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Army Thread Monday 11th March
Army Thread Monday 11th March
Molls are you going tomorrow :shocked:
Didn't realise it was that soon.
Shoulda got the Shellac nails Molls - ever had them ? completely dry when you leave - tough & lasts 2 weeks.
If you can get them done over there I'd HIGHLY RECOMMEND them!!!
Army Thread Monday 11th March
RunningCourage;1476086 wrote: Afternoon... just back from skool via the running shop to procure a new pair of running shoes.......... ?95 :upset:
Yo zenny - you alright? Never knew you were a boatie person. I once had dreams of living in a canal barge. It'll never happen... but likes to dream does me.
Right... gotta continue with my poem writing for Uni... it was a toss up between an essay on a Shakespeare play or writing a 100 line poem in heraldic couplets .... thought the latter sounded less to do.... :H:H Have written 6 lines and that's taken two effin feckin days :H AND... I have to read a Jane Austen novel by Friday... like, I thought this semester was gonna be more chilled, but no...
But first... food!
Running - work & Uni - :goodjob:
Army Thread Monday 11th March
Evening Pings, Satz, Mrs A and all :wavin:
Not long in from work, sore, tired and hungry. Had a real crappy stressful day which really had me wanting a big box of poison to block it out. Thankfully didnt stop at offie on way home but will need to find a new way to unwind/switch-off after work. Strike that i need to get a job somewhere less bloody hectic...:upset:
Never heard of shellac nails- wots them?
Arsey - big congrats on 100 days :goodjob:
Army Thread Monday 11th March
Evening all and how are yous?
Haven't been awake long meself. Had to have a big tin of pea and ham soup when I got back and then a climb under the duvet and I'm still not warmed through.
What the feckity feck heraldic couplets
Go on give us an example, Runners.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Army Thread Monday 11th March
anon;1476142 wrote: Awake again after 2nd sleep.
Sorry you have no one to talk to Pingu? Anyway hello from here!
Shellac nails are fab Satz.
Is Molly packing? Or still working?
Evening Army:l
What do you know about hormones after the menopause
Apparently they change your whole make-up and hence why, despite eating all healthy grub and no al - training in gym a lot & "jogging" a bit for months - I haven't lost an ounce :upset:
Army Thread Monday 11th March
sweetpea29;1476149 wrote: Evening Pings, Satz, Mrs A and all :wavin:
Not long in from work, sore, tired and hungry. Had a real crappy stressful day which really had me wanting a big box of poison to block it out. Thankfully didnt stop at offie on way home but will need to find a new way to unwind/switch-off after work. Strike that i need to get a job somewhere less bloody hectic...:upset:
Never heard of shellac nails- wots them?
Arsey - big congrats on 100 days :goodjob:I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way
They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....
Army Thread Monday 11th March
sweetpea29;1476149 wrote: Evening Pings, Satz, Mrs A and all :wavin:
Not long in from work, sore, tired and hungry. Had a real crappy stressful day which really had me wanting a big box of poison to block it out. Thankfully didnt stop at offie on way home but will need to find a new way to unwind/switch-off after work. Strike that i need to get a job somewhere less bloody hectic...:upset:
Never heard of shellac nails- wots them?
Arsey - big congrats on 100 days :goodjob:
Army Thread Monday 11th March
satz123;1476151 wrote:
What do you know about hormones after the menopause
Apparently they change your whole make-up and hence why, despite eating all healthy grub and no al - training in gym a lot & "jogging" a bit for months - I haven't lost an ounce :upset:You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi
Army Thread Monday 11th March
satz123;1476151 wrote: Hi Ms A.
What do you know about hormones after the menopause
Apparently they change your whole make-up and hence why, despite eating all healthy grub and no al - training in gym a lot & "jogging" a bit for months - I haven't lost an ounce :upset:
Army Thread Monday 11th March
FreeFly;1476156 wrote: Evenin all. Satz, I had the joys of early menopause and am now post. I signed up for fitness training beginning of Jan and go 4 nights a week (missed just a few), healthy & low carb diet and haven't lost an ounce either :upset: Perhaps one day it just all disappears in one big go
Army Thread Monday 11th March
satz123;1476163 wrote: :hiya: FF - God I hope so ! Pain in the bum!I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way
They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....
Army Thread Monday 11th March
anon;1476159 wrote: They reckon "The Menopause" is the blame for loads of stuff. I still reckon losing weight is down to what we eat and how we exercise. When I was a child it was so rare to see a fat person. It is so hard in our society now when yummy food is so available and we drive around in cars.:upset:
Older women were fat Mrs A were they not ??:H:H