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Army Thread Saturday 16th March

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    Army Thread Saturday 16th March

    Greetings to all, too many names to list seperately!
    wow- I have learned so many "new" terms today...had to writee some down and look them up. Comes of being in a small world, i guess. It's Saturday AM, 7:30,a nd unusually for me, I am at work until noon or so. Then, if the weather holds, i am thinking about breaking out my bike and going for the first pedal of the season. Not a long one, maybe 15 miles or so.
    OTM- I think I remember you from way back.

    ?Alcohol removes inhibitions - like that scared little mouse who got drunk and shook his whiskers and shouted: "Now bring on that damn cat!"-Eleanor Early


      Army Thread Saturday 16th March

      Yo BHOG,

      Once seen never forgotten our Oney.

      Shopping done,

      Just seen there's yet another rugby match on at 8pm.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army Thread Saturday 16th March


        Just been reading back over yesterday's thread. Re the numbers for Dublin, I make it 15...JC, whizzy, panno (hope she's still planning to be there), P3, starty, me, arsey, mario, tabs, foxy, oney, molly, sweetie, satz, and limers. Or did I get that wrong?


          Army Thread Saturday 16th March

          Recluse;1478510 wrote: Afternoon

          Just been reading back over yesterday's thread. Re the numbers for Dublin, I make it 15...JC, whizzy, panno (hope she's still planning to be there), P3, starty, me, arsey, mario, tabs, foxy, oney, molly, sweetie, satz, and limers. Or did I get that wrong?
          Back from a pleasant but gruelling 20 miles followed by a gentle swim.

          15 sounds great for Dublin Reccie:goodjob:


            Army Thread Saturday 16th March

            Get this.. A crap pub in town offering...

            Burger and beer ?4.09
            With soft drink instead ?5.09

            And they wonder why there's a drink problem in this country?.?
            I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

            They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


              Army Thread Saturday 16th March

              Hey all - what an odd day this has turned out to be! I have a lot of really annoying, super nervous energy today (not the good kind and not coffee-induced). Been cooking and cleaning like a banshee. Full moon kind of feeling I guess. Not PMS (Sorry TMI) Wonder what's up!?! Not craving a drink or anything, but feeling very, very off. Don't like this one bit.
              February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

              When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                Army Thread Saturday 16th March

                I'm back.
                Well done Ms A on the run -AWESOME
                I did a walk in Phoenix Park with my sis. Very sedate altogether

                Reccie - Do we know Oney is going ?
                Don't remember her saying yes - didn't mention it today.
                Starty either ?
                Oney seems very busy these days - maybe someone will ask them !

                Also is Panno going ? Has she booked flights ?


                  Army Thread Saturday 16th March

                  Dear Oney,

                  I am new here since you were last here but you seem to have caused a very positive raucous in the barracks this morning. I've never seen Jacs take so bleedin long to get her backside off the floor having fallen from her seat. She often falls from her seat. Anyway, my name is Arsey - yes, that part of your anatomy that shit comes out of on a daily basis. But Jacs calls me Runners - something that can come out of ones arse anyway, so it's kinda apt.

                  Anyway, I just thought i'd say hello. :hallo: You know, cos it's polite and all that shit. (But not the arsey kind of shit, cos that's just rank. I'll leave Mick to lower the tone to such depravity.:H)

                  In other news troops, well... I'll let you guess...

                  What's that Dr Satz?
                  Yes! You're right, it's a Saturday at the movies. Of the at-home variety. And me PRAYING the young roomies don't come in with drinking pals :no:

                  mrsa - :goodjob: on yer 20 miler! Got a half marathon race tomorrow Right orf for a scuttle aboot the boards...

                  P.s anyone heard from Mushypea at all? (You reading this Peanuts?!)


                    Army Thread Saturday 16th March

                    In other news I bought a size 10 top in the sale...

                    But then got another one in the same shop and had to get a 14

                    I should really have out the second one down but it was really cute.... Until tigger said those lovely words, it will look nice on you when you lose some more weight off your tummy...

                    Kids eh?
                    I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                    They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                      Army Thread Saturday 16th March

                      pingu1997;1478568 wrote: Until tigger said those lovely words, it will look nice on you when you lose some more weight off your tummy...

                      Kids eh?
                      You're old
                      you're bald
                      you have funny hair
                      are you Tintin?
                      do you have children... do you have grandchildren?
                      what was world war 2 like?
                      you smell
                      *snigger* you have earings
                      *snigger* are you a pirate?
                      why do you speak funny?

                      Kids... and these ones aint even mine...


                        Army Thread Saturday 16th March

                        Evening all,
                        Picking meself up off the floor after the England defeat. In fact did you know I'm now Venezuelan.

                        Starty's booked her flight and as far as I know is sharing a hotel with Limers. If Oney doesn't come I'll poke her in the eye with a spoon. Not sure at all about Panno. I shall do my naggity nag best.

                        And where the feckity feck are you Mushypea?
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Army Thread Saturday 16th March

                          pingu1997;1478568 wrote: In other news I bought a size 10 top in the sale...

                          But then got another one in the same shop and had to get a 14

                          I should really have out the second one down but it was really cute.... Until tigger said those lovely words, it will look nice on you when you lose some more weight off your tummy...

                          Kids eh?
                          Hi RC what fillum you watching ?
                          Pings : Kids gotta love them - but never ask for an honest opinion - 'cos you'll get it :H:H


                            Army Thread Saturday 16th March

                            I never asked for her opinion tho

                            It's way too naughty for a lady of my age. The top, not my daughter...
                            I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                            They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                              Army Thread Saturday 16th March

                              Yep, starty is definitely coming to Dublin. She also met up with chill a while back and said chill is going to try to make it. Panno said she was planning to travel, but then she lost her job so I'm not sure. I seem to remember someone (molly?) saying they'd asked oney and she'd said yes, but I could be wrong.


                                Army Thread Saturday 16th March

                                :wavin: We made an early exit from the party. The food was shite and it was stiflingly hot in the venue in any case.

                                So what's the craic?
                                I'll do whatever it takes
                                AF 21/08/2009

