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Underoos and Friends - March

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    Underoos and Friends - March

    Hi kids, i missed you all.
    Bridge, congrats on exams.
    MB, glad you're in the country and getting around well.
    Looking forward to Friday catch up with Rags and Haps.
    Lil Leon has been sick quite a bit the last 3 weeks.
    Missing you all heaps. Xx

    Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


      Underoos and Friends - March

      byebyebridgetjones;1479282 wrote: Oh and I passed that exam. Can't actually believe that I did because it involved tooling around in BIOS et al, but I did it and I didn't cry
      See now BIOS ain't your first rodeo!

      Congratulations :l
      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


        Underoos and Friends - March

        sunshinetoday;1479373 wrote: Hi kids, i missed you all.
        Bridge, congrats on exams.
        MB, glad you're in the country and getting around well.
        Looking forward to Friday catch up with Rags and Haps.
        Lil Leon has been sick quite a bit the last 3 weeks.
        Missing you all heaps. Xx
        Sunny it is so very nice to hear from you. You and those girls at lunch sounds wonderful. I hope Leon feels better very soon :l:l:l
        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


          Underoos and Friends - March

          Ground Control to Tawnyfrog
          Ground Control to Tawnyfrog
          Take your vegemite and put your helmet on

          Ground Control to Tawnyfrog
          Commencing countdown, engines on...

          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


            Underoos and Friends - March

            Morning all - the bus leave at 9.25. Not.a.minute.too.soon.

            Next issue will be to get him up. As he hasn't been surfacing until around 11ish, I don't think I can do it without employing the cattle prod.

            Will keep you posted.


              Underoos and Friends - March

              Morning Techie and Roo's and Innashnal guests to follow,

              I think today is D day for the Frogs nephew? It's sure to be a mixture, a plethora of emotions if you will, at rear lot 28, Ashphalt drive Woop woop.

              Edit: Morning Frog. Ah, safe travels to the young man.

              Hope you're feeling much better today Blossoms!

              SunSTAR! Great to see you. Wishing Leon a happy, sick free day.

              I love it how Lindsay Lohan was late for her court hearing. A diva to be sure! She avoided gaol time and got a 90 day rehab thing. I imagine she must complete the 90 days and no whinging and getting out early. As i said to her on the blower only an hour ago.....'Look Lohers, turn this into the positive it actually is and use this time to get yer head screwed on straight. The sky's the limit after that mate, you savvy? K.

              In other news, the local neighbourhood formed 'anti-hooning squad' (i think there's an 'anti- mooning squad forming up Noicey's way, and also in Brisbane) has given me notice re laying rubber on take off in the Corolla. They said they'll dob me in if it happens again. I can't help it if me tyres are bald! I'm a musician for crissakes. I don't have money for new tyres! And what about my cultural contributions? Wowsers, wowsers i tells ya.

              Have a beaut day y'all. 'Twill be a pearler here.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Underoos and Friends - March

                Howdy Frog & G. Mr G you meant to say 90 day rehab thingo, right? Oh geesh Frog get the kid out NOW. I need you back to normal. You could've had me stay but...NOOOO!

                Have a GREAT one Roos. Was up very early but had to cancel Flagstaff trip. So you understand Tawny...the Flagstaff mission was scrubbed :H
                Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                  Underoos and Friends - March

                  Blossoms;1479360 wrote: Feeling pretty crappy actually Really tired and sore throat and my joint pain is acting up again.
                  I should feel good that my thyroid results came back fine - but with all the auto-immune indicators I have (family history, previous related problems) I've started freaking myself out about what worse thing it could be..... And then I feel like a bloody hypochondriac

                  And I don't have any chocolate!!!!!
                  You've probably just got what your daughter just had, no? SOunds the same.
                  DOn't go worst poss scenario yet lovey

                  Missy you're obviously owning the streets of Sydney! Good for you love!

                  Thanks Techie, but I still wouldn't feel too insecure about your job if I were you:H:H:H

                  Morning Mr Gster.

                  I was just starting to worry a bit Sunny, thanks for popping in. Sick kids....seriously

                  Froglette, I suggest bursting suddenly and maniacally into the spawn's room and ripping the curtains open. You may well have to sheild the eyes from what might be lurking, but it works.
                  Your OBE is on it's way in the post in a velvet lined box

                  Right, I must away.
                  If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                  Rejoined life 20/5/19


                    Underoos and Friends - March

                    Gooooood morrrrrrning!!!!

