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Army Thread, Friday 1st March

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    Army Thread, Friday 1st March

    Hi Pinky How is the dissertation??

    Satz that is brilliant it took me ages and ages to be able to do my first 5k. Walk/Run just aim to finish.
    I am also doing 5k in the morning loads of people walk the whole route.


      Army Thread, Friday 1st March

      Hi Mrs A the draft proposal for my dissertattion has been emailed to my dissertattion supervisor 4 her to have a look over and tell me what needs changing. Iam busy doing the reflection on my proposal 1,000 words on how developing the proposal went
      I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
      Audrey Hepburn


        Army Thread, Friday 1st March

        Mick;1471040 wrote: Zenster ..fork handles !!!!!! have you seen the one with the blackberry?Its on youtube title below

        My Blackberry Is Not Working! - The One Ronnie, Preview - BBC One

        It's my absolute fave of theirs Mick! :H[/video]]My Blackberry Is Not Working! - The One Ronnie, Preview - BBC One - YouTube
        for anyone that hasn't seen it...

        CONGRATULATIONS ON 90 DAYS ARSEY!!! Well done that man...

        (I went to pick up my 60 day chip on Wednesday night and they had run out.) :upset:

        Mrs A... :l I'm guessing the kids that just left were living with you. I'm sure the house will feel empty for a while, but think of the peace & quiet you'll have now. I don't know about you but I love being "home alone"... )

        Mollers... How's yer waterworks today?

        Jacks... Nice shoe maneuver... very impressive... :H What kind of shoes are you wearing to work? Maybe switch to trainers or flats to see if your knee improves?

        Waggy... Was your daughter cast in a movie or a play?

        *waves* Helloooo! to everyone else!

        I had a brutal session at IOP last night. I was wondering when it was going to be my turn... lol! I haven't been doing very well on setting boundaries and now the therapist has decided I'm co-dependent... and not just with one person, with a load of people. She's told me I need to get more selfish. I don't think selfish is a good thing so I'm really struggling to wrap my head around this. Anyone have any experience with the same thing?

        Other than that, all is good in the hood. Easy day today seeing as no IOP. And I've finished sorting me closet but the overflow is in the dining room now... argh! I'm going to go to the gym and do a bit of shopping at the mall. I haven't been to a mall in yonks. I'm finding myself doing stuff I didn't use to do... been to the library and a nature preserve in the last week. First time in the library where I live. Mollers will be shocked!


          Army Thread, Friday 1st March

          I felt like I had dropped a bomb on the page with that massive post! Hahaha...

          Yoo Hoooo Pinky, Satz and Whizzy!


            Army Thread, Friday 1st March

            howdy zenners, how the feck are ya?
            I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
            Audrey Hepburn


              Army Thread, Friday 1st March

              Bloody hell Zenners that was a big post.
              Well done you on making big changes. Not too sure how I would cope with a brutal IOP session.


                Army Thread, Friday 1st March

                I'm doing good Pinkypoo! It was a huge adjustment this last month after coming home but I've settled in now. Being an all day every day drinker, it was touch and go coming home and they were worried about me but I can honestly say that I have no cravings throughout the daytime which is a bloody miracle. I still get pangs in the evening but it's manageable... but I find myself getting very introspective when I go to bed and I lie there thinking about shite! LOL

                How are you?!


                  Army Thread, Friday 1st March

                  anon;1471204 wrote: Bloody hell Zenners that was a big post.
                  Well done you on making big changes. Not too sure how I would cope with a brutal IOP session.
                  It WAS rather an epic post I must admit!

                  You'd be surprised at what we're all learning to cope with therapy-wise. There are still tears being shed but the whole group is learning to take constructive criticism well. The tendency is to get defensive but I'm managing to squash it... lol...


                    Army Thread, Friday 1st March

                    Zenstyle;1471205 wrote: I'm doing good Pinkypoo! It was a huge adjustment this last month after coming home but I've settled in now. Being an all day every day drinker, it was touch and go coming home and they were worried about me but I can honestly say that I have no cravings throughout the daytime which is a bloody miracle. I still get pangs in the evening but it's manageable... but I find myself getting very introspective when I go to bed and I lie there thinking about shite! LOL

                    How are you?!
                    Oi vey! Difficult being normal, eh?
                    I'll do whatever it takes
                    AF 21/08/2009


                      Army Thread, Friday 1st March

                      tiptronic_ct;1471207 wrote: Oi vey! Difficult being normal, eh?
                      Well............................................. YES!!! :H

                      How's you, brutal commute notwithstanding? )


                        Army Thread, Friday 1st March

                        Zenstyle;1471205 wrote: I'm doing good Pinkypoo! It was a huge adjustment this last month after coming home but I've settled in now. Being an all day every day drinker, it was touch and go coming home and they were worried about me but I can honestly say that I have no cravings throughout the daytime which is a bloody miracle. I still get pangs in the evening but it's manageable... but I find myself getting very introspective when I go to bed and I lie there thinking about shite! LOL

                        How are you?!
                        I'm good yeah just studying me little arse off, so not on here much, but been thinking of you's all, sounds like the rehab done u the world of good
                        I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
                        Audrey Hepburn


                          Army Thread, Friday 1st March


                          Ever had the experience of wanting to vomit whenever another person open their mouths and spew shite? Thank feck my SIL had to leave... The cleanup would have been epic had she stayed amy longer than she did .

                          She was putting mum under pressure by telling her how much my father
                          has changed etc.
                          I'll do whatever it takes
                          AF 21/08/2009


                            Army Thread, Friday 1st March

                            I remember all too well how busy I was when I did my degree Pinky. It's a lot of work but it will be worth it!


                              Army Thread, Friday 1st March

                              tiptronic_ct;1471212 wrote: :hallo:

                              Ever had the experience of wanting to vomit whenever another person open their mouths and spew shite? Thank feck my SIL had to leave... The cleanup would have been epic had she stayed amy longer than she did .

                              She was putting mum under pressure by telling her how much he has changed etc.
                              Now why is your SIL getting involved? Shouldn't it be your brother that deals with that?


                                Army Thread, Friday 1st March

                                Zenstyle;1471208 wrote: Well............................................. YES!!! :H

                                How's you, brutal commute notwithstanding? )
                                Kinda up and down. Like you said the other day: I have my own shit to deal with. I'm dealing with it, at least. Which I never did when I was pissed out of my skull.

                                :wavin: Pinkeroo
                                I'll do whatever it takes
                                AF 21/08/2009

