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Needing support guys .....

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    Needing support guys .....

    Honey it's understandable to have "caved". My heart goes out to you to have to make a decision like that. Be strong-you know you've got all of us behind you, praying for you & your daughter!
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


      Needing support guys .....

      Hi BB,
      You know you don't ever need to apologize for caving BB!! You are loved here no matter what - geez - especially now when you need support! That is a whole lot of stresss. I guess I have a whole bunch of questions - but this is not the right time at all. Just know that I am thinking of you and Kerrie. You can wait right? You don't have to make a decision right away? Although I am not in UK, I would say definitely a second opinion would be in order, but I have heard how difficult your system seems to be there. At any rate, know that I am keeping you in my thoughts. My heart is really just so full for all the parents and children on this site right now. I am keeping you close to my thoughts.



        Needing support guys .....

        another opinion

        i agree with those who said you need another opinion. i thought epilepsy could be managed by medicine? is there a need for this cure?

        have you done any research on the internet at all? people can become really empowered that way, though doctors are not crazy about it.

        unfortunately, if you drink you might not have the energy to do that.

        take that energy and do some researchinstead. you might find there are a number of other options. i am really amazed at how many options there are for various conditions. but unfortunatley, you won't necessarily have them handed to you.


          Needing support guys .....

          BB, no need to apologise for having a drink. *hug*

          Obviously it's a highly personal decision between you and your daughter. Is she coping better with the seizures now that they're less frequent? Is the operation really necessary for her to have a good quality of life? I can see why you'd be scared stiff about the stats.

          :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


            Needing support guys .....

            Good morning all and thanks for your support ....

            As for the second opinions, she sees consultants at 3 different hospitals, and they all agree that surgery is the best option, we have tried several different medications that havent worked.......

            Thanks again, Love you all xx


              Needing support guys .....

              Hi Betty,
              I really don't know what to say, just do what you think is best for your daughter, thats something only a mother knows........Love you loads thinking of you both, i'll keep you in my prayers :l

              Lisa XX
              Elvis is'nt dead, he's in my broom cupboard ....


                Needing support guys .....

                Hi BB, what a decision to have to make!!! And unfortunately only you can make that. I will tell you what happened to my son at birth and the decisions we might have had to make. Due to the hospitals fault my son was born emergency c section and suffered severe brain trauma. He had cerebral bleeds and several seizures. we were told he might not survive or if he did the chance of brain damage was high. What a shock. By some miracle he pulled through. but then they told us they thought he had some abnormal skull formation, this is where the 5 plates of the skull are prematurely fused together. he would need several operations to drill them apart. After several months of sheer hell, backwards and forwards to Great Ormond Street hospital, brain scans etc.. they informed us that he just had unusual but normal brain formations!!! Christ almighty, he was okay!
                My point to you is.... I would have done anything to make my son well and have a better quality of life. There is always a risk to everything we do. Your daughter's risk sounds small but you must weigh up all the options and then make a decision that you really feel will benefit her. I hope everything is going to be okay for you both. Lots of love to you. Bella xxx


                  Needing support guys .....

                  Hi BB

                  If the doctors agree it is best then you need to sit down and clear any questions/your apprehensions with them. Also involve your daughter as well.

                  I'm sorry I can't add any more....but my prayers are with you.

                  Mandy x


                    Needing support guys .....


                    My thoughts are with you and your Daughter,

                    One thing I can say is - try NOT to drink - it will make the process of making a clear decision very difficult!

                    If I am faced with a difficult decision, I try to just sit down and look at it WITHOUT allowing myself to get caught up in the emotion.
                    Now - where that involves our kids - that is almost impossible to do - BUT,
                    sit down and look at the situation as dispassionately as you can.

                    Do NOT allow yourself to get caught up in the mental "OH my god - but what if...." type thoughts - just drop them - they just cloud the issue.
                    Look at the FACTS and ONLY the facts.
                    Ask yourself what a complete stranger to your family would do given the same facts.

                    Then try to make the decision that is right for your daughter - not for you, or anyone else, but for her.

                    Take care love, :l

                    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                      Needing support guys .....

                      You've gotten some terrific advice and support here, so I'm just going to add some prayers, love and hugs to the mix. I know this must be so scary, but try to keep positive, no matter what your decision is.

                      Sending you and your daughter only the best!:h


                      AF as of August 5th, 2012


                        Needing support guys .....

                        Betty Boop

                        No more opinions...just a big huge :l I can't imagine how scary a time this must be. Just hold on and have faith. It sounds like you have many competent doctors who all agree. That should give you some comfort as to where to go. We are all here to support you through this scary time.

                        With lots of love for you and your daughter.

                        formerly known as bak310


                          Needing support guys .....

                          A hug and a wish for the best positive outcome. It seems as though you have done all your research. I think deep down your leaning toward some sort of decision. Just trust God and know you have done your best, as for the wine We've all slipped.


                            Needing support guys .....

                            BB - I know no matter what anyone says it just does not make things any easier, just remember that you and you daughter are in my/ our prayers. God bless you and help you through this.
                            Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending


                              Needing support guys .....

                              BB, Huge hug from me as well! Tons of great advice here. My prayers are with you and your daughter.

                              What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


                                Needing support guys .....

                                Hi Betty
                                I just caught your thread. Please know I'll be thinking of you and your family. You've been such a friend to me, I wish you and yours everything you wish yourselves.

