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An Unexpected Perk

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    An Unexpected Perk


    I've been logging on for the past month, reading a lot of posts and occasionally posting myself. I'm slowly getting into the routine of the supps , but have not taken campral or topa. I was drinking wine at least five times a week for a few years...It started out as an occasional thing that turned into a full-blown addiction. Since finding this website, I began counseling for depression, stress, etc...and started taking an anti-depressant/anti-anxiety.

    I never really thought about being AF, but definitely wanted to cut way back and feel comfortable with moderating. For the past month, I have managed to do that. I allowed myself one night at home (alone) to have a bottle of wine and one night out to have a few drinks.

    Here's the thing...Last night I drank a bottle of wine at home, and all day today I've been thinking about it. Yes, that first glass was a huge stress-buster, but after finishing off the bottle, I just felt sick of myself...not literally sick, but just sick of it.

    The point is I guess I just wanted to say that this website has really changed the way I think about drinking. I'm not feeling that compulsion to drink on a daily basis, and last night when I drank on my "allowed" night it just didn't feel like the right thing to do. My mindset about drinking is so different that I am consciously and unconsciously talking myself out of drinking. That's such a change and such a positive feeling.

    My new goal as of right now is to let go of that last "allowed" night of drinking alone. I don't want to feel controlled by it even that little bit. And I have to give all of you credit for helping me to really look at drinking in excess as a fixable thing. It's not easy. It's embarrassing to admit you have a problem. BUT it is possible to change it and to improve the quality of your life.

    Thank you everyone for opening up about all of the struggles you face in regards to drinking and for offering support. I plan on recipocating as often as I can!


    An Unexpected Perk

    very nice Julie! sure sounds familiar. the "high" feeling I got from acohol became increasingly annoying and disturbing for me somehow. I think it was because of my more introspective attitude after finding this great site last year and I started to subconsciously realize some things about WHY I'd been behaving as I did. And you're right it won't be easy, although there will be easier times. Be well and keep us posted.
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      An Unexpected Perk


      Last weekend, I drank some on my 'allowed weekend days' and was left with the very same feeling. I think it must have something to do with abstaining during our abs days and feeling the progress with that. This is the sort of thinking that has lead me in part to my other post. Gee this is a great place to chat about this and know that others are thinking and feeling the same things! For this reason, I'm starting to see taht for some, the moderation method could be a powerful thing.

      PS Re other thread, I didn't realise you'd posted this today. Great minds!
      :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


        An Unexpected Perk

        Its not this website that changes your thinking. Its you. Credit where credit is due.

        Im not sure I'd say that finishing off a bottle of wine is moderating though. Now dont take this wrong... I could down more than a bottle in my day!!! Just cos its on a w/end or when you say its ok.. i think a bottle is a lot...

        I reckon there is a lot to think about in terms of when you start trying to get that normal relationship with alcohol.. however you try it.. you address (hopefully) things about why you drink because you think about drink so much.. or think about how to try to cut down.. but it seems like its in a different place in your brain. I'm not sure if this makes sense, but if you are only 'allowed' certain drinks.. you think about it differently to when you just sit back and tilt up the bottle. Part of this is subconscious, but as your body rejoices in the freedom from chemical sabotage.. your brain starts to kick in properly.

        Its bloody liberating... (scuse the french).

        And Bernie, isnt it fools never.....?!!!!! not great minds?



          An Unexpected Perk

          Brigid, Always nice to see you pop in! : )
          Gabby :flower:


            An Unexpected Perk

            Hey Gabs..
            9 months babe.

            huge hugs for you.


              An Unexpected Perk

              I am the same - It is starting to feel "wrong" to drink - even though I am supposed to be moderating too.

              And, if I do have a drink, the "buzz" or enjoyment just isn't the same.
              I do not allow myself more than a couple of drinks nowadays anyway - it was usually after this point that the buzz and the "point of no return" kicked in.

              I used to drink for that buzz - so if I never drink enough to get there, what is the point of pouring the damn stuff down my throat at all?

              I am gradually coming round to the conclusion that perhaps I should just go abs.

              But - my mindset towards alcohol has definitely undergone a MAJOR change in the couple of months I have been here.

              Good Luck

              Take care

              "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                An Unexpected Perk

                Good for you. You are doing great....

