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The Kradle Will Not Fall...

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    The Kradle Will Not Fall...

    Someone once said that when you stop drinking, there's no place to go but down....well, when you've been high for a sizable portion of your life, this seems quite logical if not completely true.

    2 solider years of trying to put on the brakes here and while I've slowed way way what's happening is a kind of pressure cooker drinking- stressed, upset, anxious beyond all the tools in the tool box and I reach for one, maybe two to turn down the intensity.

    That's it in a nut shell: I'm trying very very hard to simply ride all the feelings I've stuffed, stifled, avoided, crushed, denied...all those things which most people simply deal with and then get on with the messiness of life.

    Now little by little they are crawling to the surface- I don't know how to do anything be a mom, be a wife, be a friend, be a money maker, clean the house, grow a garden, take a picture, hang a mirror, paint a wall, spell.
    I do know my social security number though...the last 4 digits anyway.

    So hard to acknowledge this, live with this. I know that I only have to pick my way through this forest of failures and I should come the other side. Right??

    Still crying all the time...not drinking....headaches...went to the Zoo light exhibit tonight and just felt...well, very little actually. Was there with the twins and my nephew and his wife and new baby and honestly I wanted to be there with my friends or maybe with someone form here...I love my family but honestly, my nephew married a beautiful woman from the Ukrane whom I think I can honestly say the only thing she likes about The United States is my Nephew and she only likes him because, frankly he doesn't like America much...I had to listen to a full description of the slaughter of Native Americans at Wounded knee- apparently it's the anniversary...really cheery...I wanted to say that the Indians got their revenge at little Big horn but, decided to keep my mouth shut...

    I'm sorry; I'm so tired. I hope tomorrow is better.

    Love you all.
    On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
    *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


      The Kradle Will Not Fall...

      have you been to a doctor and shared these feelings honestly?? Sounds like classic depression to me, especially the crying all the time part.
      Quit faking it and take some time for yourself. You put on this cheery Super Mom face and inside you are breaking in half. You just got through Christmas, which is horribly stressful. And Matt is gone and is getting help for his issues. You are due a good, old fashioned meltdown,. so allow yourself to melt. Mothers always try to overcompensate and be June Cleaver, and it's just freaking impossible.
      Ask your husband for some support. Confide in him, and you may be surprised. I know you are missing your girlfriends, too. can you call one of them and cry???
      Just my opinion and it may be a bunch of bull to you, but please think about it.
      We are here...
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        The Kradle Will Not Fall...

        Well...This Arbinger Therapy is no where near as simple as it originally sounded- In The Box...Out of The Box...self betrayal..self deception...pretty straight forward when I am thinking about Mathieu...when I am thinking about me and how this all applies to me...well, not in any way shape or form so simple...

        This was the second session tonight with Ron and all the other parents form Arivaca. Strange doing group therapy on the phone but you know if you read the material and keep up with what he's saying, then not to bad so far. Tonight we listed all the red flags which tell us we are way in the box- Anger, Blaming, victimising, exagerating....on and on- Geez I must be in The Box
        all the time! :eeks:

        What I am sensing though is words like 'fault' 'Blame', 'Bad' don't have a very helpful place here which sucks becasue these are my most favorite words when I am describing myself...
        Way deep in the box, I guess...and apparantly I have been there for years and years and years and years- looking at absolutely everything through the lens of The Box.
        I feel like I have just been told that I have lived most of my life in a kalidoscope.

        I am definately going to need help getting through this...

        Mathieu wrote this in his weekly letter :
        As I progress in the ranch I feel more like a little kid again.. like I can actually have fun now, and really be happy without some nagging carry box or SJI (Self Justifying Image) to mess it all up.. I'm not doing so well with my horse, but i'm sure by the time you get here i'll have figured it out, its all me and my emotional problems that my horse is mimicking.. nothing I can do about it except change who I am.
        Well, I don't really have much more time as I still have to write a letter to dad and then get started on my schoolwork, I love and miss you so much mom.. Can't wait until our first parent weekend and I am only kept going by imagining the day that I come home. Thank you so so much for sending me here.. I've realized things about myself that I never would have if you didn't...

        Needless to say, I was floored but I was also...hestitant. No one has an 'epiphany' that fast And while some of he writes is very heartfelt...some is rather 'tell 'em what they want to hear...' Nice thing is, no one is fooled over there at The Ranch. I'm not certain Matt has quiet figured that out yet. Still, I cried and cried when I read it. Lip Service or not- It's more progress than I could ever have hoped. He could be running away by now...but he isn't. He's trying.:h

        We had our one on one again with him today as well...God it's like non stop 'let the healing begin' Monday! ;;; He told us more about the things he had done- I feel almost numbed by it- the depth of his self destruction or at least where he was headed when we headed him off at the pass
        so to speak.. Jesus Mary & Joseph- and I ALWAYS thought no child of mine could pull any wool over my eyes...Wrong ! Confesion may have been good for his soul but it kicked the shit out of mine- I don't even want to think about it much less write it.

