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Chat Room

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    Chat Room

    No one is ever in the chat room when I go there. Is this a coincidence (i.e., my timing stinks), or is that the norm? Realistically, about 200 members log on a day, and I suppose there aren't many from the States. Could that be the reason?

    Chat Room

    Ms - I think you'll find the majority ARE from the States. Check to see if anyone is "using chat" and join in OR hop in yourself and maybe wait for others to join you.

    Don't know if this helps...


      Chat Room

      Don't worry....I quite often log on and no buggar is in chat as I am in NZ and most of the folk here are in usa.... I think a lot of people may use chat when they are at work, as they have access to the internet...if you wait til you get home, maybe they've all logged off then...

      Froglet is right...sometimes, you just have to pop yourself on, and then carry on looking at the boards with the sound turned up on your pooter, then others may wander in when they see your name there, and you'll hear them tinkle along...

      If I see you there...I'll jump in, although with our time difference, I know the chance is pretty slim...sorry


        Chat Room

        Check in the evening, that is when most get in...


          Chat Room

          Hi MsAdventure,
          Chat is funny - it has its busy and slow times. Definitely pop in there though, if someone sees you in there they are more likely to stop by for a chat. You might have to wait a while, but not too long! Also, the time you stop in makes a difference. There are work time chatters, but most stop by after work. So, chat is busiest around 4-11 Eastern time. I think there is a second rush later, but I am in bed by then ... snoozing.

          See you later,


            Chat Room

            Good to see you again Pansy
            missed ya


              Chat Room

              Well I know I definately must be on the wrong side of the world for chat. You lot are sleeping when I'm awake and visa versa. Think there's only about 6 people on line now. A bit like a desert island really. Last time I stayed up and chatted away til 03:30 I was knackered the next morning. Thank God my bout of self imposed excile finishes tomorrow! I think I've lost my voice!
              A BushBaby with Attitude


                Chat Room

                Hi Simey! I missed you too! Hope to see you in chat soon!



                  Chat Room

                  I got into chat for the first time yesterday. It was quite frustating. My typing is'nt that fast and then I picked a color that no one could see. What an exprience! I went into Chat for a little while this evening and everyone was very helpful. Just thought I'ld share...........IAD
                  ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                  those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                  Dr. Seuss


                    Chat Room

                    Hi IAD ... It CAN be frustrating at first. It can be hard to pick colors because you might not be sure what others have chosen for a background. Also, some of us do type FAST ... at blazing speeds actually. But, you will get used to it. There were actually a LOT of people on last night, so there was a lot to keep track of which is very hard at first. Fridays can be busy. Maybe pop on during the week - it is not so busy and easier to get your bearings? Or perhaps if there are quite a few newbies some of us could go to a different room. There are different rooms on chat - that way it would not be so overwhelming! It was nice to see you there though IAD!! The more the better!


