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Underoos and Friends - March

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    Underoos and Friends - March

    I got lost in Sydney three times today. It involved walking quite a lot of extra kms. And I was wearing my "fist day at a new job" shoes. Needless to say my feet are extremely sore tonight and my bunions hurt.

    Work was good though - I started to feel excited again

    Well come on deary. We need more than that! Whose lounge are you surfing, what is going on with the new job?

    Details my love, details!
    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
    Rejoined life 20/5/19


      Underoos and Friends - March

      byebyebridgetjones;1475954 wrote: I got lost in Sydney three times today. It involved walking quite a lot of extra kms. And I was wearing my "fist day at a new job" shoes. Needless to say my feet are extremely sore tonight and my bunions hurt.

      Work was good though - I started to feel excited again

      Well come on deary. We need more than that! Whose lounge are you surfing, what is going on with the new job?

      Details my love, details!
      Yes Missy.

      And you Ms Jones, make sure you get some sleep.

      Noight all.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Underoos and Friends - March

        byebyebridgetjones;1475954 wrote:
        Whose lounge are you surfing,
        She's already told us. Her niece. The one who throbs frogs.


          Underoos and Friends - March

          tawnyfrog;1475969 wrote: She's already told us. Her niece. The one who throbs frogs.
          Throbs frogs. Who in their right gourd would throb frogs? Techie does!
          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


            Underoos and Friends - March

            The kids got it bad i tell's ya....

            Morning all,

            37c forecast here today, and probably same domani. Struth Ruthy! It must be real difficult for the more fragile folk among us. I've put the shorts and towel in the boot of the corolla for a swim after work as i drive by the beach on the way home, so might as well dive in than be sitting in traffic.

            How are you going Bridge?

            How'r things at lot 56, Ashphalt drive regional straya Frog?

            Great to hear you're enjoying your job Missy. What's the vibe and ambience like there? Bus driving can be stressful, so i hope you're getting your breaks.

            Hope all are well. Take it easy and think positive.

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Underoos and Friends - March

              Hey there Mr. G. The temperature here is heading in that direction. Mid 90's by EOW. I'll be in the cement pond before long.

              Thinking of that sweet lovely Bridget Jones and pray she has a MUCH better day today.

              Well, Undies I could use a spare prayer for my mom. She had a serious fall this morning with head trauma and is in hospital. This is the second such fall within two years. She has no recollection of falling. Waiting to get more info from my sis once she speaks with the doctors. I will be heading northeast at some point here.

              I will forever appreciate your kindness !
              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                Underoos and Friends - March

                Everybodee say 'throbs frogs' 3 times fast.

                That's a worry about your Mum Techie. Is where she is living suitable for her? It's horrible when our aging folk have accidents.
                Also you should be aware that people on other threads are 'talking' about your little infatuation

                By the way Missy, and on that, I think you are very brave to move and start a big new job in a new country having only just lost your Mum and all. Some times the brave moves are the ones that really benefit us in ways we never imagined.

                Right better enter the fight for the shower.
                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                Rejoined life 20/5/19


                  Underoos and Friends - March

                  I'm surfing on my nieces couch bridge - well futon actually. I get on really well with her and her husband and there's the bonus of my very cute 3.5 year old nameske to play with at the end of the day.

                  Work is going to be great once I get sorted but it will take a bit of time for me to be confident. And there has been so much going on for me over the last two months I'm just a bit tired
                  Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                  Harriet Beecher Stowe


                    Underoos and Friends - March

                    g'day all,

                    Bridgie, yes its prob not good news, but DONT format, I think sandisk actually do a recovery service, but prob turnaround not quick enough for you, but maybe worth looking into, at least you may score a new drive... I know you dont wanna hear this but when in word just save once, then you just keep clicking the save button every couple of pages, then you always got a copy on your main pc... good luck.

                    Blondie, bit of a chef on the side eh? your menus sound noice!

