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Army Thread 3rd March

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    Army Thread 3rd March


    Having a couch day here. I've come over all poorly with a sore throat, stuffy heid and general feeling of overall crapiness. Watching a Netflix movie called Jesus Henry Christ... the title appealed!... and drinking a vile tasting herbal tea blend for the cold... it is REVOLTING. :yuk:


      Army Thread 3rd March

      feel better sweetie
      I have gotten absorbed in "World Without End" on Netflix...sequel to Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett
      it's really good...check it out
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        Army Thread 3rd March

        I'll check that out, thanks Mama... plenty of time on my hands for Netflix today!

        I reckon I'm going to revert to honey and lemon Mollers. That vile crap is a mix of peppermint, liquorice, rosehips, anise and marigold. Reckon its the liquorice that's feckin it up!

        I'd be HAPPY to be out of a cooking job... well done that man!!!


          Army Thread 3rd March


          A few things:

          1) How are ye all?

          2) mrsa back from her run yet?

          3) sorry would have popped in last night but out with me aunt at the cinema and only had the shaggin phone and was tired and had to sleep cos of a run today and anyway there we go...

          4) PPPPPPPPPPPQP - congrats on becoming a senior member. You sage and wise and funky old timer you

          5) Sweetpea - re your posts earlier this morn, did you get a chance to squint at the 100day thread? FallenAngel posted (see below) which REALLY struck a chord with how I feel I'm dealing with/coping with sobriety just now. It was SO good to see this written by someone who now as around 5 or years sobriety...

          FallenAngel;1471633 wrote:

          Byrd- I can so relate to your recent post of saying how you wish you could show someone their future without AL; that all the struggles to keep from having that first drink is worth the effort, no matter how hard it seems right now.
          I was fortunate enough when I quit, that I had a great mentor & also the personal experience myself of going through a tough smoking quit. One of the greatest lessons I learned & used when I quit drinking was that no matter how dismal life seemed at the present time... this too shall pass
          . I plodded through my 3-4 months of sobriety in a very depressed state, but I knew that the only way out, was through. And so I continued on, knowing that if I just stayed sober, that this dark time would pass. There was no alternative... if I drank, I would be miserable & have to start over at square one... and did I have the strength for that, was the big question. If I stayed sober, I would be miserable for a time, but I knew it wouldn't last forever. And so I held on... held on when I wondered "what's the point", held on when all I wanted was a way to escape from myself, held on because that's all I could do if I wanted to have a life worth living.
          "Keep on for keepin on" was my mantra in those dark days... that's was the extent of my energy at that time... but thankfully, it was enough.
          I broke through the barrier at 6 months... it felt like emerging from a long, dark tunnel into the bright sunlight.
          It's the challenging times of our journey that make us cherish & protect our sobriety. I worked hard to get sober, and I continue the vigilance every single day...
          because the quality of my life depends on it.
          Right - gotta study for a wee bit, but backinapoke.


            Army Thread 3rd March

            Evening from pingu recovered from making a complete tit of herself on the ice this morning.....
            I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

            They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


              Army Thread 3rd March

              mollyka;1472081 wrote: Jaysus lads, are yez all cured or summat?:H
              LMFAO!!!!! :H:H:H Good one!

              Naw... far feckin from it. Once a pickle never a cucumber so I reckon it's going to be around as long as I am!


                Army Thread 3rd March

                Hello Arsey and Pingu! :wavin:

                Mollers... You and me is on the same page as far as cooking goes. I enjoy it and I'm as fast as a speeding bullet... I can get it done while the rest are still on the discussion phase flicking through recipes (something i very rarely use anypore). I used to work as a Chef, kewking for the rich and famous on their mega-yachts in the Caribbean and the Med, so I kaknowz my way around ye olde kit-hen of yore... But......... shhhhhhhhhhhhh.............. ;o)


                  Army Thread 3rd March

                  RunningCourage;1472083 wrote: Yo!
                  Right - gotta study for a wee bit, but backinapoke.


                    Army Thread 3rd March

                    Yer man went off to Costco to get me kitty litter as I am on my death bed (couch) *cough cough* and he came back with some beauty cushions for the sofas. Not enough unfortunately so a second run is underway. I'm in charge of ops, texting on the phone. I feel like a right spoilt beyotch! (But I'm vewwy VEWWY glad I ain't at shaggingcostco right now...)


                      Army Thread 3rd March

                      OMG... just read this. Arsey, she nails it... This is exactly how I reckon it is... The only way out is through, and we just have to make it past the first phase to get to the good bit...

                      "Originally Posted by FallenAngel

                      Byrd- I can so relate to your recent post of saying how you wish you could show someone their future without AL; that all the struggles to keep from having that first drink is worth the effort, no matter how hard it seems right now.
                      I was fortunate enough when I quit, that I had a great mentor & also the personal experience myself of going through a tough smoking quit. One of the greatest lessons I learned & used when I quit drinking was that no matter how dismal life seemed at the present time... this too shall pass. I plodded through my 3-4 months of sobriety in a very depressed state, but I knew that the only way out, was through. And so I continued on, knowing that if I just stayed sober, that this dark time would pass. There was no alternative... if I drank, I would be miserable & have to start over at square one... and did I have the strength for that, was the big question. If I stayed sober, I would be miserable for a time, but I knew it wouldn't last forever. And so I held on... held on when I wondered "what's the point", held on when all I wanted was a way to escape from myself, held on because that's all I could do if I wanted to have a life worth living.
                      "Keep on for keepin on" was my mantra in those dark days... that's was the extent of my energy at that time... but thankfully, it was enough.
                      I broke through the barrier at 6 months... it felt like emerging from a long, dark tunnel into the bright sunlight.
                      It's the challenging times of our journey that make us cherish & protect our sobriety. I worked hard to get sober, and I continue the vigilance every single day...
                      because the quality of my life depends on it."


                        Army Thread 3rd March

                        Hello molls.....
                        I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                        They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                          Army Thread 3rd March

                          It's HARD to leave them alone unattended in the kit-hen! LOL... But peeps get the job done eventually and get a bit of satisfaction out of it if they're not used to cooking all the time. So let 'em have at it I say!


                            Army Thread 3rd March

                            Hello Pingu!


                              Army Thread 3rd March

                              Yoohoo Army, quick pop in to say Hi

                              Had myself a fecking hard week out here in the 'real' world.

                              Thanks for the heads up about not overdoing it here Zenny , I will remember to pull back when I need to. Gotta say though that chatting folks through their problems keeps me on the straight and narrow.

                              Anyhow.........another hard week ahead.......laters.....KY


                                Army Thread 3rd March

                                kuya;1472105 wrote: Yoohoo Army, quick pop in to say Hi

                                Had myself a fecking hard week out here in the 'real' world.

                                Thanks for the heads up about not overdoing it here Zenny , I will remember to pull back when I need to. Gotta say though that chatting folks through their problems keeps me on the straight and narrow.

                                Anyhow.........another hard week ahead.......laters.....KY

                                Yeah... there are two schools of thought Kuya. One one hand, as AA practices, you have to help other alcoholics in order to stay "right" within yourself. On the other hand, if you give too much away you ain't got enough left over for yourself. It's a fine line I guess... and I am sure if and when I reach that balance myself it will feel really good!!! :new: But, to err on the side of caution, keep some reserve in the tank just for thou... :l