                    Well done Bridge!!

                    How wonderful to see Lil Leon and his mummy - biggest hug ever!! Hope the little guy is back in fine form.

                    Tawny - try not to squeal and jump around when the bus takes off. It will be nice to have you to ourselves again!

                    Hey Mr G - you and that Corolla - I knew it would end in tears. Wanna be Presi of the anti M squad up here? Have a beaut day, and here's your salute!

                    Planted 6,543 agapanthus last evening. Should look spiffy once they get settled and do their thing.

                    I took Oscar along yesty arvo when I went walking. We just have to say to him 'be quick' and he does his business. Did just that, and picked up the business in plastic bag. It was quite close to home so strategically placed tied up bag for collection on the way back. A little while later he does another one. No probs, had a spare bag. Later, we come to the top of hill and I see a man in the distance using his trusty blower thingy to finish off the magnificent job he has done on his magnificently manicured lawns. Oscar decides he needs to do yet another poop and proceed to do so right in the front of this guys house, in the middle of the footpath. The guy looks, I cringe and dig into my bra (I always have half a box of tissues stuffed on the left hand side) and retrieve the one and only tissue I have because we are now out of bags . It is sloppy and Oscar has managed to spread it out in seven plops..... FFS!!! I actually did a pretty good job of collecting it and I ask the blower man if I can use his hose to clean up the rest. He was sooooo nice! I explained I'd run out of bags and usually that never happens. He said 'oh don't worry, I'll tidy the rest up - he's probably got an upset tum...." I almost cried and couldn't apologise enough and took off - giving Oscar the glare....and further down the hill I have to wipe my hands on the grass ..... after I threw the mess down the drain.....FFS!!! I'll have to drop a box of favourites off this afternoon. Why couldn't that happen in front of one of the houses the owners never bother to look after......

                    Anyway, someone has come to work with a sniffle and others are in and out of my office complaining about people who come to work when 'contagious'..... It may just be one of those days!!! Beam me up someone.........

                    Haps - any pose gonna help me today????

                    Techie - is today gong day?

                    Have a fantabulously wonderful day out there today everyone!!
                    It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                    Mother Theresa


                      Underoos and Friends - March

                      You passed that test Bridge...YOU. That's huge. :l I expect BIG IT thingo's outta you going forward :l

                      The Gong stuff is Wednesday Nicey. The Lady Viola is going too. This should be interesting. Janis, Viola, and Techie atop yoga mats with light blankets and pillows...while the frightening cadence of native mean calming GONGS sound in the background !
                      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                        Underoos and Friends - March

                        I wonder if the Frog is burning sheets, pillowcases, and towels in the mud oven. What say you?

                        I miss that GardeningLaura. Funny how some folk make a difference in a few short posts. Unlike me :H
                        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                          Underoos and Friends - March

                          I think the virus is long lasting. Off to work this Arvo, I'm out of sick days.
                          Nicey, things always happen at the most inopportune times.
                          gster, hope all is well.
                          Frog, I've decided you're a food artist.
                          Hugs to you all.
                          Techie, missed your love of all things frog.

                          Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                            Underoos and Friends - March

                            Morning all! B&I but flitting through...does Grasshopper have a graduation certificate Froglette?

                            I'd like to see Laura again too Techie. And dont fish for compliements, you're posts are just fine Nicey sounds like a shit of a day - boom boom - but....will have a pose for you later...Sunnygirl always good to see you. And even more so on Friday!! YAY!! Blossoms feel better soon :l and how cool re the planning for New York Missy!

                            Bridge, I'm struggling the day after Revenge night...didnt get up until 6 this morning...10pm is killing me...also - any thoughts on the state of the nation with the lips on the actress who plays Kara?? wtf is going on there??

                            Doing a job at the moment I have absolutely no knowledge about and everyone is looking at me to say what has to be done...its freaking me out a bit but manageable...its amazing just how smart you can seem by just being quiet and researching on the side...


                              Underoos and Friends - March

                              X-post coz I took too long to type....morning Sunny!!


                                Underoos and Friends - March

                                The first thing I did, embracing my new found freedom, was to buy a curry pie. With BEEF. I don't mind the veggo stuff at all but when some pedantic little Doodyhead requests "natural" soap for his fusking shower, I tend to lose my SOH.

                                Arvo all! Sunny, Blossom, Happy ..... such positive, nice names.

