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Army Thread Friday 17th March 2013

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    Army Thread Friday 17th March 2013

    littlepinkcat;1478799 wrote: Howdy satz u skiver, hows tricks?
    Howya Pinkypoo - skiving away like a good thing :thumbsup:
    Awake at this unerthly hour - it's just not right i tell yer !!!!
    Even Ma-free Tippers is having a lie in :H:H:H


      Army Thread Friday 17th March 2013

      satz123;1478798 wrote: Mornin' all
      Happy Paddys' Day Army

      Ms A did you grow up in Ireland - did I know this ???
      Begorra sure 'tis no wonder we love you:h

      Enjoy the race / run - I've lost track of you !:H
      No race today 20 miles done yesterday was a training run for the marathon in April.
      Today I am off to Derbyshire to lead a walk/hike.
      Spent a lot of my childhood in Ireland which is a long story:upset: I have a scouse accent though
      Hi Pinky. Must go and hike the hills


        Army Thread Friday 17th March 2013

        For you Pinky


          Army Thread Friday 17th March 2013

          Ach now I'm really confused... I have the whole insomnia thing going full throttle and it's Friday now too... or is that Saturday my time?!

          Marnin'! Really quick fly by this time as I have to make myself sleep. Insomnia suuuucks!!!

          I have a wee grey cat going free to a good home. He's a bleedin monster! Bloody teenagers... bah! He's been wreaking havoc for two days now.

          Right. The sleep thing... On the morrowz mateys... have a good Sunday and see yiz on the flip side! XXX


            Army Thread Friday 17th March 2013

            satz123;1478802 wrote: Howya Pinkypoo - skiving away like a good thing :thumbsup:
            Awake at this unerthly hour - it's just not right i tell yer !!!!
            Even Ma-free Tippers is having a lie in :H:H:H
            I wish I was skiving I am planning my next report for uni and then away to work at 8.30 am

            u can have a good skive for us eh, lol

            oh did I say I handed my dissertation proposal in, thank god and I also finished critically analysing an article for my researcher job, it was dead hard, way above my head, it was at least masters level but I had a good go, so we will see what they say................................ probs get sacked, lol, (joking)
            I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
            Audrey Hepburn


              Army Thread Friday 17th March 2013

              The brains of the outfit you are Pinky :goodjob:
              Where has Marioooooooooooooo and Tabbers gotten themselves to ????


                Army Thread Friday 17th March 2013

                Mornin to all army folks :hallo:

                Happy St Patricks day to ye all

                Workin the late shift so wont be involved in any festivities.

                Have a good day all xx


                  Army Thread Friday 17th March 2013

                  Morning all! Poor JC - I hear ya. Husbandman has been sleeping in the basement for years. He refuses to use his C-Pap machine, and I am a light sleeper. I have a 1 1/2 hour comunte one way every day, so I have to get rest. He also flips around like a fish on a dock all night long and after years of no sleep, I drew the line. If he would use his machine for the sleep apnea like the doctor said, he would be most welcome upstairs! I actually think he prefers sleeping down there, but THAT is a whole other matter!! lol. Hope you get some sleep friend. I know I am a monster without a few hours at least.

                  Day 19 for me and looking forward to Mass and a day of relaxing. Well, as much as my type A personailty will allow. Hope everyone has a fine St. Patrick's Day! No green beer, wine, anything for me, THAT is for certain!

                  May your day be touched
                  by a bit of Irish luck,
                  brightened by a song in your heart,
                  and warmed by the smiles
                  of the people you love.

                  Love Waggy
                  February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                  When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                    Army Thread Friday 17th March 2013

                    Skating lesson really knocked my confidence....I have none of the pass level 2 next week...but I'm going for a practice weds afternoon so I'll just have to try harder....
                    I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                    They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                      Army Thread Friday 17th March 2013

                      with Waggers on the snoring front.
                      Mr S relegated to spare room when snoring gets out of hand. He began to blame me if I nudged him to turn over.
                      That was it and now peace reigns supreme. He also seems to prefer his space to lie in coprse-like fashion with the gob wide open .............:H win/win on that one :goodjob:

                      The second area of our lives where we need to become selfish.
                      If I have to work - I need to sleep. The End


                        Army Thread Friday 17th March 2013

                        Going to zumba session later. Sounded fun at the time I agreed, but now the weather is totally pants I think I'd rather stay in the warm lol...
                        I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                        They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                          Army Thread Friday 17th March 2013

                          mollyka;1478854 wrote: FFS!!! de yez not tink I'm cofussed enuff! Spent 10 mins lookin 4 Sunday army thread!!! Quick hello and happy paddys day to all - had achully forgotten!
                          Brilliant here - just brill! Amazing brekkies here in barcelo Mick!
                          Hope uz are all great - Orf to the pool now wit Douglas Kennedy ;-) while Joe navigates some cliffs! Laters gaters! Xxx
                          Howya Mollers.

                          The Army are a bit sleepy this morning - but that's allowed.:l

                          Must get the name of your place there and who you booked with etc - in case Greece doesn't come off in June.
                          Flights are too expensive for 1 week ........... Mr S making noise about going for 2 weeks now and I am terrified. not sure I'd be strong enough for 2 weeks - especially there - with little distractions and the rest of the party all drinking as usual.

                          Enjoy the rest of your trip ......................


                            Army Thread Friday 17th March 2013

                            pingu1997;1478913 wrote: Going to zumba session later. Sounded fun at the time I agreed, but now the weather is totally pants I think I'd rather stay in the warm lol...
                            Jesus you're a busy little bee there Pings !! T'is snowing here :egad:


                              Army Thread Friday 17th March 2013

                              It was sleeting and hailstoning earlier. Tiggers going swimming with a friend. Nice quiet afternoon...
                              I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                              They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                                Army Thread Friday 17th March 2013

                                Hello? guess who
                                I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                                To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.


