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Needing support guys .....

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    Needing support guys .....


    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your daughter. I don't think there's much I can add that others haven't. One thought though - have you looked for support groups or could your doctor give you the name of other parents who have gone through this decision who may be willing to let you bounce your thoughts off of them and share theor thoughts with you? If the Drs don't want to give out other patient's names, maybe they'd pass along yours? If nothing else it may give you peace of mind to know you're not the only one who has these fears for their child?


      Needing support guys .....

      Betty and Mini Betty..
      You are both so beautiful and precious.

      Also no advice just tons of :l s sent your way.

      :h Nancy
      "Be still and know that I am God"

      Psalm 46:10


        Needing support guys .....

        BB, Big hugs to you. Your answers will come. Wish I knew what else to say.
        Gabby :flower:


          Needing support guys .....

          A huge thankyou to you all, I feel honoured to know you all.

          Waiting for the apptment for the MRI scan now, so will update you all as it happens.



            Needing support guys .....

            I cannot imagine. But I would reiterate anyone here that said to look straight into the doctors eyes and ask them point blank what they would do if it were their child, mother, sister. I did that when my mom was sick and got a response that made me more comfortable with deciding about a serious experimental surgery they wanted to do on her (she had an inoperable brain tumour when I was 23 and I was in charge of her care).
            Good luck and I will be prayeing for as you are for me. Camper:h
            Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


              Needing support guys .....

              I've asked that question and they all say they would go for the operation.

              Anyway, heres the pictures of her just after the op last august, just so you can see who you're sending thoughts to, thanks again everyone xx

              2 hours after op

              1 day after

              Bless her xx Attached files [img]/converted_files/212574=817-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/212574=818-attachment.jpg[/img]


                Needing support guys .....

                She is so beautiful. :l
                Enough is enough


                  Needing support guys .....

                  lovely girl and you are too Betty!


                    Needing support guys .....

                    Dear BB

                    There is a lot of love and support surrounding you from here. Hold that positive energy close and it will help you. Modern science has opened a lot of gates. My step mother had to have 6 major brain operations just over a year and a half ago. At the time her chances of survival were next to nil. Today she is walking the hills of Scotland with Dad once again, travelling with him and about to make her first trip with Dad to Africa. Have faith and if you are happy with the answers the doctors give you take the path, side by side with your daughter towards improving her life.

                    Thinking of you :l
                    A BushBaby with Attitude


                      Needing support guys .....

                      Gorgeous eyes! - can't wait to see them smiling!
                      Love and hugs :l
                      :rays: Arial

                      Last first day - 15th April 2012
                      Days 1-7 DONE
                      Days 8-14 DONE
                      Days 15-21 DONE
                      30 days DONE
                      60 days
                      100 days


                        Needing support guys .....


                        My heart goes out to you - for what its worth my friend had the neurosurgery after living with epilepsy for so long. He is completely cured now. Advances in medicine mean that people who had to suffer before no longer do.

                        You have a precious beautiful daughter - and you know in your heart what to do.

                        Bless you kind soul and bless her

                        Love S


                          Needing support guys .....

                          Thank you serenity for your kind words & encouragement,

                          It's nice to hear from your friend that it has worked for....


                            Needing support guys .....

                            Betty, I am so glad that you have had the benefit of so many consults. That must ease your mind somewhat. Kerri really is a beautiful girl. Thank you for posting her pic. It does make it easier to know who we are sending our prayers to. It is also nice to hear all the encouraging posts, especially about what the doctors themselves would do if she were family - and to hear about all the successes others have had. You will not be far from my thoughts.

                            Hugs upon hugs,


                              Needing support guys .....

                              Betty, what a precious child , beautiful soulful eyes. My Grandaughter was born with a brain injury. She had to be resesitated (SP) If this had been 5 years ago she would have died. But with alll the advances in medicine.(she was hyper oxyginiated) she is now 15 months and hitting all her benchmarks ahead of schedule. we don't know what the future holds for her, but we have her now. I know it's a very tough decision. But you are one tough lady. what ever decision you make, know your not alone.
                              God Bless You & Kerry


                                Needing support guys .....

                                Betty just wanted to say, your daughter is beautiful i pm'd you earlier......keep us up-to -date on things, i'll keep you both in my thoughts.....
                                Love ya loads Lisa XX
                                Elvis is'nt dead, he's in my broom cupboard ....

