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Antabuse and antidepressant. Do I have to take both?

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    Antabuse and antidepressant. Do I have to take both?

    Hi. I'm 32. I was on a Zoloft couple of times for just a few month and both times felt that it didn't do much for me. I've been drinking for years and now realize that my sort of "depression" (I don't think I'm really depressed like some people who are really in trouble) was from alcohol all of this time. Feeling unmotivated and lazy, not working out, not doing much with my kid, fighting and picking on my husband...
    This time I decided to quit for sure. Went to my doctor and opened up about my addiction. She was very nice and suggested I try wellbutrin and also Antabuse. I really like an idea of antabuse and actually just took it after two days sober. (I read all posts possible about this drug and now feel better and not as scared taking it). But wellbutrin puzzles me. I feel like I know for sure that I will get better from just not drinking on my own without help of antidepressants. I cleaned house today, spend all day with my kid, went couple of stores. Feeling better already, just after couple of days..

    Antabuse and antidepressant. Do I have to take both?

    Hi Iolanta and Welcome!

    I, too, am on Antabuse and have been for YEARS. My doctor also prescribed Prozac, which I take. I agree that a lot of the "depresssion" stems from drinking. I certainly don't feel depressed, but I continue to take the Prozac because stopping abruptly is not good, and also, it actually may be working, which I wouldn't find out until I stopped. You did good by going to your doctor and being honest. Antabuse has saved my life. You should head over to the Newbies Nest, there are lots of folks there in all stages of recovery.

    Again welcome...we're glad you're here!

    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      Antabuse and antidepressant. Do I have to take both?

      K9Lover;1473464 wrote: Hi Iolanta and Welcome!

      I, too, am on Antabuse and have been for YEARS.

      Hi Iolanta and K9. I've posted the question in the meds section but haven't had any replies and wonder if I can ask you both about Antabuse and how careful you need to be with everyday living whilst taking it? I spoke to my doctor who is going to prescribe it once I've had blood tests (apparently it's dangerous to take if your liver function isn't good). He told me that I will have to be careful using deodorants, perfume and even shampoo and has suggested that if I eat in restaurants I need to ask if any of the food has been prepared with alcohol in it - which seems strange because I thought that alcohol evaporates during the cooking process.

      If I start taking it, it isn't something that i will want to be advertising to everyone I meet - so it would be really embarrassing say for example we were invited for supper at someone's house, discovered they had put a generous splash of wine in the bolognaise sauce and either not eat it or start hyperventilating over the table :H

      Would love to hear how you get on with it. :thanks:
      Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


        Antabuse and antidepressant. Do I have to take both?

        Hi, Snapdragon, I also heard these things about antabuse and was wondering about it. Well, I've been taking it for two days now. Yesterday night was first time. I have this cleanser that is a pure alcohol - I wipe my face with it every day. So I did today as usual and nothing happened. About alcohol in food I agree it should evaporate, BUT? I read on one of the posts that this women's husband drank O'Duels n/a beer and was sick.. So, I mean, situations will happen, but I think it's worth it.
        I tried using Naltrexone, you're not suppose to get sick when drinking on it. But it just never gave me this peace of mind knowing you can still drink. I was still planning on drinking as usual. Here is a different story, you sort of stop planning on when and what to drink and starting to think of something else to do instead..


          Antabuse and antidepressant. Do I have to take both?

          Hi, Snapdragon, I also heard these things about antabuse and was wondering about it. Well, I've been taking it for two days now. Yesterday night was first time. I have this cleanser that is a pure alcohol - I wipe my face with it every day. So I did today as usual and nothing happened. About alcohol in food I agree it should evaporate, BUT? I read on one of the posts that this women's husband drank O'Duels n/a beer and was sick.. So, I mean, situations will happen, but I think it's worth it.
          I tried using Naltrexone, you're not suppose to get sick when drinking on it. But it just never gave me this peace of mind knowing you can still drink. I was still planning on drinking as usual. Here is a different story, you sort of stop planning on when and what to drink and starting to think of something else to do instead..
          Oh, and I also put quite a lot of perfume on today. Maybe it's just because it was a first day there wasn't a reaction? But I hope not and it's all good..


