I have ADHD, only diagnosed in recent years, and only even more recently came to admit that I have a problem with alcohol.... currently 15 days alcohol free and am realising that the 2 issues are pretty closely linked.
I was doing some reading and looking around and found this blog article on "ADDitude" that really spoke to me, especially this bit:
"I think everyone sometimes has critical and defensive voices chattering away in their heads. But our ADD/ADHD often increases, accentuates, and amplifies that noise into an anxiety-ridden, confusing, dark storm, and a couple of stiff drinks at first seems to work miracles; the volume shuts down, you’re no longer anxious, and what seemed impossible to accomplish suddenly seems eminently doable. That’s what's sneaky about drinking; sometimes it helps in the short run. It does turn off the voices, takes the self-criticism and obsession with all the things you could have done better down a notch, and comforts you by saying, "Hey, no worries, you'll do better tomorrow. Look at all the great ideas you're having -- you're on a roll now, see?" I think an ADD/ADHD brain especially craves this kind of comfort and semblance of peace. And an ADD/ADHD alcoholic’s brain will full-on fight to the death to keep it."