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Army Thread Tuesday 5th March

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    Army Thread Tuesday 5th March

    Morning guys,

    hope life is treating all of u well, got a right carry on with me dissertattion proposal, the teacher wanted a draft by Friday so i sent it in early Thursday, still not got no feedback and its due in THIS THURSDAY , so i'm going to see her to get an extension, fingers crossed
    I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
    Audrey Hepburn

    Army Thread Tuesday 5th March

    I was waiting for someone to start!

    Oh Pinky what a worry:upset: How long can you get for an extension?

    Good morning Army.

    Feeling bright and breezy here after 11 hours sleep


      Army Thread Tuesday 5th March

      I don't know maybe a week, u wanna laugh the woman who authorises the extensions is the woman who hasn't gave me my feedback, lol, so I 'm just gonna turn up to the drop in nd be like i'm all stressed and see what she says, they have a letter off my DR saying if neceessarry they are to authorise extensions cause of my mental health disorder, but i havent had an extension for 2 years, but i bloody need one now

      11 hours sleep sounds like bliss
      I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
      Audrey Hepburn


        Army Thread Tuesday 5th March

        Morning troops.

        11 hours sleep - :goodjob: I was in my leaba and lights off shortly after 10pm... must be all that running malarky.

        hey pinkie, hope you get the extension. Would seem only fair considering you've given them a draft and they haven't got back to you about it.

        back to the grind here. lecture at 9am...then the office... Brekkie's in the Mess hall folks for those still waking up... s'laters :hallo:


          Army Thread Tuesday 5th March

          x-post hey Molls!


            Army Thread Tuesday 5th March

            Oh dear Pinky you may have to pull the Mental Health card!

            Hi Molly hope the Waterworks are starting to get sorted.

            RC I may win my category at races but you are nearly half an hour faster! No wonder we need our sleep:goodjob:


              Army Thread Tuesday 5th March

              Morning army woke up to heavy frost here and another cold morning. Pinky i hope all goes well as you sent your draft in early but i hope it gets sorted. Once again anon and rc well done on your running. Brisk walking is all i can manage. I have to do some shopping and bill paying this morning and later visit a friend in hospital. Library books are due back i think tomorrow have to check as i can do it over the pone. Now for my first coffee.:cat::cupajoe:


                Army Thread Tuesday 5th March


                Apparently spring is here today...
                I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                  Army Thread Tuesday 5th March

                  Good morning Pinkles, Our Whizzy, Mollymoo, Runners, FoxyLoxy, Pinguuuuuuuuuu

                  Get me a cawfee while you're there Foxy.

                  Reckon we're having Spring oop North for the day.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Army Thread Tuesday 5th March

                    Off out now to take kids to school and then running,shopping and cooking!

                    Hello Pingu,Foxy and Jackie. Spring is here too. Lovely to see the sun and blue sky. Where is Tigger??


                      Army Thread Tuesday 5th March

                      Morning Jackie and Pingu its sunny now but the frost hasn't quite melted here yet. Haven't checked the forecast yet but it looks like its going to stay dry but not sure bout spring tempetures yet. Anyway have a good tuesday i best start getting fready to head out. Back later some time.


                        Army Thread Tuesday 5th March

                        It's left over fish pie tonight. Gawd I'll be glad to see the back of it.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Army Thread Tuesday 5th March

                          I hate fish pie

                          But I have lost 4 lbs this week. I will not be a fat cow in I've got a big concert sat and a dress to for into..
                          I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                          They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                            Army Thread Tuesday 5th March

                            Hellooooo all! Will ready back later today. Today is one week for me and I feel great. Thanks for all your support and welcoming me back. I posted last night for my phone, but something went wonky and it deleted! That was how my whole day went. HORRIFIC. Being in publishing is really ridiculous. People are crazier that me. (I know, scary, right?) When I got home my eldest had cooked dinner and dessert - and we all sa at the table TOGETHER. It was wonderful. Really changed my mood! Then C (my middle daughter) came to be so upset saying her best friend's mother (my good friend) had sold their One Direction concert tickets because she was offered a good price. These girls have been looking forward to this for over a year - my daughter had a "counttdown to 1D" calendar in her room! She said that they needed the money, which is fine, I undrstand, but she actually gave her daughter the money to "go shopping". WTH? I felt so sad for C. But this is my friend who also has a drinking problem but won't do anything aboutit except say "Yeah, I need to stop". It is sad, because I remember making poor decisions under the influence and regretting it later. I know she will too. "There but by the Grace of God" go I, right? Oh well, I am learning to let go of things and people I have no control of and concentrate of the things that matter. This was a good learning experience, but I still am sad for my sweet daughter. Anyway, sorry to ramble. Off to get ready for work.
                            February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                            When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                              Army Thread Tuesday 5th March


                              Gawd... right... so work is asking me to be there for an important meeting on Monday April 8th... which as it stands I am flying back from Dublin that day.

                              Bloody hell. I have only just requested my Annual Leave - including this day off, and now they come and say, ehm... can you NOT work this day - it's not a school day, so you wont be at your posh skool (my freelance job)...

                              So, sure if i had thought in advance I maybe could have said that this was my day off... and then they'd have been buggered without me...

                              but now i'm thinking, maybe i just change the dates of the flight (and pay the extra) cos it IS an important meeting and to not be there wouldn't look THAT great on my part. I feel I am already slipping in the organisation. My mojo isn't there as it once was... this would just hadd grist to the mill of my superiors that "Arsey aint pulling his weight for us..."

                              So... only flight I could afford to change to would leave at 6.30am on the 7th... Just wondering what the plans were for the meet... this is proving now a wee stress for me :stomper: :upset: ... but you gotta :H yeah?


