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ADD/ADHD and alcohol

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    ADD/ADHD and alcohol
    I have ADHD, only diagnosed in recent years, and only even more recently came to admit that I have a problem with alcohol.... currently 15 days alcohol free and am realising that the 2 issues are pretty closely linked.
    I was doing some reading and looking around and found this blog article on "ADDitude" that really spoke to me, especially this bit:

    "I think everyone sometimes has critical and defensive voices chattering away in their heads. But our ADD/ADHD often increases, accentuates, and amplifies that noise into an anxiety-ridden, confusing, dark storm, and a couple of stiff drinks at first seems to work miracles; the volume shuts down, you’re no longer anxious, and what seemed impossible to accomplish suddenly seems eminently doable. That’s what's sneaky about drinking; sometimes it helps in the short run. It does turn off the voices, takes the self-criticism and obsession with all the things you could have done better down a notch, and comforts you by saying, "Hey, no worries, you'll do better tomorrow. Look at all the great ideas you're having -- you're on a roll now, see?" I think an ADD/ADHD brain especially craves this kind of comfort and semblance of peace. And an ADD/ADHD alcoholic’s brain will full-on fight to the death to keep it."

    ADD/ADHD and alcohol

    i think the same thing goes on with anxiety/depression,when you drink it goes away for a bit,when you feel that way again the mind automatically thinks of a dink,thats how i feel anyways,its pretty similar
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      ADD/ADHD and alcohol

      I'm sure I know there are many similarities. Anxiety or depression are common in many people with ADHD .... Especially those who are undiagnosed or diagnosed late.
      I did a lot better with anxiety after I started on Ritalin, but I still had the habit of reaching for a drink to get that peace in my brain.
      The first week off drinking that was the toughest thing - my anxiety levels went through the roof. I guess my brain had become so used to drinking to calm anxiety that it didn't know what to do.


        ADD/ADHD and alcohol

        Blossoms this thread is wonderful. I almost started one called something like...AL and being Bi-Polar which I am...

        The chatty Cathy voices in the head are the same I think as they are for ADD, ADHD , Depression...they may say different thing but the extreme discomfort is the same as is the immediate relief we all get from AL.

        I believe that all our AL issues simply cover up an underlying mental illness- and I don't mean One flew Over mental illness- The " I had a crappy childhood so I drink now, never quite rang true for me. Not that some of us haven't had horrendous childhoods: not discounting that at all :l
        But whether the childhood trauma initiated mental problems or we were born with them or they are a combo of the two, It is the ALCOHOL which fixed it all at first. It became our first mental band aid if you will which of course stinks as this particular band was/is incredibly hard to peel off!!

        But once it's off the skin, the underlying mental illness is still there and THAT is the rub IMO as to why it is so frickin hard to get out from underneath AL's pull once the physical addiction is gone...

        I was reading another post that talked about the pink cloud syndrome or the WTF attitude kicking in after the euphoria of quitting wears off... I am going one step further in adding the "WTF do I do to treat this other
        illness which I have stuffed in the drawer for so long...not many tools in the tool, box to cope with that, thank you very much!! " SYndrome...

        Didn't mean to be so long winded here! I'll be quiet now except to say ...I believe while our underlying issues differ, our band aids all came from the same box...
        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


          ADD/ADHD and alcohol

          great post kradle
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            ADD/ADHD and alcohol

            Thank you Pauly, :l

            I felt a bit disjointed and long winded but really that's a lot of what the bipolar does.
            I felt awful in 2007 when I was diagnosed because with this because by then I had spent so long self medicating it took years to figure it out...

            Frankly I can't believe all those counselors, therapists I went to missed it. They always diagnosed depression or anxiety or AL abusburr just te result of aabusiveviolent dad ( which didn't help of course and guess what ? My dad was diagnosed bi-polar!
            But still NO ONE said, "hey! Stop drinking so we can treat you! "

            My girl friend with the horrible divorce actually went to her counseling appointments with a few drinks under her and the counselor was amazed when she ended up in Rehab, like...Really, you have an AL problem??

            Boggles the mind.


            PS- I just heard this completely non sequitur on the radio. The guy said, " Exuse me. Can you point me to the nearest Saloon? I believe I left my intelligence in there...." :H

            Love it!
            On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
            *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
   tool box
   newbie nest

