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Tonights the night

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    Tonights the night

    one week tonight since i found this site.

    I've drank to excess every night while learning to navigate my way around.

    Tonight is going to be my last night of shame.
    tomorrow im going A/F for as long as i can,(intentions are one week).

    With the help and support of this site i think it will be a little bit easier than ever before, not that i've ever lasted more than a day, but i think tonight is the night.

    Im already four pints up and got another eight to go.

    My S/W says if i can go A/F for a week she'll get me on a corse of campral, but only if i'm supervised for the first three days.

    How did campral work for any of you guys?

    Tonights the night

    Good luck Brightfield! I never tried Campral however I have heard it has worked wonders for many.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      Tonights the night

      Talk to the lucky ducky about campral bright...she is the expert...why don't you pm her???
      Honestly...she'll be the biz
      Good to hear that you've spent the week doing some good reading....hope the messages sink in my friend...the help is there...treat yourself to it, and do yourself the best favour in the world

      Give yourself health, happiness and a sober life with a peaceful mind....
      Right behind you bud, keep posting
      Weemelon xxx


        Tonights the night

        Brightfield. All the best,

        You can do this xxx

        Love & hugs to help you through


          Tonights the night

          Brightfield, my last drink was on the 7th and after detoxing (owch) I got on campral and also they figured I'm a depressive type so they gave me citalopram. I've abstained since (mind you I really WANT to abstain) and so far....super! I feel wonderfully good and no cravings physically (the mental ones I can handle and they're not even bad). talk to your doctor. and if you've been drinking heavily every day you may need to do a monitored detox for your own safety (your blood pressure can go off the charts when you stop suddenly). I'm glad that I did so as the pounding in my chest was really frightening. Take care and keep us posted. and most importantly: Congradulations! We are all behind you.
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)

