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Trigger-Response Re-training Exercises!!

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    Trigger-Response Re-training Exercises!!

    Ok, bear with me folks, I think I'm onto something here. Friday afternoon I went to the lab to get blood drawn and mind you I've never been scared of needles. well, about the time she went to stick me with the needle I was feeling very weird and anxious...then I forgot about it. I just thought about it today and I definately know what happned: it was the smell of the alcohol wipe that she used on my arm that hit a trigger! The smell of alcohol to someone with past or present alcohol issues is without doubt a HUGE trigger. So I devised an exercise to try to reprogram my brain over time. I got on my bicycle clothes, and readied my mountian bike. then I went in and had a big sniff from a bottle of rubbing alcohol and waited a few seconds to feel the weird feeling. I then immediately jumped onto my bike and went for a vigorous ride. I smelled the fresh air and the rush of wind in my face was wonderful, the feeling of anxiety almosty immediately vanquished. I kept saying positive affirmations to myself and enjoyed the ride very much. There is strong scientific data showing that the olfactory (smell) is the strongest memory triggers of all the senses that the brain accepts. I'm very excited about this! By intentionally triggering ourselfs and then quenching with a strong positive action we might be able to reprogram ourselves! Whadya folks think?
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)

    Trigger-Response Re-training Exercises!!

    Could have unwanted side effects D

    One day you will be walking past a pub and will immediately have an uncontrollable urge to mug a passing cyclist and steal his bike!

    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


      Trigger-Response Re-training Exercises!!

      I think you are onto something there D , but just quickly on the lighter side- I hope there aren't any alcohol wipes near your nose when you are in a situation where you can't leap onto your bike! eg.. when you are in bed for the night with your good lady wife, in a meeting, in the swimming pool etc...!!!!!


        Trigger-Response Re-training Exercises!!

        D, I think that's great for you,but I have noticed anxiety lately. I go to the doctor to have a injectable put in my face quite often. Normally dosen't bother me at all,this time I had a panic attack. I hade to take 4 valium to calm down enough. I have been getting these injections for 3 years. Started 30 minutes the office. I don't know what triggered it. I was supposed to have blood work done last week but that was rescheduled to this week. Wonder if I'll panic then also. I do disike needles. But back to youisn't it odd. Have you found things like colonge or say vanilla extract would make you feel that way? Not suggesting you become a huffer now . Just curious and keep up the good work
        Loads of Smiles


          Trigger-Response Re-training Exercises!!

          I reread that I meant it started 30 minutes before I got to the office


            Trigger-Response Re-training Exercises!!

            I busted out laughing at the image of you sniffing alcohol real quick, then running outside and jumping on your bike.....:H The things we do to beat this thing!
            What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


              Trigger-Response Re-training Exercises!!

              I'm confused. Shouldn't the smell of alcohol trigger a negative response so I don't want it anymore? The way you make it sound D, alcohol now reminds you of fresh air and good times. Did I just read that the wrong way? No doubt I did, sorry...
              Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                Trigger-Response Re-training Exercises!!

                Satori, that's funny!:H
                Determinator, sounds like it's worth a try. I know the sense of smell is a really strong one, and does connect very closely with emotions & memory.
                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                  Trigger-Response Re-training Exercises!!

                  diditforme....yes, the smell of alcohol does and should present a negative image. my hopes are that by doing something productive that I'm training myself to think of positive avenues for my brain to resolve the issue. if we just end up with the stress of an alcohol stress related trigger and just stew in that feeling I thought that would be destructive and depressing. Mind you this is all very experimental.
                  Bella, you're right, I'll be keeping a mountain bike in the bedroom now
                  Satori, keep your bike locked! I'm on the rampage!
                  Simey, that's odd that you'd have that anxiety all of a sudden...brain is a complex thing for sure. anyway my hopes are that an avenue for mental reconditioning can be put to use using the olfactory (smell) in much the same way that hypnosis uses the aural (sound) senses. Imagine an all-encompasing therapy using all the senses in! It might replace psychotropic medication entirely....?
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)

