday for me and all I want is to be left alone....PLEASE!! It seems to me that we just aren't as cool as we think we are....

            Bird - you can't possible ride on a highway. Way too dangerous! I'm lucky, so I should make the most of it. At least give it a go for this week!!!! If it gets too much I'll consider using the TWay.

            As for Batman and Robin - Batman's package is a worry but Robin was probably only 6 when they filmed that series!!! Perhaps they should have been known as Tuck and Tucked.....
            It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
            Mother Theresa


              Underoos and Friends - March

              Ah ha Techie - she's casting a spell on you with that lip twitch!!! Look away I tells ya, BUT it may already be too late....... Did you share the popcorn, or did you just stare????? :H
              It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
              Mother Theresa


                Underoos and Friends - March

                I've often wondered about that fossil fuel thing myself Techie...seems a bit odd..Nicey, I would love to walk to work. Sometimes living in the country has its drawbacks.....Dr. just called asking if its ok to put my kid on anti depressants. This is the 3rd time they have asked me. I'm just not sure, all the side effects etc, blah blah...they will call me again tomorrow...


                  Underoos and Friends - March

                  Oh Bird - tough decision....big hug!
                  It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                  Mother Theresa


                    Underoos and Friends - March

                    Shist ... they eat a lot, don't they?


                      Underoos and Friends - March

                      So you have a locust now, too:H Will you be foregoing the animal proteins too?

                      Nicey - walking to work sounds wonderful - but in the heat?! The sweat, the frizzies?
                      Hope your blood results are fine. Oscar may have to teach Nelson some manners

                      Making pork vindaloo and looking for recipes for my pomegranates (saw someone using pom molasses, so might look into that.


                        Underoos and Friends - March

                        tawnyfrog;1475867 wrote: Shist ... they eat a lot, don't they?


                          Underoos and Friends - March

                          Ditto on the blood work Nicey, hope all is well. Birdy, big hugs. Blondie I love Nelson. That is all.


                          If I was out with a bloke and he was doing weird things with his mouth and popcorn I would smack him. Hard.


                            Underoos and Friends - March


                            You know that 20-28 hours of work I put in on the weekend?

                            Well I didn't back it all up, shoved it into the computer at school on a USB drive and the computer fried it. It was due today:upset::upset::upset:

                            I will have to get an extension and re-do the ENTIRE EFFING LOT:upset:

                            Any suggestions techie?

                            I am DESPERATE. And for the first time in ages I am sitting here obsessing about a drink....

                            I'm just going to go and lick a powerpoint now.
                            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                            Rejoined life 20/5/19


                              Underoos and Friends - March

                              Oh, Bridge! I sure hope someone can help retrieve your work. Can your lecturer not help in some way? Can you take a walk/break for 10 mins just to get some fresh air? :l


                                Underoos and Friends - March

                                blondie;1475878 wrote: Oh, Bridge! I sure hope someone can help retrieve your work. Can your lecturer not help in some way? Can you take a walk/break for 10 mins just to get some fresh air? :l
                                The first thing they taught us is 'back up like a maniac'

                                .....But Jones likes to do things in her own time:H

                                Oh Lordy.....reading a weary manner.....
                                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                                Rejoined life 20/5/19

