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Needing support guys .....

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    Needing support guys .....

    Hi again all,

    I need to decide whether or not to put my daugher through brain surgery again for her epilepsy, they reduced her seizures last time, so now the docs want to do it again to try for a total cure, but the op is risky so what on earth do I do, I've drank again tonight, not as much as before, but needed to drown the pain....

    Sorry guys, just reaching out xxx

    Needing support guys .....

    Betty, my heart is breaking for you right now. I can't imagine having to make that decision for my child. I would have a glass or two of wine myself.

    How did she do last time and what do they think the prognosis is with the surgery?

    I am sending you strength and love
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      Needing support guys .....

      Oh BB, I am so sorry. What are the risks in comparison to the antipated outcome? How old is your child? I am praying for you...


        Needing support guys .....

        Hey Betty you are making tough decisions, but as the mom you do know whats best. Drs. do not sometimes do what is best. How about a second or even third opinion.

        I am here for you


          Needing support guys .....

          I posted this in mods.....

 risky? and how does your daughter feel about it? ....I have seen her picture and she is definately old enough to have an opinion......sorry things are so stressful right now
          Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


            Needing support guys .....

            My daughter Kerrie was born with epilepsy
            it was caused at birth by some bleeds in her brain, which left scar tissue which triggers off the seizures.

            Last year they operated to remove the scar tissue, to try and stop the cause of the them, at the time she was having 2-3 per week. After the op she is now having only one or two per month, so the neuro surgeon is going to do an mri, and if there are any small bits left then he wants to go in again to try for a 'possible cure'

            It's just so scary, I can't refuse her the chance to be better but I wouldn't forgive myself if anything went wrong.


              Needing support guys .....


              Less than 5% of brain damage & 1% of death ....

              Dosn't sound too bad if its nots your daughter!!

              I'm just sooo really scared!!!! Sorry guys, Its my baby girl and im crying right now xxx
              Betty xx :l


                Needing support guys .....

                Now is the time to just digest all the facts and way the benefits and decision has to be made....take as long as you need to feel comfortable with what you decide....You're a great Mom and I'm sure everything will turn out just fine!
                Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                  Needing support guys .....

                  Oh Betty, oh my Lord, what hell people go through...

                  I have NO IDEA what you should do BUT, I pass on some words of advice once given to me by my friend David who just so happens to be a Consultant paediatric neurosurgeon...

                  he told me that when making serious decisions like this there are two questions you should always ask the doctor / surgeon:

                  1. "Are you sure?", as it forces them to reconsider their view, and

                  2. "If it was your daughter / wife, what would you do?" because it personalises it.

                  It doesn't mean you have to follow the answers they give, but it might mean you have a more informed opinion.

                  Hope this is of some use. My heart goes out to you. Kate x


                    Needing support guys .....

                    Hi BB,

                    I can't imagine what you're going through right now - but can only offer as many :l as you need to help ease it in any way.

                    Is it possible to get 2nd/3rd opinions? Being a Brit too I know our tendancy is to take the doctor's decision without question. Here you're actually encouraged to seek other opinions and it really helped me make a more educated and confident decision with regards to a health issue I had with my daughter.

                    My thoughts are with you during this difficult time and I hope that it won't be long before you and your daughter will be able to see and share the beauty of the 'sunshine after the rain'.
                    Take care and :l :l :l
                    :rays: Arial

                    Last first day - 15th April 2012
                    Days 1-7 DONE
                    Days 8-14 DONE
                    Days 15-21 DONE
                    30 days DONE
                    60 days
                    100 days


                      Needing support guys .....

                      You and your daughter are in my prayers.
                      Reach deep, find your will power.


                        Needing support guys .....

                        well said marcel


                          Needing support guys .....


                          My prayers are with you and your family. I can't imagine the struggle you are feeling in making such an extremely important decision.

                          You will do whatever you think is best, I'm sure it will be the right decision.

                          You are in my thoughts!:l


                            Needing support guys .....

                            Thanks all, tonight I have been drinking, not a good confession, I know...

                            I shouldn't be drinking but tonight I caved, I caved tonight, sorrry guys xxx


                              Needing support guys .....

                              Betty Boop,
                              I have a son who also was epilectic and out grew it. He's mentally retarded but the biggest 285 lb. teddy bear in the world. He has taken dolphin therapy for 11 years to help him speak and is an absolute joy to be around. All liitle kids love him as they somehow know he is a gentle giant. Be strong as god has given you a gift. ( he can beat you at any video game possible). Have they tried drugs such as phenobarbatal or depakote? Surgery just seems so severe.