        Well- must go nag the girls about their final homework- lots to read and process- Damn I'm going to have to actually look
        at myself for God's sake :wow:

        This is just going to be....really be...incredibly difficult.
        Thank heavens I have all of you to keep me straight.
        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


          The Kradle Will Not Fall...

          Thank you for posting. I'm glad your son hasn't run away and is hearing what they're teaching. I've been thinking of you. You posted the "box" books on another thread and one of the things I quickly realized about myself was that I blame others. Thanks for that insight.


            The Kradle Will Not Fall...

            Kradle, my friend
            your post both inspires and terrifies me, since I am the mother of two boys.
            I would like to read your book.....Arbinger Therapy...and I will load it on my Nook this weekend.
            We are here for you and will get you through it. You are literally saving your son's life... you know that, right??
            And good for you for being a wee bit skeptical.....all teenagers are manipulative; all of them.
            I know this is killing you. Our babies mean everything. Please PM if you ever want to talk and I will send you my number.
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem


              The Kradle Will Not Fall...

              Kradle progress is progress. living sober is tough stuff but so worth it. Love ya my friend.
              AF 10/21/2013...ODAT :kudos:


                The Kradle Will Not Fall...

                Kradle - I love you so much. :h:l:h
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  The Kradle Will Not Fall...

                  Thank you so much Krroncarr & Mama. It does help me to write these things down but it is all the more worthwhile when it can touch people. :h

                  The books we are using are Leadership and Self Deception and The Anatomy of Peace.
                  I've finished the first book and I'm into the second. It's such an obvious, simply philosophy but at the same time, deeply unsettling and difficult. Working with The people at Arivaca and the other parents is such a gift.

                  Mama I didn't truly didn't understand the depth of ' 'saving Matts life' but after yesterday, I do now! He talked about wanting to eventually try Meth and run away to live with drug addicts...he saw these choices as completely sane, completely 'OK''s absolutely breathtaking...

                  Getting! I am so so happy to see you. :wd::yay: I missed you a lot :l
                  On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                  *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
         tool box
         newbie nest


                    The Kradle Will Not Fall...

                    Kradle - wow.....yes, you saved his life. What a very hard thing for a parent to do. But, you know you did the right thing. :h
                    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                    AF - 7-27-15


                      The Kradle Will Not Fall...

                      who are the authors of these book kradle??
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        The Kradle Will Not Fall...

                        I had a long response to you written out yesterday Kradle, then someone came into my cubicle for a long time and I lost it! Dang. The overall jist was that I am so proud of you and happy for Matthieu. You DID save his life. When living in a drug den and doing meth seems like a good option, you know it's time to do something drastic...and you did it! :h

                        Love you! :l
                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                          The Kradle Will Not Fall...

                          ditto what K9 said......
                          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                          Live in the Solution....not the problem


                            The Kradle Will Not Fall...

                            ...Still not drinking but still sad beyond words...I told my husband that the only thing keeping me form drinking again is I need to see my children grow up- no other reason. He said he world try to help as much as he could.
                            I really don't think he can but it was nice of him to offer...
                            I wish I had more to offer all the brave, wonderful people I see coming on here lately. It really does take tremendous bravery and also unimaginable hope. But I just can't summon either lately.
                            I want to stay at home all the time. I hate going anywhere and this is just so...not how I have been for most of my life. I don't especially want to go to the store because I am immediately on the defensive- imagining having to meet all the people who have left my life here, the good the bad and the ugly and I'm well. I?m just not up to least not anymore.
                            We are supposed to move from here in the Spring but I told DH that was foolish and futile- nothing will change for me. I can be on 100 acres and it won't matter. Wherever we move to, I end up bringing myself along... The change I need is not external- never was- and the alternative is just completely incomprehensible to me. He said that he hopes, he belives that our work with Arbinger will help me, help our family- that I'll see something about myself I hadn't noticed before...I already know what's there...that's why I drank for so long!
                            Now I have to look at it head on...what fun:upset:

                            Anyway- bedtime :bedtime:
                            On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                            *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
                   tool box
                   newbie nest


                              The Kradle Will Not Fall...

                              Wanted to truly sail away this evening...I should know better than to get anywhere near my sisters nasty, crazy crap but do I listen to myself....NO!!!!! The Arbinger I've been learning so far did help- trying to see them all as people instead of angry objects...still, after reading all those crazy emails back and forth and back and forth between's a tall order....

                              Tired and numb this evening. Didn't drink but.....feel crushed in my resolve here..

                              God this is hard...
                              On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                              *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
                     tool box
                     newbie nest


                                The Kradle Will Not Fall...

                                Hang in there sweet Kradle
                                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

