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Army Thread, Wednesday 13th March

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    Army Thread, Wednesday 13th March

    I read back on this thread just now and its like you were speaking in code...or chinese. Didn't understand a damn

    Got us a new Pope. Argentine which is good, Jesuit which is good, but super conservative which for me is bad. And very old. Another strike. I want a young Pope that can keep up. I am a Catholic, but not a good one, and not one without issues with the church. We'll wait and see I suppose. We can only hope he can clean up the big damn mess they have made of everything. OK off my soapbox.

    Having corned beef and cabbage tonight since I apparently did not gorge myself enough on Sunday! Hope everyone has a nice night. Smoochies and hugs to you all.

    February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

    When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


      Army Thread, Wednesday 13th March

      anon;1477236 wrote: Anyway Satz I Ove you two. How is the empty house working??
      Book me in for Odessa

      Been running today with 2 boys who see me as an Icon :H
      And rightly so :goodjob:
      Night night


        Army Thread, Wednesday 13th March

        Hiya and Biya Runners and Waggers,
        Orff to feed Mr JC.
        Sleep tight Mrs A. :l
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Army Thread, Wednesday 13th March

          satz123;1477241 wrote:
          POPE, POPE,POPE
          Yep reckon them 3 wans was up to no good back there RC !!!
          How you feeling today?
          Am ok thanks Dr Satz. Still a bit stunned - we all are obviously about Ross. It's that weird thing where, yer sad, feel so much for his family and what they must be going through, trying to work out all the why's... but you know life goes on... and you continue to do what you have to do and by doing so feel strangely guilty. It's misplaced. I or anyone shouldn't. Just the way it is.

          Like part of me wants to stay away from here.... but that might just raise unnecessary concern. So i'm here, wavin :wavin: to say I'm ok.

          As it's a site for us who have had issues with the booze... it's not something I've been drawn to these past two days. Actually there was a way bigger pull to drink with just seeing two former drinking buddies drinking together earlier today than when I had to deal with finding out about me friend dying. But I know 6 months ago I would have used it as an excuse to increase my drinking amount a wee bit...


            Army Thread, Wednesday 13th March

            x-post - happy feeding time JC.

            Nighters mrsa


              Army Thread, Wednesday 13th March

              RC - I am sorry about your friend. (((((((you))))))))))))
              February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

              When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                Army Thread, Wednesday 13th March

                Rabsy it doesnt matter soon as one goes another one popes up :H:H:H:H

                Molls message ..she is getting the ferry from Playa to the island of La Gomera..(an island of Tenerife..the home of the whistling people)
                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  Army Thread, Wednesday 13th March

                  Evening one and all, new job is bloody hard work while training so I've been reading but saying nowt.

                  Hope all are OK
                  AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                    Army Thread, Wednesday 13th March

                    RunningCourage;1477250 wrote: Am ok thanks Dr Satz. Still a bit stunned - we all are obviously about Ross. It's that weird thing where, yer sad, feel so much for his family and what they must be going through, trying to work out all the why's... but you know life goes on... and you continue to do what you have to do and by doing so feel strangely guilty. It's misplaced. I or anyone shouldn't. Just the way it is.

                    Like part of me wants to stay away from here.... but that might just raise unnecessary concern. So i'm here, wavin :wavin: to say I'm ok.

                    As it's a site for us who have had issues with the booze... it's not something I've been drawn to these past two days. Actually there was a way bigger pull to drink with just seeing two former drinking buddies drinking together earlier today than when I had to deal with finding out about me friend dying. But I know 6 months ago I would have used it as an excuse to increase my drinking amount a wee bit...
                    Listen RC take a break from here if it helps. I know life going on here as normal must be hard to keep up with and be your usual cheery self. :l
                    So take time out - be with your friends - remember him together.
                    We'll know you are safe and come back when you are ready.:h


                      Army Thread, Wednesday 13th March

                      Zenstyle;1477083 wrote: Sitting here sipping on a Swiss Chocolate flavoured cawfee... I've been drinking way too much coffee and will need to address that at some point too. Always work to be done, feckit... lol

                      In other news, I don't know if the Z-Pack (Zithromax antibiotic) is as popular over there as it is here... but yesterday the FDA issued a strong warning that it can cause fatal irregular heart rhythm. I've done several courses of it, last one being in January.
                      Are you kidding me??? That's the antibiotic I always take because I'm allergic to so many. :upset:
                      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                      AF - 7-27-15


                        Army Thread, Wednesday 13th March

                        Nora, how lovely to see you. Twice in one day.

                        Mmmmmmmmm Runners. To stay away or not stay away, that is the question.

                        Often felt like just buggering off meself. I've logged off in tears of frustration at times but yet I'm drawn back day after day. Perhaps it's maybe the day that I actually say something or read something that helps myself or others.

                        Just my thoughts.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009

