That's what I love about the book.
So this interpretation that addiction is pure self harm, that's what we all accept. In reality, it can be self medication, with very harmful effects. It's a faulty attempt at helping oneself that results in harm. That's very different from setting out deliberately to harm yourself.
I will say that I am sure this will benefit people who are functional and binge drink and have psych issues, I have no idea about the benefit for chronic, heavy drinkers who are physically addicted.
Surely the term 'self harm' covers ALL these activities and therefore we are debating semantics.
When a person cuts their arms it is a form of self medication with it NOT still self harm?

Alcohol tastes disgusting, cigarettes make you cough and want to puke, anorexia causes painful hunger pangs, weakness etc.
They all have a reward which could be described as self medicating, they are ALL primarily harmful......we had to override the body's instinctual desire to reject the activity......the 'benefit ' came I dispute the validity of your position TBH.
It would be like finding that failed suicide through hanging resulted in the pleasure of auto asphyxia .......then claiming that you were never suicidal. Kinda smacks of denial IMO