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Army Thread, Monday 5th March

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    Army Thread, Monday 5th March

    satz123;1472669 wrote: Me too knackered RC - I am a bit behind you in the af stakes but is this still the body clearing out do you think ??
    Hi Satzuma, it's me RC, the local lothario :H:H (I wish!!)

    Re the knackered thing.... hmmm ... to be honest i dunno how much of it is (for me) the recovery process and how much of it is me feeling a bit like i'm in a wee rut, and how much of it is needing to take care of meself with all the running I do. I think it's a bit of all three tbh.

    I think with recovering from AL, is that we come across stuff in our life which we would previously have dealt with by nose diving into a bottle, but now have to deal with sober. We may not realise it at the time, but this may use up energy in ways we never did before. Like dealing with any situation - take Quest's interview - facing that sober in the days leading up to it, the day of the interview and the aftermath all sober will tire you somewhat.... it's natural... but if we're not used to it, and instead are used to expending our energy drinking and focussing the following days energy on recovery, we don't actually know what "tired" is.

    You being knackered may be partly recovery, but also partly learning that you DO get tired and have tired days. Have a look around the office and see how many peeps are yawning - honestly there are probably more than you'd think.

    The body's a funny and complex thing.


      Army Thread, Monday 5th March

      Quest for the key;1472682 wrote: I just know :upset:

      Car crash of an interview - well more of an ambush really - made me question wtf am I doing in this industry ? Fed

      The fact is you don't know what they are looking for on the day, you don't know how the other candidates performed. You're perception of yourself is going to be - naturally - highly critical. You're simultaneously battling other stuff (AL), which is going to lower your energy a bit and therefore your ability to see things objectively.

      Questy - stop thinking about it. You cannot change anything. Recognise how you feel, cry and stomp if you want and need to. But DO NOT beat yourself up. You did your best. We all know you did. Beating yourself up is akin to drinking - it does more damage than good. So go and be good to yourself. :l


        Army Thread, Monday 5th March

        I'm still dealing with the shit you talk about but man it is so much easier without either being pissed or hung over

        Tigger practised her trumpet tonight for the first time In months

        And now she is reading......
        I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

        They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


          Army Thread, Monday 5th March

          pingu1997;1472689 wrote: I'm still dealing with the shit you talk about but man it is so much easier without either being pissed or hung over

          Tigger practised her trumpet tonight for the first time In months

          And now she is reading......
          Absolutely - gotta listen to those who have been through this as long as you have P3.

          My mum started playing the flute when she retired - whenever I go round to theirs she is always practicing. Dear love her, but it can be painful to listen to... and then i remember all the practicing i did as a kid and what they had to bear... so must be payback time.


            Army Thread, Monday 5th March

            RunningCourage;1472691 wrote: Absolutely - gotta listen to those who have been through this as long as you have P3.

            My mum started playing the flute when she retired - whenever I go round to theirs she is always practicing. Dear love her, but it can be painful to listen to... and then i remember all the practicing i did as a kid and what they had to bear... so must be payback time.
            LOL :H Karma eh

            RC I said it to Molls recently - you will be the old sage on here in a short time.
            Judging on your last 2 posts - I am convinced of it !
            Thanks for advice today. We were lucky the day you wandered in out of the cold into the Army barracks - a Scottish ragamuffin. You add so much and with such humour - a little treasure :l

            Soppyness over -


              Army Thread, Monday 5th March

              And no I wll not make a joke about your Mam & the flute :H


                Army Thread, Monday 5th March

                Hi Questy...chin up my dear never know..well not long back.....from Manchester on the tram..what a fkin performance!!!!Went to the museum while Julie and daughter went shopping..then went for a trough...very nice..all ye can eat buffet.Then got the tram home..recently opened this line up..tram broke down,it was crowded and to make it worse there was some loudmouth with a bottle o vodka bumping his gums..arsehole...he got kicked off..some 45 mins the tram was fixed..A truly enlightening experience!!!

                Hiya Pings...chin up you too
                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  Army Thread, Monday 5th March

                  Mick;1472699 wrote: Hi Questy...chin up my dear never know..well not long back.....from Manchester on the tram..what a fkin performance!!!!Went to the museum while Julie and daughter went shopping..then went for a trough...very nice..all ye can eat buffet.Then got the tram home..recently opened this line up..tram broke down,it was crowded and to make it worse there was some loudmouth with a bottle o vodka bumping his gums..arsehole...he got kicked off..some 45 mins the tram was fixed..A truly enlightening experience!!!

                  Hiya Pings...chin up you too
                  A good day out then Mick ???:H


                    Army Thread, Monday 5th March

                    Jeez Mick i'd say ur glad to be home what a day lol.


                      Army Thread, Monday 5th March

                      Firefox;1472702 wrote: Jeez Mick i'd say ur glad to be home what a day lol.
                      Now Foxy - don't be laughing at our poor Michael - he doesn't get out often - now we know why :H:H:H


                        Army Thread, Monday 5th March

                        Hello again.
                        Anyone want any fish pie? Made enough to feed the All England Anglers annual dinner. I hate the stuff.

                        Been some great topics today. Don't know where to start.

                        Questy,me darling, the interview is over and done with. Put that in a little box, close the lid and put it somewhere you can't reach it. Oh and have one of these while I'm on :l

                        Anyone else need one,please form an orderly queue. No pushing or shoving, I'll just send you to the back.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Army Thread, Monday 5th March

                          JackieClaire;1472705 wrote: Hello again.
                          Anyone want any fish pie? Made enough to feed the All England Anglers annual dinner. I hate the stuff.

                          Been some great topics today. Don't know where to start.

                          Questy,me darling, the interview is over and done with. Put that in a little box, close the lid and put it somewhere you can't reach it. Oh and have one of these while I'm on :l

                          Anyone else need one,please form an orderly queue. No pushing or shoving, I'll just send you to the back.
                          :wavin: JC
                          Oh Jesus - easter eggs all broken up & yummy on Channel 4 - drooling here !


                            Army Thread, Monday 5th March

                            satz123;1472697 wrote: LOL :H Karma eh

                            RC I said it to Molls recently - you will be the old sage on here in a short time.
                            Judging on your last 2 posts - I am convinced of it !
                            Thanks for advice today. We were lucky the day you wandered in out of the cold into the Army barracks - a Scottish ragamuffin. You add so much and with such humour - a little treasure :l

                            Soppyness over -
                            Shucks. Thank you Satz. :blush: Not sage yet - I need to have completed all the tasks on Reccie's signature before I'm that. Wish I could take me own medicine a lot of the time. Good at the talkin, shite at the walkin :H (When i wis drinking a wis shite at the talkin too :H)


                              Army Thread, Monday 5th March

                              :hallo: Molls

                              mollyka;1472712 wrote: I lurve fishpie - has it got pastry???
                              Nope it's got mash tatties on top.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Army Thread, Monday 5th March

                                JackieClaire;1472705 wrote: Hello again.
                                Anyone want any fish pie? Made enough to feed the All England Anglers annual dinner. I hate the stuff.

