Thanks you NO Sugar. Thank you Gardner. :l The only positive regarding Bi-Polar Gardner is I have a partial answer as to what the hell is wrong with me...
I wish I could slice off s section of this peaceful feeling I have at this time of night...heading to bed with out a big glass of Rum and Tonic or Wine.. Not waking up in the night, hammered with that immediate htought, 'Oh shit I drank last night.." :upset:
And then of course getting up the next day, without aches and pains, moving straight to the kitchen for a cuppa and water and then over to the computer to start my work day.
Even if I wake up with a headache (mostly from working to much on this darn computer! ) I don't really care because it's not an AL headache...It's a legitimate headache, earned through hard work!

Peace and Hugs everyone. Bed time :l