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Army Thread Saturday 16th March

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    Army Thread Saturday 16th March

    satz123;1478373 wrote: You've been looking after people all your life from what I hear - now is YOUR TIME. Enjoy it all.
    Feck the needy :H
    Joking of course - help where we can but do not take on their problems as ours I say !!

    The End
    Ahhh, brilliant! Yep, that's it in a nutshell.

    You're all giving me a good reason to be up at this bloody time!


      Army Thread Saturday 16th March

      tiptronic_ct;1478376 wrote: Skivverville comes to the nuclear family unit :H
      LMFAO!!! I would bet my house on the fact that Skiverville and I would have a right laugh in person! I spotted the bint when she first joined. I can pick a good horse, n'est pas?!!! :H


        Army Thread Saturday 16th March

        Zenstyle;1478375 wrote: Remember when my Ma came to stay for 3 months? It's happened a few times but the last time I was almost sprinting through the airport wheeling her chair to make sure she made the flight. I am SUCH a bad daughter... :upset:
        Don't worry: you look like a saint compared to my dipshit, fuckwit, asshole, wanker, ***wishes he remembered more of Oney's choice phrases*** brother.
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          Army Thread Saturday 16th March

          tiptronic_ct;1478379 wrote: Don't worry: you look like a saint compared to my dipshit, fuckwit, asshole, wanker, ***wishes he remembered more of Oney's choice phrases*** brother.
          Ach he's just a pillock. (Good Scottish phrase to replace Oney's verbage...) And don't forget "tosser"... that rolls of the tongue quite nicely.

          He needs to stop sending his wife to do his dirty work!


            Army Thread Saturday 16th March

            Zenstyle;1478382 wrote: Ach he's just a pillock. (Good Scottish phrase to replace Oney's verbage...) And don't forget "tosser"... that rolls of the tongue quite nicely.

            He needs to stop sending his wife to do his dirty work!
            And the unforgettable 'poxfecker' of course.
            I'll do whatever it takes
            AF 21/08/2009


              Army Thread Saturday 16th March

              tiptronic_ct;1478384 wrote: And the unforgettable 'poxfecker' of course.
              Oh yes... lol! Poxfecker!

              I may have to go and drag her over from Facebook! Kicking and screaming...


                Army Thread Saturday 16th March

                Somebody feckin call?
                "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                AF 10th May 2010
                NF 12th May 2010


                  Army Thread Saturday 16th March

                  one2many;1478389 wrote: Somebody feckin call?
                  Cheeses twice! ONERS!!!! ARE YOU PSYCHIC OR SUMMAT? :H
                  I'll do whatever it takes
                  AF 21/08/2009


                    Army Thread Saturday 16th March

                    Aha, The Zennified seeked me out so she did. Top o the morn to ya Tipps. How the bleedin hell are ya?
                    "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                    AF 10th May 2010
                    NF 12th May 2010


                      Army Thread Saturday 16th March

                      one2many;1478391 wrote: Aha, The Zennified seeked me out so she did. Top o the morn to ya Tipps. How the bleedin hell are ya?
                      Och, I'm fine Oney, thanks for asking. Especially now that I'm Mammy-free for 5 weeks

                      Wob still sexually frustrated and in the shit the whole time? :H
                      I'll do whatever it takes
                      AF 21/08/2009


                        Army Thread Saturday 16th March

                        Zenster ..heres one of those quaint little phrases I learnt back home in Bonnie does it ring bells??

                        ya fuckin tube!!!

                        Tips..Don't worry: you look like a saint compared to my dipshit, fuckwit, asshole, wanker, ***wishes he remembered more of Oney's choice phrases*** brother.

                        Ive got one of those too!!!
                        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                          Army Thread Saturday 16th March

                          Ha ha he is still half frustrated, I can do the sober sex thing now, quite good at it actually, well a far cry from the sack of spuds mode i was in for so long.

                          I am doing great, have my own little business with healing crystals, I am teaching also and so very busy (have turned into a bit of a workaholic I'm afraid.

                          Good to see the Army thread alive and licking xx
                          "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                          AF 10th May 2010
                          NF 12th May 2010


                            Army Thread Saturday 16th March

                            Hiya again, Mick

                            Oners, I believe you and Starty had a great time in Glastonbury? Good to hear things are well. And the little ones? Not that Adam is so little any more. I don't keep up with things on Facebook. In fact, I deactived my profile some time ago.
                            I'll do whatever it takes
                            AF 21/08/2009


                              Army Thread Saturday 16th March

                              one2many;1478389 wrote: Somebody feckin call?

                              Fookez moi... that worked better than I anticipated! :l


                                Army Thread Saturday 16th March

                                Mick... I haven't familiarized myself with the word "tube" but I feel it may become part of my vocabulary!

                                Oners... Brill to "see" you! XXX Did you and Ms Starts have a good time last weekend? Any pics?

