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Army Thread, Wednesday 13th March

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    Army Thread, Wednesday 13th March

    It's an early start to the thread but I doubt I'm going to be awake for long and wanted to stick me beak in seeing as I hadn't a chance earlier. (It's still Tuesday here...)

    I missed Mollers leaving on her holliers... I think I have her mobile on the desktop p.c. but that ancient piece of doo-doo has been a right bugger lately so would one of you Army Mamas mind texting or PMing it to me. Lewk... yer duties are already ramping up! Afore ye ken it ye'll both be run right ragged!

    'Twas a good day for me today. Re-arranging of furniture and throwing out of more crap in the morning, AA meeting at noon, rehab mate over for lunch after, swift bit of shopping (this has to stop... I'm doing exactly what Mollers did when she got out of rehab and I'm spending me last farthing in the shops...), IOP with a graduation tonight (cake and everything) and home to an empty house due to heavy schedule on the other half's part and sitting here happy as a pig in shite in an unpopulated, clean house... with new rugs. And a few new chachskis. *ahem* The spending really has to stop though, it's not good and it's on me credit card... :upset:

    It beats the alternative though. Me at my worst... I could go days and days without leaving the house... just had to make sure I had enough booze, cat food and human food in. And mixers. And fags when I was smoking (as I am again, argh... tomorrow (14th) was my quit date last year... I cry). And I'd hole up and drink... and drink.... and driiink....... Pass out, wake up, and start drinking again and repeat over, and over, and over. It was a lovely lifestyle... NOT!!! How can anyone say "I miss that"??? Takes some kind of masochist to want that for themselves. Or someone that thinks they deserve no better. Hmmm.....

    Anyhoo! Happy Hump Day! I could actually sit here and tap away at my lappers for ages right now... I gotz the chattys going on... but I can't be overwhelming yiz with a mammoth post before you've even got a caffeine buzz going!

    Have a good day... XXX

    Army Thread, Wednesday 13th March

    Zennie, you were freaking me out for a sec as its still Tues. here too (same time zone). I have some Aussie friends who post on fb that they've had their coffee when I'm sitting down to dinner. WTF - stop it!!

    Someone who thinks they deserve no better. Hmmm, I have to think on that for a while. That could explain a lot in my life. But how do you break that cycle, if its all you've ever known?

    I'll check back when it's really Wednesday for any insights anyone has.

    G'night army.
    Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


      Army Thread, Wednesday 13th March

      Hahaha... sorry about that Siren! I'm in Florida so on a similar "goodnight" time to you... )

      Yep... somebody that thinks they deserve no better. I've been hashing that one over in my noggin for a bit. It really does seem to be my MO. The only way to break the cycle is through recognition... understanding yourself... and forgiving yourself. Easier said than done, I know.


        Army Thread, Wednesday 13th March

        I just made a three cheese omelette for the "late one"... I'm a saint! I knew it!

        Dear Jackie,

        When you get up tomorrow can you Cannonize me.

        Thank you.

        Zenners XXX

        p.s. What should I wear?


          Army Thread, Wednesday 13th March

          Hey Zen! How you doing? You could cut up your credit card you know. :H
          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
          AF - 7-27-15


            Army Thread, Wednesday 13th March

            Good evening Zennie, Siren & Nora and good morning all to come

            It's good to be back home, but not so great to return to the daily grind. A very busy day ahead, so nose to the grindstone...

            Have a happy Hump Day, all!
            I'll do whatever it takes
            AF 21/08/2009


              Army Thread, Wednesday 13th March

              Morning guys

              Zennie, I have been on a spending frenzie too. And it feels goooood but I must curb it

              Having a very busy week, but a good one. Feeling all rejuvenated from my trip.

              Is there any update re the meetup?
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                Army Thread, Wednesday 13th March

                Omg up half the night with dodgy tummy and am three lbs lighter than this time yesterday. Feel drained lol......I wanted to lose weight but not Like this
                I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                  Army Thread, Wednesday 13th March

                  morning all..hope all is well ..jeez pings hope you are feeling better
                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    Army Thread, Wednesday 13th March

                    aye thanks Mick I feel Ok today think it's a change in diet and a few other things... anyway it all escaped last night, at the time it wasn't funny but this morning I feel strangely relieved

                    My ink is a bit stingy today, it had its first shower this morning and it's always a bit of an ouchie morning...
                    I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                    They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                      Army Thread, Wednesday 13th March

                      Good morning Army
                      :goodjob:Zen sounds like you are on the right track
                      Nice to see you Starty
                      Sorry about the tummy troubles pingu.:upset: Are you in competition with the Queen?
                      Hiya Mick found any money down any chairs lately?
                      Hi to everyone else See you later


                        Army Thread, Wednesday 13th March

                        Everyone else including Nora, Tips and Siren!!

                        Off to the running track with the lads


                          Army Thread, Wednesday 13th March

                          anon;1476990 wrote: Good morning Army
                          :goodjob:Zen sounds like you are on the right track
                          Nice to see you Starty
                          Sorry about the tummy troubles pingu.:upset: Are you in competition with the Queen?
                          Hiya Mick found any money down any chairs lately?
                          Hi to everyone else See you later
                          I think I beat the queen but I won't go into too much details....

                          just visualise losing 3 lbs from yesterday morning to this.... and me in tears four times during the night begging it to stop......I bet HRH didn't do that, oh and trying to puke in the bath at the same time... gross

                          anyway the good news is I think it's all out, and I bought a nice top in Fat Face sale to wear in Dublin... and it's NOT purple... but my jeans may well be
                          I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                          They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                            Army Thread, Wednesday 13th March

                            Morning all! Still feeling poopy Pignu (and JC - where are you? ) - so sorry!! My back iand neck are a bit better this morning and I slept all the way to the alarm, which in itself is a miracle.

                            Zen - haven't really said this lately, but I am so proud of you. You are doing great. I am on day 15 today. Have no cravings or anything, but find myself eating like a pig. Dang! Need to calm down on that or I will look like a cow soon.

                            Anyway, I am working from home thankfully today. I just could not deal with the commute. I will check back in a little while

                            Have a great day!
                            February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                            When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                              Army Thread, Wednesday 13th March

                              Good morning Zennifer, Siren, Nora, Tipperoooooooooooo, Starterroo, Pinguuuuu, Mick, Our Whizzy, Waggers.

                              I'z here, I'z here. Dodgy tum and everything although it seems a lot better today.

                              Dear Ms Zennifer.
                              Just two things.
                              Why do you want to be canonized?
                              And what size cannon will I need.
                              Kind Regards.
                              Mrs J C

                              Oh Siren, I know what you mean with the deserve no better thing. Stick in a bit of hideous low self esteem and that was me all over. Getting a fair bit of sober time and a lovely counsellor made the world of difference. The world is mine (all mine I tells ya, all mine) and I now choose how I use it.

                              Oooh and I feel a great big hug for all of yous coming on .............................

                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009

