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My Turn To Be Ticked Off!

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    My Turn To Be Ticked Off!

    GREAT post Bella!!!

    I too am an alcoholic and a smoker...I don't go out to bars any more, so I for one will be patronising (in it's nicest sense) yours and Deets NA bar.....
    I'll have a greek yoghurt smoothie with rasberries bananas cardamom and honey please bartender.....set 'em up.....

    And will be sat outside drinking it in the gutter with a pile of roll ups surrounding me


      My Turn To Be Ticked Off!

      actually Weemelon that doesn't sound so bad. cardamum is a sweet fragrant spice....I'll try it and report back. dang. we have no bananas today.
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        My Turn To Be Ticked Off!

        here ya go determinator:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:


          My Turn To Be Ticked Off!

          of course they would be smokers. go fiqure:H


            My Turn To Be Ticked Off!

            Mojo, really now. smoking bananas? that's just wrong.
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              My Turn To Be Ticked Off!

              smoking affects us all. even the fruit. when will it end. next he will be in a daq and the whole world will have gone to sh*t! sigh....and all this time i thought it was global warming and nuclear bombs. my whole life has now been changed by the smoking banana!



                My Turn To Be Ticked Off!

                Good morning. Sadly i have missed last nights banter, sorry, i mean plans for the non-drinking bar we are setting up. I was busy thinking hard in my office, (my bed) and have come up with a few ideas you may want to chew over.
                There will be a sign outside announcing that we are pleased to announce we are a non-drinking pub. Along side this- there will be a set of rules;

                1. Anyone entering the premise with alcohol will be severly dealt with by our fully trained staff who are at all times armed with paint-guns.

                2. this is a bar exclusively for MWOers. However guests are permitted after a full history is taken and only after being cleared by a MWO senior member.

                3. We provide 100 computers and 100 lap-tops for your enjoyment. these are always conected up to the internet 24 hrs a day. Please make full use of this.

                4.We provide a large areas where activities take place. A libary, an arcade consisting of pool-tables, fruit-machines, table-tennis, bowling, jute-box, and many more.

                5. We also have several small quiet corners where punters are encouraged to talk to eachother over a drink. Or just simply sit and bite nails, twist hair, tap feet and fingers, and generally enjoy the atmosphere.

                5. An extensive menu is provided, cooked by our top chef Determinator. Any thing you fancy can be catered for.
                Smoothies galore.
                Lime and soda
                Diet lemonade
                Orange juice
                Tomato juice
                tonic water
                ginger ale ......the list goes on

                All our drinks are made using pure ingredients and limited sugar content.

                Now , for the smokers amongst you.
                There is a very stylish area, fully air-conditioned, where you can partake in a relaxing smoke alone or with friends. Ash-trays of the highest quality chrystal are on every table and you will have no fear of upseting the non-smokers as there is a fine glass partition segregating you from the cleaner living fellows amongst us.

                We are here to please all members, especially the MWOers who we feel provide a huge contribution to our bar.

                Finally, we are proud to inform you that we have no record of any violence on or outside our premise. there has naver been a fist-fight, a drink thrown over someone, a glass smashed. And believe it or not, no one has ever fallen over!
                Our facilities are of the cleanest I have ever seen.

                I hope you can spend a few hours with us. For thoses or you who like to stay up late on the internet, sleeping beds are always avaiable.

                Any more ideas?????

                Bella xxx


                  My Turn To Be Ticked Off!

                  Well the statement about 'no one ever falling over' will be broken if old flipper feet melon gains entrance......I can trip over amoebas!!!!! With or without the vino tinto!! And don't forget, I we may have a sort of giant pinball game going on.....anyone who 'heads' me into a goal though is in for BIG trouble.....

                  I like the smoking room ......I wasn't looking forward to an evening in the gutter, gazing through the glass like a poor orphan at all the 'clean lunged folk'......

                  I am a bit concerned about the limited sugar though....I have changed my diet vigorously over the last three months, but CANNOT do without my dark through 200 gms of the stuff on a 50 minute bus journey home the other night....gaaahhhhhhhh...I am thinking of changing my name to weecacoabean!

                  And can we pleeeese have a giant 'twister' mat and lots of videos of the older tom and jerrys to watch?????

                  Ta Bellsybubs.......gee're gonna have to get one BIG bank loan


                    My Turn To Be Ticked Off!

                    ok dark chocolate has been proven as an antioxidate (spelling) if consumed in small amounts. i think this should be allowed. i dont wish to be bowled over by a choclolate jonesing melon.

                    i also feel we should be pet friendly,since so many of us love our little furry pals. of course if you are allergic that medicine will be passed out at the door.

                    i would like ot have an outside area for when it nice outside. maybe we can have a garden club.

                    we should also have a nice kitchen that is patron friendly. i may feel the need to cook for everyone. of course i would bring my own ingredients,since bella has taken out a huge loan. or perhaps pot luck once a week would be nice to share recipies. extra sugar should be allowed on this day.

                    as many of you know i used to sell water treatmen equipment, therefore i will install the proper stuff so we dont have to have crappy ice and water. water is free and should be of the finest quality.

                    in order to keep down cost perhaps we could donate chairs, couches, hammocks, and anything else deemed useful.

                    a small gift store for our own your own bussines people to share their wares with the rest of us, a small portion of the profits to go to the charity of their choice.

                    no religion or politics! enough said.

                    maybe a fireplace. i dont know where this bar is gonna be but my toes get cold in the winter.

                    all i can think of right now. i shall return with more ideas!:l


                      My Turn To Be Ticked Off!

                      Wonderful mojo, will catch up later


                        My Turn To Be Ticked Off!

                        Weemelon, a big twister mat? only if we have some avacado green bean bags! how cool.
                        ok, one problem folks.....I'll never want to leave so we'll need sleeping arrangements.
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          My Turn To Be Ticked Off!

                          drinking versus smoking

                          This thread really strikes a chord with me.

                          If you quit smoking, everyone tells you it is such a wonderful thing. Smoking is discouraged whereas alcohol is encouraged at almost every social occasion. Those who abstain feel stigmatized and try to hide the fact they are drinking something non-acholic!

                          How crazy is that! From reading these message boards, I think it is clear that for many of us the social stigma of NOT DRINKING and the need to explain abstinence are big obstacles to getting well... I personally have been pressured after saying I didn't want a drink in certain situations.

                          For someone with a drinking problem the temptation is often irresistable. If society had a different attitude toward drinking, it would be easier.


                            My Turn To Be Ticked Off!

                            You are encouraged to drink, but can't drink to much. It is odd....if I were trying to stop smoking no one would be offended and I wouldn't be labeled if I refused a cig.


                              My Turn To Be Ticked Off!

                              I know, it is complete madness. And I would love these attitudes to change. But hey, I'm only a weak willed old alchy, who would listen to me? Apart from all you wonderful guys of course. Keep positive everyone, Il ove having you all out there to share my thoughts with. B


                                My Turn To Be Ticked Off!

                                I agree so much with your 'rant' it is one i have often, though usually in my head, while driving. I do a lot of thinking while driving. I was watching TV with my daughter the other night and their was a lot of drinking going on in the program. She asked me if I found it hard to watch (she is thirteen) and did it worry me. I told her that some of it I found funny and made me remember funny times but other parts werent so funny. Mostly I said that I was just very very grateful that I didnt drink like that anymore. Before I finally acknowledged that I was an alcoholic I told my husband how annoying the beer ads were and how hard it must be for alcoholics to watch them when they were trying to give up. This I said with a glass of wine in my hand! Fifteen months on, no wine glass in hand and I still find the ads annoying.