                    OK so who was it with the 14 acres n the spindles issue? save me reading bout 30 pages, I thought was blondie but not, so sorry, but who was it?

                    Hope everyones having a blast.


                      Underoos and Friends - March

                      Happy Tuesday!!!

                      Techie - sorry to hear that news. I'll send some spesh vibes to the Universe for her (and you).

                      Bridge - FUSK....:upset:

                      Missy - Sydney is a bit tricky to navigate. I'm geographically challenged and the only city I've ever been able to find my way around relatively quickly (over a weekend) is Melbourne. Hope your feet feel better.

                      Tawny - get in lots of pasta, potato and mince. You're a good soul you are!

                      Mr G - salute heading your way. How is the tv situ going?

                      Meron - that would be Tawny.

                      Blondie - have a beautiful day!

                      Well, I walked to work!! I reckon it is further than the map shows because the set walking tracks twist and turn and don't follow the direct route. It took me 1:28:54.1..... I reckon the sandwich board displaying my protest held me up a little! All for nought though, because I was nowhere near the motorway so no-one really got to see me!!! I tried to keep a fairly quick pace but I know I faded towards the home stretch.

                      Blood work fabo! I'm fit healthy, but psychopausal.... Indications were I had some kind of viral thing happening recently but I'm feeling pretty good again after a couple of weeks feeling blah!

                      Love to absent Undies and Friends!!

                      Here's a pearler from moi.....

                      Roses are Red
                      Violets are Blue
                      My days are more special
                      Because they include YOU!!!!!

                      See ya laters!!!!
                      It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                      Mother Theresa


                        Underoos and Friends - March

                        Techie - sorry to hear about your mum. Thinking about you both and have a safe trip.

                        Meron - Wish I had a bit of a chef on the side No my cooking is very hit and miss - prefer to eat out.

                        Morning Nicey - you taking advertising deals for that sandwich board?
                        Missy - did you start work straight off? No time to acclimatise, as it were? I'm in awe.

                        Cold here this am, Mr G, but I am not going to complain about the weather again. Enjoy your swim and watch out for hot Columbians

                        Any progress, Bridge? Guess your lecturer should stick to his rodeos?!

                        Well, really need to stop procrastinating, Week 2 now and I'm still reading week 1 stuff and people are preparing their assignments (w5) :upset:


                          Underoos and Friends - March

                          [QUOTE=nicelife;1476341]Happy Tuesday!!!

                          Well, I walked to work!! I reckon it is further than the map shows because the set walking tracks twist and turn and don't follow the direct route. It took me 1:28:54.1..... I reckon the sandwich board displaying my protest held me up a little! All for nought though, because I was nowhere near the motorway so no-one really got to see me!!! I tried to keep a fairly quick pace but I know I faded towards the home stretch.

                          Blood work fabo! I'm fit healthy, but psychopausal.... Indications were I had some kind of viral thing happening recently but I'm feeling pretty good again after a couple of weeks feeling blah!


                          You have no idea how I laughed at 1:28:54.1 :l

                          Oh and for the blood work :h

                          Well I've not made travel plans yet till we get a better read on moms condition. There may be a possibility she'll need to be transferred so we'll see tomorrow. Emma & I just spoke with her. She sounds a bit frazzled but alert enough!
                          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                            Underoos and Friends - March

                            Also you should be aware that people on other threads are 'talking' about your little infatuation
                            I think we're going to be inundated by paparazzi soon..:H:H


                              Underoos and Friends - March

                              [quote]techie;1476370 wrote:
                              Originally posted by nicelife View Post


                              You have no idea how I laughed at 1:28:54.1 :l
                              Laugh as you will my Techie....tomorrow your eyebrows will raise in utter surprise at how much I shaved off my current PB.....humph!!!

                              Glad your mum isn't too bad :l :h
                              It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                              Mother Theresa


                                Underoos and Friends - March

                                Yeah......wasn't gonna say nuffink.......
                                It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                                Mother Theresa

