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open letter of thanks

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    open letter of thanks

    Some of you know I have had an interesting week, to put it mildy. I could not have done it with out the support of friends, family and this amazing global tribe. Since finding MWO I have

    1. got sober, which has given me
    2. the clarity of thought to finally see what an appallingly abusive marriage I am in AND
    3. the strength to leave it.

    what can I say guys? :thanks: doesn't really cover it, but, God, thank you all.

    Listen up newbies - this program works.

    Listen up Nobel Prize Committee - give RJ something, please.

    Kate x (like my new avatar? Ellen Ripley. Everything I like in a gal, plus I look a lot like her, except not as skinny.)

    open letter of thanks

    Kate, we all love you,

    Thanks for all the support that you have given the rest of us.

    We wouldn't have achieved what we have without you ....

    Love & hugs,


      open letter of thanks

      Kate, you're stronger than you give yourself credit for.....

      It's great to hear you so upbeat after the trying times you've had recently - keep it up! :goodjob:
      Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


        open letter of thanks

        forgot to say

        Listen up Daniel Craig - if you are reading - I am available



          open letter of thanks

          Kate, I have seen all that you've been through and you seem like you are one tough cookie these days.....and yes, love the new avatar....very fitting
          Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


            open letter of thanks

            Kate, I know I do not know you well but you impress the hell out of me. I wish you nothing but good times in your future. Don't know who Daniel Craig is but hope he is listening!!!!
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              open letter of thanks

              Good for you !!!

              We can mask alot with the alcohol - glad the scales have fallen from your eyes.

              You are a fantastic person and your children are going to benefit so much from the new you!!

              Heres to the first steps of your new life!

              Turn your face to the sun and let your shadows fall behind you (or something like that no good with quotes but its about facing the future brightly and leaving all the crap behind.

              Toasting you with a cammomile tea as we speak!!
              Love S
              PS - guess I will have to face up to my demons soon!!! now you have given me the inspiration


                open letter of thanks

                Serenity that was lovely ...

                Wish that I liked tea ..........


                  open letter of thanks

                  hi kate, good luck on your life of freedom from the booze and the marriage.
                  Im not exactually daniel craig, but more of a graig daniel;will that be good enough?


                    open letter of thanks

                    You know I love ya....I am very proud of you for making this step. I know how hard it has been and will be for awhile. I am here if you need a friend. You are a beautiful person and deserve much happiness. Lots of hugs to you...


                      open letter of thanks

                      Kate, congratulations to you on your journey. Very inspiring.

                      Lush, you goofy girl, Daniel Craig is the new James Bond.
                      Enlightened by MWO


                        open letter of thanks

                        I didn't know who he was either...don't feel bad Lush


                          open letter of thanks

                          Well that explains it. I am not a James Bond fan. Okay, stop throwing stones at me and get back to saying nice things to Kate!!!
                          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                            open letter of thanks

                            Hi Kate,

                            I share the same first AF day as you and I have to say I have read your posts with admiration, a little jealousy and a certain amount of awe at the way you have embraced this new life you have created! Your energy, sense of humour and commitment to not only your changes but to helping others with theirs is a real inspiration. I really wish you all the best on this new stage of your journey to a new life. Being divorced and a single Mum I can promise there will be challenging times ahead, but with your strength and vision for your future I know you'll get there - with all guns blasting and in your own inimitable style! You know where to find us whenever you need ...
                            Warmest wishes,
                            :rays: Arial

                            Last first day - 15th April 2012
                            Days 1-7 DONE
                            Days 8-14 DONE
                            Days 15-21 DONE
                            30 days DONE
                            60 days
                            100 days


                              open letter of thanks


                              Congratulations on your sobriety, that lead you to happier times..


