I missed Mollers leaving on her holliers... I think I have her mobile on the desktop p.c. but that ancient piece of doo-doo has been a right bugger lately so would one of you Army Mamas mind texting or PMing it to me. Lewk... yer duties are already ramping up! Afore ye ken it ye'll both be run right ragged!

'Twas a good day for me today. Re-arranging of furniture and throwing out of more crap in the morning, AA meeting at noon, rehab mate over for lunch after, swift bit of shopping (this has to stop... I'm doing exactly what Mollers did when she got out of rehab and I'm spending me last farthing in the shops...), IOP with a graduation tonight (cake and everything) and home to an empty house due to heavy schedule on the other half's part and sitting here happy as a pig in shite in an unpopulated, clean house... with new rugs. And a few new chachskis. *ahem* The spending really has to stop though, it's not good and it's on me credit card... :upset:
It beats the alternative though. Me at my worst... I could go days and days without leaving the house... just had to make sure I had enough booze, cat food and human food in. And mixers. And fags when I was smoking (as I am again, argh... tomorrow (14th) was my quit date last year... I cry). And I'd hole up and drink... and drink.... and driiink....... Pass out, wake up, and start drinking again and repeat over, and over, and over. It was a lovely lifestyle... NOT!!! How can anyone say "I miss that"??? Takes some kind of masochist to want that for themselves. Or someone that thinks they deserve no better. Hmmm.....
Anyhoo! Happy Hump Day! I could actually sit here and tap away at my lappers for ages right now... I gotz the chattys going on... but I can't be overwhelming yiz with a mammoth post before you've even got a caffeine buzz going!
Have a good day... XXX