            Antabuse and antidepressant. Do I have to take both?

            Hi Iolanta

            Many thanks for getting back to me - and GOOD LUCK with the AB. I can't wait to get it, but am going to have to wait a while because the earliest my DR surgery can fit me in for blood tests is 16th March and they won't prescribe it without.

            That's a relief about being able to use perfume etc - being AF would be great, but don't want to be smelly with it!! :H Let me know how you get on. How long did you have to AF before taking it - I've been told five days.
            Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


              Antabuse and antidepressant. Do I have to take both?

              Hi Snapdragon,

              I have never had a reaction to anything other than (drinking) alcohol. I use perfumes, soaps, lotions, cleansers, hair color, etc, problems. Just be aware of what you are using and consuming at first. I actually forget I'm even taking it at this point, unless of course I think I'd like to drink, then I realize I can't and the discussion in my mind comes to a complete stop! That's why I love more inner-battle.

              Good luck and let us know how you're doing!

              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                Antabuse and antidepressant. Do I have to take both?

                I took both, a did K9, and never had any reactions to anything but booze.....
                AB gave me headaches, though
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem


                  Antabuse and antidepressant. Do I have to take both?

                  K9 what about sauces though? Like madeira wine sauce on chicken "madeira" at the restaurant?


                    Antabuse and antidepressant. Do I have to take both?

                    Snapdragon, I waited 1,5 days and took it at night and never had any reaction. I read on other thread that smb had a 12 pack and few shots last night and took it the next morning. And they had very mild reaction. But paperwork on this drug tells 12 hours, so I would say one day will be safe.
                    Also I too needed to have blood work done and I couldn't wait, so I just asked my doctor to send a request form directly to the diagnostic place and give me an address. You do all blood work there the same day and your result will already be ready when you go to your appointment on March 16th or earlier (it takes 3 business days). Otherwise you will have to wait few more days after it and pay AGAIN for office visit!


                      Antabuse and antidepressant. Do I have to take both?

                      Hi Iolanta - I'm in the UK and the only way round the waiting system is for me to go to the hospital blood clinic. I did this before though and had to wait four hours to be seen, so I think I'll wait til the 16th.

                      One of my family's favourite recipes is beef in red wine. I put a joint of beef in the slow cooker with vegetables, stock and about a third of a bottle of red wine and leave it cooking all day. It tastes amazing and not of alcohol at all (I'm sure it would cook off over such a long period of time). I wonder if this would still be safe to eat.

                      Like K9 suggests, I think I will be careful for the first few months. How are you feeling on AB? Do you still crave AL or because you know you CAN'T drink does it take that horrible inner battle out of the equasion?
                      Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


                        Antabuse and antidepressant. Do I have to take both?

                        Hi, Snapdragon. Today is day 5 on it and I didn't crave it much. I thought I had a craving one night, so I took Glutamine. It helps a lot with cravings. Other then that I was so productive and active these days. I feel awesome. Oh, I had a dream where I was planning to have two glasses of wine with my girlfriend, but then it hit me: I can't drink! In a dream! So I guess even my subconscious getting used to a fact that I'm taking these pills and can't drink


                          Antabuse and antidepressant. Do I have to take both?

                          Antabuse myths?

                          First of all, antabuse works by changing (stopping) the way alcohol is metabolized when INGESTED. It has nothing to do with external alcohol content i/e/ perfume.
                          As for cooking with alcohol studies have shown that yes the alcohol is burned out of the food so to speak, and there are no worries unless you are eating food doused in alcohol after cooking, which I seriously doubt is the case.

                          There is also no known interaction with SSRI antidepressants with antabuse. You are right however that depression and alcoholism go hand in hand and should be evaluated carefully after stopping drinking for some time.

                          Like K9 I take it too and it has saved my life. Dramatic maybe but true nonetheless.

