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Army Thread, Saturday 2nd March

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    Army Thread, Saturday 2nd March

    Good marnin'! :l

    Another day under the belt in the life of a recovering person. It's actually getting easier, and the whole repetitive behavioral addictive bullcrap is getting further away. Weird on one hand, the changes, but very welcome.

    I drove my pile of cleared out clothes to a consignment shop today. They told me there was a waiting list until April. Eh? I mean... really?! The woman was so full of herself that all I have to say is I hope they go out of business. Yep! I said it! (But I now understand that my crappy clothes are not very chic in this neck of the woods... so be it... I care not! I'll revert to my plebby self and give them to peeps.)

    And I need a new set of scales. Those old ones can't be right. I threw a perfectly good set in the bin once in a fit of pique... and these are looking like a runner up. HOW did I get so FAT?

    Och... well... fat aside... I'm in the gym again, dodgy knee and all, and muscle memory is a good thing. ) Tyra Banks plus a few pounds... 'tis moi... (minus the booty).

    I'm WIDE awake. Friday night. Normally... well ya all know.... I don't even have to say it do I? But there is a lot to be said for feeling calm. Priceless really.

    I'm going to take one of them there rehab sleeping pills and check out in half an hour!

    p.s. I didn't mean it about the consignment shop going out of business. I'm already suffering for having said it! May they live long and prosper!

    Army Thread, Saturday 2nd March

    mollyka;1471418 wrote: I'm guessing youse have all gone to the leaba's - so just saying nighters, sorry I wasn't here all day, went to the doc then to the movies and a bit of grub and then up to Aftercare - just needed a day out really - hopefully see ye in the morn. have to work tomorrow tho - so sleep tight everyone!!!
    Apologies for pulling you in from the other thread...

    Rehab 101... Never let yourself get dragged in to the maelstrom... It's about keeping yourself calm, well rested and in a good place... right? :l


      Army Thread, Saturday 2nd March

      Zenstyle;1471489 wrote: Apologies for pulling you in from the other thread...
      Drag a few more in - beats talking to your self :H:H
      :hiya: good to see you


        Army Thread, Saturday 2nd March

        Oh yeah... friends are welcome Blondie! I know... the dialogue was getting pretty feckin boring! How are YOU? Seeing as I am ALL ABOUT other people?! :H


          Army Thread, Saturday 2nd March

          OK, off to sleep. Morrowz! xxx


            Army Thread, Saturday 2nd March

            Happy dreams, Zennifer

            Good morning, Army

            It's a beautiful autumn day in Stellenbosch. Despite the fact that winter is looming, this is my favourite time of year. The days are no longer overwhelmingly hot and it's cool enough at night to use a duvet.

            A few slow chores planned, but nothing too hectic. We're supposed to be going to a birthday party tonight, which I'm not really in the mood for. It's a "bring and braai" - which means you have no control over the temperature of the coals and so on. It makes for a pretty crappy bbq. At least it's a pretty decent group of people, so the company should make up for it.

            Mrs. T is off to an early morning game of squash and I'll drop the eldest off at gym when he emerges from his cave. The youngest and I have an aversion to physical exercise, I'm afraid to say.

            Anyhoo... have a lekker Saturday, whatever it is you're planning.
            I'll do whatever it takes
            AF 21/08/2009


              Army Thread, Saturday 2nd March

              Good morning Mr T and all and sweet dreams Zen,

              Enjoy yer day Mr T

              Its work for me so hope place has calmed down


                Army Thread, Saturday 2nd March

                Good morning Army.

                Sounds wonderful in Stellenbosch Tips.

                Feeling a bit down here but will get out and do something positive today. My foot is aching so a bit anxious about running.

                Hope your UTI is better today Molly?

                Go to sleep Zens:l


                  Army Thread, Saturday 2nd March

                  xpost Sweetie enjoy work!

                  Hi to Blondie missed you there


                    Army Thread, Saturday 2nd March

                    Night Zen!

                    Marnin Tipps, Peapea, mrsa :hallo: and the rest of youse in snoozerville.

                    Just about to head out to do me Saturday teaching... then orf to my Aunts tonight and I think we'll be seeing Lincoln. Was alwasy apprehensive about seeing my aunt cos I always just glugged masses of wine... she'd have a fair bit too mind... but she knows i'm off it so that takes the pressure away.

                    mrsa - mind yer foot... dont go causing it more grief, so take care. I didn;t bother with my friday run (other than sleeping in) because i'm got this mini manfwoo thing. May do a half mara race tomorrow... but will see how I'm feeling. I really think it's worth taking a few days off if I have any aches or pains and to get them sorted instead of running through them (tried that before... came off worse).

                    Right away to the sprogs...


                      Army Thread, Saturday 2nd March

                      Morning army. its a lovely mild sunny spring day here for a change. Tipps ur winter is prabably liuke our summer lol. To mrs A and rc i hope you both feel better soon. I get days when i'm a bit down as well. Yestersday i went for a lovely walk along the seafront and beach its was lovely and sunny and always cheers me up a bit. Not much planned for today might just tidy up the gardens but don't think i'll mow the grass till next week. Zen sounds like ur doin well keep it up. Struggling a bit here but so far ok. Well have a lovely saturday i have to go to friggin Tesco soon.


                        Army Thread, Saturday 2nd March

                        Mornin all just jumpin in ..everyone ok?
                        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                          Army Thread, Saturday 2nd March

                          Hi Mick & FF and anyone else not gone to work :wavin:
                          Zenners I have to say for one - please keep posting as I learn a lot from you and what you learned in rehab.
                          Then when Molls & Jacks row in behind- sure 'tis brilliant.
                          FREE REHAB INFO :yay:

                          Off for my first 5k 'race' at 11
                          Now we shouldn't get excited - exciting as it sounds - :H I am only a walk / run person still - but at least I've done the first bit - and moved off the couch eh?


                            Army Thread, Saturday 2nd March

                            Good morning Zennifer, Blondie (nice to see you ) Tipperoooooo, Sweetypea, Our Whizzy, Runners, Mollymoo, Foxyloxy, Mick, Satzuma

                            Just out of me pit so getting the caffeine drip adjusted.

                            Zennifer forgot to congratulate you on your 60 days yesterday. Bus behind yours methinks.

                            oooh Molls a me day, good on you.

                            Satz, at this very moment you'll be strolling your 5K. I'd bet you're having a bit of run.

                            Mrs A, come here while I :l you.Bewdiful day on the Costa del Tyne. Washing's on the line. It's such a lovely sight I have a wee tear in me eye.

                            And me thought for today. I'm just so blooming grateful this morning that I have somewhere to check in with like minded people.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Army Thread, Saturday 2nd March

                              Hi rest of the Army.

                              Feeling a bit better now and thanks for the hug JC.:thanks:

                              Foot a bit better so like Runners I am going to do a half marathon (in Anglessey) tomorrow morning.

                              Mr A bought some tonic (to go with the gin in fridge)as he thought I might fancy a drink to cheer me up. He thinks that I have broken the habit so a few drinks will not harm ARGHHH

                              I wonder how Satz got on?

