As always lately, I'm laying low around these boards, keeping in check but I keep slipping up. I will be seeking help yet again. It's just that things are so frustrating and overwhelming lately. I work full time, am a student full time, I take care of myself, my boyfriend and dog, finances are crazy and I am getting calls from collections but can't do anything about it because I don't get paid that much in general and on top of that my boyfriend and I are getting "kicked out" and we have to find a new place ASAP and we have vacation coming up to see my parents and that makes apartment hunting that much more stressful and we have no money saved up!! And I'm fat!!! (
Okay okay - enough of my pity party rant...
Therefore, I go back to drinking...
I have noticed something more though. I feel like the last couple months I am a totally different person. I am ALWAYS annoyed with people. And I do mean always. And I get frustrated so easily. Could it be the booze? I am sure it could be. Someone just called me grumpy today and I thought to myself that I never used to be this way. I am under so much stress and hate the way I look and I am doing nothing to change it right now. I just feel like I have completely spiraled out of control and this time I don't know how I am going to get back on track. I am always tired and just becoming depressed and I know alcohol doesn't help in the grand scheme of things but for those couple of hours I feel content. Because I forget all my bullshit.
I'm sorry. I just needed to vent. Just needed somewhere to air this out because no one else knows that my drinking is a huge part of this and I was doing so well. I feel like my personality had changed. Like I have changed.
That's all. Thanks for reading.