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Underoos and Friends - March

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    Underoos and Friends - March

    P.S. Any Undies who missed signing up for Choppa's 21 day meditation challenge, here's a link. Enjoy!

    The Chopra Center 21-Day Meditation Challenge™ - Perfect Health – Home

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Underoos and Friends - March

      Ok Undies. It's off to the pit for me....
      See youz on the flip side.
      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
      Rejoined life 20/5/19


        Underoos and Friends - March

        Me too. Zorsted.

        Beautiful post, Missy.

        Tradie did good and will come back for another burst tomorrow.

        Throb the drawer and all those who dwell within.



          Underoos and Friends - March

          Ironically my niece's 3.5 year old has just thrown a tantrum of astronomic proportions. I am pleased that she has inherited the family gene of female stubbourness !! And very pleased that I am not one of her parents :H
          Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

          Harriet Beecher Stowe


            Underoos and Friends - March

            Morning doodyheads near and not so far,

            There was a naked man on a rampage in south eastern suburbs here. More news later.

            Sunny, are you following Straya in the soccer?

            Throb the draw? You betcha. Where else can you express such personal, potentially trivial stuff and get Local and Innashnal, considered, sensitive feedback.

            Wishing all an EB (embuggerance) free day.

            Yo fruity! Where's my freakin bagel? Ya whackyass!

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Underoos and Friends - March

              Morning Mr G, Undies and Internationalists all. Going to nick out and do a catch up yoga class this morning that I missed last week so I've been up just reading a beautiful book that Rags gave me last week on meditation. Its brilliant and the whole package is too. I'm very lucky.

              Locusts are winding down ready for school holidays and trying to put the squeeze on me not to go the last few days. Middle one was home "sick" yesterday but he slept all day, so maybe he was just a bit run down. Big locust handed in his first assignment for Uni this week, and its interesting to see how hes handling the self discipline. He's coping well, they're a pretty self sufficient lot - well maybe not the youngest!

              Now have steps leading up to the deck that is not there.

              I miss Lilly, she just whizzed through last week, so hope shes well.


                Underoos and Friends - March

                Morning undies - I'm very excited! There was a wallaby in the back yard this morning! My first encounter with Australian wild life!
                Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                Harriet Beecher Stowe


                  Underoos and Friends - March

                  Miss Behaving;1483413 wrote: Morning undies - I'm very excited! There was a wallaby in the back yard this morning! My first encounter with Australian wild life!
                  :H thats so nice Missy. Now if it was a Wallaby in NZ we'd be talking rugby I'm sure...


                    Underoos and Friends - March

                    Well there was a bunny in my yard. I wish it was a wallaby I was in walmart, and was talking with an lady about our jobs, she says it doesn't matter cuz shes sure the world is going to end I am always amazed at some peoples views, so much hate and negativity these days. Or maybe it has always been like that and I am just noticing it. I am on facebook to keep up with my kids, but seems there is so much hate, hate for our president, and strong opinions about anything political or religious...I don't know, it just all seems so strange, let people be who they want to be, what does it matter?? It is so nice here in undieworld, and my little world, I am just always shocked hahahaha, when I hear stuff...


                      Underoos and Friends - March

                      Guitarista;1483136 wrote:
                      Noicy, thanks for the offer, but i'm not rooting you, ok? :H
                      I'm so busy at the mo, I can't even think if I have an itch, let alone take time to scratch!!!

                      BUT, I just wanted to ask you Mr G - WHY NOT??? What's wrong with ME???? Fair suck of the sav mate..... AND, I never ackshooly offered you a 'root'....... Humph - yeah, some days my bum does look big but fair go buster....... :H:H Up your clacker matey!!! :h:H

                      I'm now stirred BUT not shaken!!!

                      Have a ripper you lot!!!
                      It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                      Mother Theresa


                        Underoos and Friends - March

                        Guitarista;1483136 wrote:
                        I've just told the neighbour I have a friend skiing in Haikaido. She was most impressed.
                        She'd be less impressed if she saw me skiing :H:H
                        I usually snowboard and haven't skied for many years.... So I have a rather ...ahem...interesting style

                        Yep.... The place is crawling with Aussies so I am not really that unique


                          Underoos and Friends - March

                          Hi guys....IT WAS DELIVERED!!!
                          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                            Underoos and Friends - March

                            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                              Underoos and Friends - March

                              nicelife;1483519 wrote: I'm so busy at the mo, I can't even think if I have an itch, let alone take time to scratch!!!

                              BUT, I just wanted to ask you Mr G - WHY NOT??? What's wrong with ME???? Fair suck of the sav mate..... AND, I never ackshooly offered you a 'root'....... Humph - yeah, some days my bum does look big but fair go buster....... :H:H Up your clacker matey!!! :h:H

                              I'm now stirred BUT not shaken!!!

                              Have a ripper you lot!!!
                              Nicey I have no fricking idea what you said above but it sounded very exciting :H
                              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                                Underoos and Friends - March

                                Oh the hat thingo. It was an extra item add when I purchased two pair of Oakley frogskin sunglasses. The store ran out of the color gray so they mailed it. It just makes me :H

                                BTW, they are great sunglasses. I've gone through at least six pairs over the last 20 years.

                                Have a wonderful day Undies. Goodnight folks, I'm exhausted!
                                Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

