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Any somewhat young people unmarried (25-40) with 0 kids here

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    Any somewhat young people unmarried (25-40) with 0 kids here

    I think that makes alot of difference at least in my case.

    I would like to hear stories and discuss.

    So much of this is situation dependant. Not trying to pick anyone up but that is where I am at.

    Any somewhat young people unmarried (25-40) with 0 kids here

    Hi Underachiever,

    I am 40 with 1 kid. Does that somehow disqualify me from understanding what you may be going through? Maybe some of us "older" folks have some words of wisdom for you. I am 435 days sober today. Let us know how we can help you!

    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      Any somewhat young people unmarried (25-40) with 0 kids here

      A little because honestly you have a daughter that you love more than anything so it kinda does.

      as I said in another post, I want 2 things, great job and great girl. If I have those, my others endeavors would go away


        Any somewhat young people unmarried (25-40) with 0 kids here

        Underachiever;1474000 wrote: as I said in another post, I want 2 things, great job and great girl. If I have those, my others endeavors would go away
        You are hoping anyway. There are plenty of people around here that have a great job and a great girl...AND a drinking problem.

        Maybe you should address the alcohol as the problem first, then your other goals may fall into place.

        Good luck.
        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          Any somewhat young people unmarried (25-40) with 0 kids here

          K9Lover;1474005 wrote: You are hoping anyway. There are plenty of people around here that have a great job and a great girl...AND a drinking problem.

          Maybe you should address the alcohol as the problem first, then your other goals may fall into place.

          Good luck.
          Hello Underachiever - I can understand why you would like to relate to others in the same situation as yourself - but I have to agree with K9 that generally a drinking problem isn't situation specific and you really need to look at it and deal with it separately.

          For example, do you drink because you're bored, or lonely - because surpringly there are still times when you can feel bored and lonely when you have a great job and a loving partner. What will you do then - have a drink? Or perhaps you drink when you're stressed - believe me, having a good job and a great girlfriend definately won't put and end to that either. If you don't address your drinking first - then there's also a good chance that the good job and gorgeous girl won't hang around for long either!

          By the way I'm 46, have three grown up children, a lovely husband, a beautiful home and run my own very successful business - AND I have a drink problem!!
          Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


            Any somewhat young people unmarried (25-40) with 0 kids here

            Underachiever- I can understand how you think if you had a great job and a great girl averything would be fine. But, let me tell you a little about myself.
            I'm 36. When I was in my 20's I had a drinking problem. I'm now in my 30's-I have a drinking problem. When I was single, I drank too much. I'm married now-still drink too much. Of course before I had kids I got drunk alot! Guess what, I have 2 kids now, didn't slow me down. Oh, when I was working-went to work with hangovers. Now, I stay at home, but I was still drinking.

            Alcholism is not situational. It will follow you, hunt you down, and take and take until you decide to deal with IT. No job, girlfriend, or a nice steak dinner is going to get you sober.


              Any somewhat young people unmarried (25-40) with 0 kids here

              Hello Underachiever,

              There's a famous quote by someone... "wherever you go, there you are".

              Maybe, you should decide on 'how' you want your life to be, not what you want 'in' your life.

              Shelby says it all about the ages/stages. Before you know it, you'll be over the age bracket you think you will relate to.

              Oh, and another thing to think about is that if you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got. That's a no brainer me thinks.

              Is it a sober life you want? If you are already feeling that AL is an issue, it will not only continue to be so, it will manifest.....

              Bes tof luck in your search for YOUR truth my friend!
              It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
              Mother Theresa


                Any somewhat young people unmarried (25-40) with 0 kids here

                I am 22, turning 23 next month. I have no kids. I also have a good job and an amazing partner. But I still drink too much. I think the hardest part of drinking too much as a younger person with no kids is that none of your peers see it as an issue... if your married with kids shit seems more serious i guess Honestly I wish I could just stop speaking to all of my friend and clean myself up, but I have to do it on my own or they tell me i just need to control it better... which i cant


                  Any somewhat young people unmarried (25-40) with 0 kids here

                  Shamefuldrinker;1475160 wrote: I am 22, turning 23 next month. I have no kids. I also have a good job and an amazing partner. But I still drink too much. I think the hardest part of drinking too much as a younger person with no kids is that none of your peers see it as an issue... if your married with kids shit seems more serious i guess Honestly I wish I could just stop speaking to all of my friend and clean myself up, but I have to do it on my own or they tell me i just need to control it better... which i cant
                  I remember those days well. I wish I had cut down back then so I did nothave to go through what I did to get to this point. Life is too short to go through it in a haze, even if it means losing some friends. If the friendship is based on partying, it isn't much of a friendship. Been there and done that. Got the teeshirt. Was not worth it. I wish you the best of luck. At least you are seeing this as a problem now. You are way ahead of the game. But it's a choice you have to make. I hope you make the right choice. You are worth it.
                  February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                  When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!

